Of the two items, one side is familiar with words, which is the treasure of the demon race, the Wanhun Pan, and I have three sides of the Wanhun Pan in my hand. I didn't expect that there is also a side in this place.

The three-faced pan of ten thousand souls in his hand, the first one was obtained in the land of nothingness, the second one was obtained from the Demon God Juetian, and the third one was obtained by killing the Demon King in Fengyue Continent.

Now this place actually has another side, and I am very surprised, I don't know how many sides this Wan Hun Pan has.

This Myriad Soul Pan could not arouse his real concern, but what he really paid attention to was another item, a delicate and delicate lyre.

The one-foot-sized lyre has a mysterious radiance on it, and there is a trace of magic energy on it. Seeing this lyre, Li Qiuyu suddenly felt a familiar feeling in his heart.

"It's him, Tianmoqin."

Li Qiuyu murmured, staring at this Tianmoqin, she also felt inexplicable in her heart. She only saw a piano, but she didn't touch it at all, so she knew it was Tianmoqin, and she was so familiar with this Tianmoqin.

"My lord, is this the Tianmoqin?"

Seeing Li Qiuyu's appearance, Xiao Qiuyue was also curious. It was the first time for her and the young master to come here, so it would be fine to say that she was familiar with it, but she knew everything inside that she had never seen before.

"Yes, the most precious treasure of the Demon Race, the Heavenly Demon Qin, is the same treasure as the Pan of Thousand Souls. Its power is astounding."

Li Qiuyu said seriously, with a look of pity on his face, not a pity for a treasure, but like meeting a dear and dear one.

"Brother Qiu Yu, let's quickly take away the Tianmoqin. Lingling feels a huge threat in this place."

The expression on Lingling's face changed, and her mind was shocked, as if something was about to happen, she couldn't tell what it was, she had never felt like this before.

"Well, you help me protect the law, I will try."

Li Qiuyu took a look at Ling Ling, and saw that Ling Ling had a serious expression on his face, with a trace of fear, and knew that Ling Ling reacted to some dangers.

Lingling has been with her for hundreds of years, nearly a thousand years, and such things are rarely encountered, except when she is in danger, that is, in Bihai, when she breaks through, the powerful catastrophe she encounters is also the result of Lingling's death. Ling felt a hint of danger, and this feeling was connected with Li Qiuyu's mind.

It was this feeling that saved Li Qiuyu's life, and now that he is experiencing this feeling, there must be some powerful danger coming.

And I also have this feeling, and it is an irresistible danger. This danger is getting closer and closer, so I can only take these two sizes away and leave as soon as possible.

After finishing speaking, he walked towards the altar in front, fixed his eyes on the altar, looked at the crystal mask, and constantly probed the prohibition formation with his spiritual sense, calculating what method to use to open the crystal barrier.

Forcibly attacking is not his style. Until the last moment, he can't use the most helpless method to attack the formation. As a formation master, he is definitely a master-level existence in the study of formations. Stupid Things are not going to be done first.

After being in front of Jingying Forbidden for half an hour, I didn't have a clue at all, and my mind kept beating, because the danger was getting closer and closer.

But now even if the danger comes, he can't act recklessly. If one is bad, he might kill himself and others. He knows the power of the formation.

Such a treasure of the demon race is in this place, if you act recklessly, you will be in trouble if a huge disaster is caused, even if it is not impossible to destroy this Tongtian tower.

A pure air of nothingness probed towards the crystal mask, and the spiritual consciousness closely followed the mana. In case of any accident, he could leave immediately and protect himself and others.

In just a short moment, as if a century had passed, beads of sweat appeared on his face, Mana finally came to Ban, and came into contact with Ban, without the slightest reaction.

Slowly increase the mana, and finally used all the mana in the whole body, the crystal mask did not respond at all, Li Qiuyu reluctantly took back the mana.

Then I continued to add a lot of it, hoping to find some clues to break the forbidden mask, but I became more and more disappointed.

"Well, hey."

There was a hint of joy on Li Qiuyu's face, and he thought of the three-faced ten thousand soul pan in his hand, and then with a movement of consciousness, he sacrificed the three-faced ten thousand soul pan.

The inner pan of ten thousand souls is the same as the three outer pans, and the three outer pans of ten thousand souls can be fused together, so it is naturally related to the inner pan of ten thousand souls. It is also worth a try whether it is possible to open this mask.

Three to ten thousand soul pans fused together in an instant, a black light blocked the entire mask, and the black light slowly went down the mask, and the black light touched the mask.

The expression on Li Qiuyu's face slowly became disappointed. The Wan Hun Pan was fused together, and it couldn't be connected with the Wan Hun Pan inside at all. This mask is too powerful.

