Dragon God Emperor

971 The Tower of Babel 3



"Ah, ah, ah."

There were bursts of bursting sounds, not screams of horror. After a while, the entire pagoda space was silent, the magic energy disappeared, and the energy dissipated.

The eight demon kings in the void stage were lost, and even the demon souls were completely wiped out. All the treasures returned to Li Qiuyu's hands, and a red flame reduced the eight demon kings to ashes.

"Young master, what's going on?"

Only at this time did Xiao Qiuyue have time to ask Li Qiuyu. She had already seen Li Qiuyu cast her mana, but the formation was not activated.

"It can't be done. Using the mana recovered by the Tianying Pill will not work on this altar. You must use bursts of emptiness to do it. Although the Tianying Pill restores the mana, it is restored by external force. It must be truly Just recover."

Li Qiuyu said seriously, with a wry smile on his face, if this is the case, he will not be able to use the pill after opening the formation.

"What now?"

Ling Ling asked softly, at this time, it is difficult to go up and down. If you want to go up, you must forcibly break the entrances of the four passages. Although the demon king at the entrances was killed by yourself and others, the prohibition on the entrances must be broken , also takes some time.

"You wait, after I exhausted all my mana, I am slowly recovering."

After Li Qiuyu finished speaking, he looked at Xuangui Beast and Cloud Beast. The Golden Armored Beast, Blood Eagle Eagle, Cloud Beast, and Xuangui Beast all knew what Li Qiuyu meant.

With a movement of consciousness, the Dingtian Ruler was put away, and the magic power of the whole body was circulated, smashing towards the Xuangui Beast in a circle, and the Xuangui Beast, which had changed back to its original shape, slapped Li Qiuyu fiercely with a huge claw.

He was merciless in his strikes, because he knew that Li Qiuyu's strength was not simple. If Li Qiuyu was injured by such a grab, then Li Qiuyu would really be vulnerable.


The fist and the huge claw collided together, Li Qiuyu floated up, and the huge black turtle was also knocked back, with a look of horror in his eyes, even though a simple blow, Li Qiuyu's true power has already been seen .

Although my own claws did not use the trajectory of the sky and the earth, but this time, at least tens of thousands of catties of gravity, Li Qiuyu broke his own strength with a light punch, and even knocked himself into the air. This kind of strength is definitely more than 30 catties .

If this punch hit a cultivator in the early stage of the cave, he would definitely be killed, and if he didn't rely on his strong physique and strength, he would also be injured.

Li Qiuyu's body shook back, and the moment he floated up, he punched the golden armored beast behind him again, but the force on the fist was much weaker, and he was knocked into the air by the black turtle beast, and the strength of the golden armored beast was comparable to that of the golden armored beast. The black tortoise is too far away.

If the strength used is the same as that used against the mysterious turtle beast, the golden armored beast will be disabled even if it is not dead. With one punch, the entire huge body of the golden armored beast will be hit hard on the ground. Draw a deep scratch.

At this time, Li Qiuyu's body had already come in front of the cloud beast, his fist exploded and smashed down, and there was another violent explosion, the cloud beast retreated violently, Li Qiuyu then turned around and smashed towards the blood eagle.

In an instant, the four monsters were all punched by Li Qiuyu. After Li Qiuyu hit the blood eagle, the giant palm of the black turtle slapped Li Qiuyu's head again.

With a flash of his body, he slapped his palm towards the huge soles of his feet. Immediately, one person and four beasts flashed quickly in the space of the pagoda. The fist shadows hit the four monsters like raindrops, and the scratches of the fist shadows continued to intersect in the air.


He hissed softly with a breath of cool air, the mana in his body was exhausted, and the last blow collided with the golden armored beast, and his whole body was smashed to the ground.

There is no trace of mana in the whole body, sweat is all over the face, but there is a satisfied smile in the eyes.

"It's been a long time since I attacked with my fist like this."

Li Qiuyu stood up feebly, and after half an hour's effort, he finally exhausted his mana under the attack of the four monsters, but the four monsters all looked at Li Qiuyu in horror.

He secretly thought in his heart, is he a monster or Li Qiuyu is a monster, relying on his powerful strength to contend with his four powerful monsters.

The paws and body were still sore. It was because Li Qiuyu was trying to consume his mana. If he really made a move, he didn't know what would happen if he punched him down.

Forget about the Xuangui Beast, because he is already at the peak of the late eighth stage, one foot has already entered the ninth stage, and with a body as large as a hundred feet and strong defense, Li Qiuyu naturally cannot kill it with his fists.

But the Cloud Beast and the Blood Eagle Eagle were not so easy. The main ones were the Golden Armored Beasts, who would not doubt being killed with one punch, and finally saw Li Qiuyu's true terror.

"Rest quickly, I want to recover my mana, the monks below should be here in a few days."

Li Qiuyu said seriously, no matter how powerful the demon king on the 48th floor is, he is no match for human monks, and the number of human monks is increasing.

"Young master, please rest, we will protect the law for you."

Xiao Qiuyue said softly, the divine sense is monitoring this space, in fact, this space seems to be only a thousand feet in size, but the real distance is unknown.

