Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 981 The power of Tianmoqin 2

"Puff, puff."

"Crack clap clap."

With a burst of subtle noises, nine of the thirteen monks at the cave stage fell downwards, and the other four had terrified expressions on their faces, with injuries of varying degrees on their bodies.


There was a sound of explosion, and the orange light and shadow collided with the fiery red light. The fiery red light displayed by Xuantian Lingbao disappeared instantly under the impact of the orange light and shadow, and the light and shadow moved forward indomitably. The monk shoots away.


The light and shadow cut through the body shield, and cut a small slit in the neck of the middle-stage monk of Dongxu, his eyes showed horror, and then turned into death gray.

Unprepared, even the primordial spirit did not escape, and his body slowly fell downwards. Seeing this, the remaining four monks at the hole stage were about to flee with a flash of their bodies. The young monk in front of him It's a devil, and it's not something that I and others can resist.

"If you want to leave, leave it to me."

Li Qiuyu said indifferently, with ten fingers flicking lightly on the strings, dozens of lights and shadows flashed out, and quickly came to the vests of these monks.

In an instant, the four monks of the Dongxu period were cut into countless holes by the light and shadow, and the light and shadow shot straight out from the other side, sending the monks of the Dongxu period into a chill.


Li Qiuyu waved one hand in the air, and a powerful force grabbed the treasures and space rings of the monks who were lost in the air, and then several bursts of flames shot out, reducing all fourteen monks in the void period to ashes.

The four daughters of Xiao Hanyue who were on the side rubbed their eyes cutely when they saw what happened just now, thinking it was an illusion, but seeing more than ten monks in the void stage had indeed been damaged.They all looked at the Tianmoqin under Li Qiuyu's ten fingers in horror.

"Girls, don't be like this, you are stupid."

Li Qiuyu said with a smile, stretching out his hand in front of the eyes of the four daughters of Xiao Hanyue, awakening the four of them, and was also satisfied with the power of the Tian Moqin in her heart, it was really rare to be able to startle the four daughters of Xiao Hanyue.

Li Qiuyu's powerful methods were used to by his mother, but this time Li Qiuyu came back to cultivate, and in less than 20 years, he healed his injury and smoothly entered the middle stage of the hole.

They also controlled the Tianmoqin obtained in the Tongtian Tower, and the power of the Tianmoqin was beyond their imagination, so they looked at Li Qiuyu in surprise.

"My lord, why is your Tianmoqin so powerful that even a cultivator in the Dongxu period can't resist it."

Xiao Qiuyue looked at Li Qiuyu in surprise, and said softly, this wonderful music is really good, and it can kill low-level monks in seconds.

"This is the treasure of the demon clan. The notes, each note has a shocking power. With my current cultivation base, I can only control the first two notes, and the latter notes have not been realized at all."

Li Qiuyu said with a smile, gently picked up the Tianmoqin in front of her, stared at the Tianmoqin, Tianmoqin let herself know some doubts.

Knowing the past and present life, and also knowing that Tianwu has waited here for tens of thousands of years for herself, but she doesn't know what's wrong with her and whether she will appear again.

This kind of infatuation made me feel ashamed for a while, waiting for me endlessly, with no future waiting, but fortunately I appeared and knew her existence.

I absolutely want to see her again in this life, but facing the three women I have now, I also feel ashamed, and I don't know what to say for a while.

"Brother Qiuyu, what are you doing?"

Seeing Li Qiuyu's face, Ling Ling knew what was going on in Li Qiuyu's heart. After following Li Qiuyu for hundreds of years and nearly a thousand years, she knew every move of Li Qiuyu, and she knew the changes in her heart.

"Hanyue, Qiuyue, Lingling, you three come with me, I have something to tell you."

Li Qiuyu pondered for a while, but still spoke out, but Qingluan is here now, after all, Qingluan is not her own, so it is not good to say these things in front of an outsider.

"Can't I listen?"

Qingluan was startled, looked at Li Qiuyu, he had been with Li Qiuyu for a while, and now it was only the four of him here, Li Qiuyu called the three of Xiao Hanyue away, and there were still matters to be discussed, and he made it clear that he would not hear him.

"Some things, you can't know, are between the four of us, because the three of them are my women, haha."

Seeing Qingluan asking directly, Li Qiuyu was startled, and immediately said, if she didn't explain clearly, Qingluan would definitely not understand her.

"Tell me, I will protect the law for you."