With a look of disappointment, as soon as his consciousness moved, he put away the pan of thousands of souls, slowly adjusted his breath, and was about to find a way to open the prohibition again. At this moment, a slight vibration came up.

Seeing such a situation, Li Qiuyu was also very anxious. It must not be easy to come up from the bottom in such a short time, or from the altar. This situation does not make sense, because this altar cannot be opened by ordinary people.

If he came from the passage, he would definitely be a powerful master. If he couldn't take this treasure away in a short time, he would have no chance at all.

The expression on his face kept changing, and then his expression became resolute, and the aura in his whole body changed drastically, becoming indistinct. He stretched out one hand, and then pointed towards the crystal mask, and a pure black devilish energy shot towards the crystal mask. .

True Devil's Qi

This is also the first time that Li Qiuyu has used the real devil's energy alone. He has no dislike for the demon race, nor does he have any dislike for the demon race's skills, as long as it is useful for his own cultivation.

But I have powerful skills and skills in my body, and some methods are shocking, so I don't need to practice the skills of the demons at all. If I become a demon, it will be troublesome.

Because of some powerful magic cultivators, the final result is that a really powerful demon race must help the real demon to infuse the body in order to achieve higher achievements, and even if you reach a higher level of achievement, you will become a member of the demon race. Li Qiuyu naturally wouldn't practice.

But the real devil's qi was injected into the demon god Juetian's body when he was destroyed, and he could also use a little bit of the devil's qi when using Wan Hun Pan, but this is the first time he really used the real devil's qi to fall in love.

This time there is no other way, because the danger is getting closer and closer, I can only take a risk, thinking in my heart, as long as I don't use the real devil's energy in the future, there will be no sequelae.

And I have tried it countless times. I don't know where the power of the true fairy and the energy of the real devil are in my body. The energy of the real devil can appear when I want to use it, but the power of the real fairy has never appeared .


Pure true devil energy came onto the crystal mask, the crystal mask trembled suddenly, and then a hole the size of a fist appeared, after the crystal mask trembled, it calmed down, only a fist-sized hole on it It looked weird.

"Hey, it really works."

Li Qiuyu's face was startled, and then he was very happy. The real devil's energy was really useful for this crystal mask, and after the hole appeared in the crystal mask, Li Qiuyu's impression of the Tianmoqin inside was even stronger.

"Whoosh, whoosh."

Li Qiuyu kept displaying the real devil's energy, but he didn't know that there was a strange lotus flickering between his eyebrows, but Li Qiuyu didn't know it at all.

After a while, a one-foot-sized hole appeared in the entire crystal mask, just enough to take out the Tian Mo Qin and Wan Hun Pan.


With a move of Li Qiuyu's consciousness, the aura in his whole body surged, the pure emptiness envelops Wan Hun Pan, quickly grabs Wan Hun Pan, and finally puts it into the interspatial ring.

Finally, his eyes fixed on the Tianmoqin that slowly floated out. Tianmoqin came to Li Qiuyu automatically. Li Qiuyu's heart trembled, and he slowly connected with Tianmoqin.

It's just that this Tian Moqin can't get other information at all except for the familiar breath, but this familiar breath made him feel an inexplicable tremor in his heart.


A slight sound came, waking Li Qiuyu awake, and then a dazzling light appeared, covering the entire space, and Xiao Hanyue and others were thrown up violently.

Li Qiuyu's spiritual sense could see everything behind him clearly, and the altar was opened again. At the moment when the teleportation array of the altar was opened, Xiao Hanyue and the others also found out, but they were thrown away by a powerful force before they could react. stand up.

Seeing such a situation, Li Qiuyu didn't care about other things. With a move of consciousness, Tian Moqin was put into the space ring, and quickly caught Xiao Hanyue and others with mana.

"Han Yue, how are you doing?"

Dragging Xiao Hanyue and others with mana, slowly put them down, asked with concern, and then showed a dignified look on his face, on the altar, there was actually a woman at the peak of the late stage of the four caves, with constant magic power all over her body The ground filled the entire space, and there was another person in front of the four late-stage Dongxu women.

A woman who is peerless and beautiful, but her whole body is like ice, and her face is also cold, like an iceberg that has been around for thousands of years. I saw Bingfeng in Fengyue Continent, but compared with the woman in front of me, the difference is more than a hundred thousand Eight thousand miles.

Although I don't know what the cultivation level of the woman in front is, but being able to be in front of the four women in the late stage of Dongxu, and also come out of the formation, it goes without saying that the four women behind him are not me and others. Can handle it.

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