It is really not an easy task to restore the mana in this Tongtian Pagoda. First of all, the environment here is not to mention, it is full of magic energy, and everyone has to use protective shields to resist the erosion of magic energy.

Moreover, he had to worry about the appearance of human monks and demons, but when Li Qiuyu came here, he didn't need a protective cover at all, because the trace of real demon energy in his body was enough to melt thousands of demonic energy.

Li Qiuyu nodded slowly, then meditated and rested by the side of the altar, and slowly recovered his mana. Although there is a lot of magic energy here, it is not necessary to absorb the magic energy here, nor does it need to absorb the spiritual energy, just wait. Mana is automatically restored.

Time passed slowly, and after three days, Dantian finally recovered a little mana, hesitating to worry that the monks and demons below would come up, so Li Qiuyu could only open his eyes and use a trace of pure mana in his body to open the teleportation array.

This is also to confirm whether the teleportation array can't be opened because I took the elixir. I slowly stood up, waved my hands quickly, and a pure mana was slowly imprinted on the array. Hope, hope to open the formation.

If the opening fails, I and others can only break the formation at the entrance of the passage, and follow the other monks and demons to pass through the levels.


The mana in Li Qiuyu's hand touched the formation, and a colorful radiance appeared in the formation immediately. The light flashed, and the formation was officially opened.

"Han Yue, come up quickly."

Li Qiuyu shouted quickly, in fact, Xiao Hanyue and others would come up before he could make a sound, if they were slower, they would have stayed here.

The light flashed, blocking everyone's sight, and when it reappeared, it had already reached the first floor, the first floor of Tongtian Tower.

When he came to the first floor, he didn't stop at all. Instead, he used his mana, quickly activated the formation, and left the 51st floor when the eight demon kings guarding the 51st floor came.

I entered the second floor, but when I reached the 52nd floor, my mana disappeared again, and I could only recover my mana on the 52nd floor.

Xiao Hanyue and others wanted to kill the eight demon kings with all their strength. Li Qiuyu quietly watched Xiao Hanyue's four daughters, Qinglong and other monsters kill the demon kings on the altar.

The four of them teamed up, together with Qinglong and Xuangui, as well as Jinjia beast and Cloud Beast, and fought with eight demon kings for a while. After a quarter of an hour, the eight demon kings fell.

The two monsters, Xuangui Beast and Qinglong, have reached the peak of the eighth order. They can deal with human monks in the void stage, but they are powerless when they encounter the demon king in the void stage. strength. , If the realm breaks through, the strength will definitely be multiplied countless times.

However, it is very easy for two monsters to join forces to deal with a demon king. Two monsters and two beasts kill two demon kings in the void stage.

The Cloud Beast and the Golden Armored Beast were able to withstand it for a while, and then retreated after the four daughters of Xiao Hanyue teamed up to kill the four demon kings.

Seeing such a situation, Li Qiuyu was also very satisfied. At least they have understood the strength of a real team, and know how to join forces and calculate.

However, the real strength of Xiao Hanyue's four daughters teamed up was not displayed, because they didn't want to consume too much energy. If they used their full strength, they would display the combined technique and kill the four demon kings in the void stage. quarter of an hour.

With the loss of eight demon kings on the 52nd floor, Li Qiuyu can rest in peace and recover his mana slowly. His goal is to go above the [-]th floor, because when the [-]th floor is reached, each floor has a top-level treasure.

This treasure also suppresses the existence of the altar. Although there are countless treasures on each floor, they are not in the interface of the altar, but in passages or some mazes.

There are countless treasures in their hands, so naturally they will not go to other channels to find treasures, and directly use the altar formation to teleport to the top, which is his destination.

Knowing that the mana restored by the Tianying Pill will not work, it will be much better if you have experience, at least you don't need to use the magic power restored by the Tianying Pill to fight with the four monsters.

After activating the two-layer formation, there is still a little left in the body, and the spirit is much better, and the recovery will be faster, but in order to prevent the monks below from catching up, the teleportation formation will be activated before half of the mana recovery.

"53 floors."

"54 floors."

When I came to the 54th floor, my mana was running out, so I could only ask Xiao Hanyue and others to kill the demon king, and protect them by myself. If there was danger or I couldn’t deal with the eight demon kings, I would use the Tianying Pill to restore mana and kill the demon king. Mana is consumed after killing, and then restored.

55 floors, 56 floors. 57th Floor…………

71 floors, 72 floors.

The higher the level was, the stronger the demon king became. At the seventieth floor, Li Qiuyu could only use the Tianying Pill to restore mana to kill the demon king and then regain mana.

Because all the demon kings here are the peak existences in the early stage of the cave, and they also hold powerful magic weapons in their hands, which are equivalent to the top psychic treasures in the hands of human monks.

Originally, the advantages that Xiao Hanyue and others had had become smaller and smaller, and they could only use Xuantian Lingbao to attack the Demon King, but when they reached the 72nd floor, the Demon King also had the same magic weapon as Xuantian Lingbao.

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