Seeing Li Qiuyu's smile, Qingluan was stunned with a hint of unhappiness in the smile, and immediately realized what was going on, she must not care about her own affairs, her face blushed, and she hurried away.

"Han Yue, didn't I tell you before that I am not from Fengyue Continent, but from another world?"

Li Qiuyu displayed a simple prohibition, and said slowly, looking at the two sisters Xiao Hanyue and Xiao Qiuyue, with a trace of loneliness on his face.


Both Xiao Hanyue and Xiao Qiuyue nodded, and said seriously, knowing that what Li Qiuyu was going to talk about was Li Qiuyu's life experience, and his life experience had a certain relationship with this Tianmoqin.

"When I came back to recuperate, after I recovered from my injuries, I connected the Tianmoqin with everything that happened in the Demon Realm, and then in the Tianmoqin, I got my own life experience and some previous things."

Li Qiuyu slowly said everything about her coming back to rest and heal her wounds, the seven-tone tricks she got from Tianmoqin, and about Tianwu and herself.

Half an hour later, he looked at the three women quietly, to see how the three women reacted. In fact, the three women were already surprised when he spoke, and Li Qiuyu also knew some results.

"Brother Qiuyu, do you think that woman in white is Princess Tianmo?"

Ling Ling asked softly, staring at Li Qiuyu, and understood what Li Qiuyu meant. Although she loves Li Qiuyu, she will not make things difficult for Li Qiuyu when she encounters such a thing. Besides, Li Qiuyu is also worried about her sister. The feelings of the three of them were only told to themselves and others.

"That's right, it's Princess Tianmo."

"No wonder she took action to defend the young master against Bing Po's attack, and she was also damaged together with Bing Po."

"But it's not that easy to find Elder Sister Tianmo. She is in the demon world, and we are in the spirit world. The distance between the two places is more than [-] miles, and it is not a matter of distance at all, but countless powerful enchantments. .”

"That's right, even if our cultivation base in the spiritual world has greatly increased, the chances are very slim."

Li Qiuyu sighed. He has always been carefree, with three women by his side, but now there is a woman waiting for him far away in the devil world. Only by improving his cultivation level can he achieve his goal.

"And the son's enemy is still a very powerful existence. Chance is already invincible in the spirit world. We need to step up our cultivation."

"Indeed, we need to step up our cultivation and build a strength that can withstand any force. In the Demon Realm, we have obtained countless treasures and medicinal materials. Let's clean up the things here first, and find a place later. Make plans for the future."

Li Qiuyu spoke slowly, and after finishing speaking, the three girls nodded seriously, with obedient expressions on their faces, and finally Xiao Hanyue drove the flying ancient treasure and drove the five people away quickly.

Although the Tianxiao Mountain Range is good, it has just broken through and has attracted the attention of other forces, large and small, so they can only practice in another place, and they have to go to a super big city to establish their own forces.

Less than an hour after Li Qiuyu and others left, a monk finally came towards this side with a look of fear on his face. Just now Li Qiuyu killed more than a dozen monks in the void stage, just like chopping vegetables.

Moreover, Li Qiuyu didn't move at all. He only knew that Li Qiuyu used a sonic attack to kill the fourteen cave monks. Only after making sure that Li Qiuyu and others left did he have the courage to come here to visit the situation.

After coming here, apart from a destroyed mountain, there are still some monks' aura. These auras have slowly dissipated, and they have obviously been damaged.

Apart from these auras, I couldn't find any clues anymore. I saw Li Qiuyu killing more than ten monks at the cave void stage in a short while, and two of them were at the middle stage of the cave void. The Great Elder who was at the peak in the middle of the virtual period was also lost.

Now, it's time for the forces in the Tianxiao Mountain Range to wash their hands. They don't care about Shen Yunzong's affairs at all, and quickly expand their power. A battle to liquidate the forces in the Tianxiao Mountain Range has begun again.

Li Qiuyu and the others were already hundreds of thousands of miles away, and there was no sign of stopping at all, and they drove the ancient flying treasure to fly in the clouds.

The four daughters of Xiao Hanyue took turns to control the ancient flying treasure, and Li Qiuyu adjusted the breath on the ancient flying treasure to stabilize the realm. Although flying is not suitable for cultivation, but Li Qiuyu has four super masters by his side, so he doesn't worry about other monks at all. No eyes.

Even if the late-stage monks of Dongxu came, the four daughters of Xiao Hanyue would be able to kill them together, but although the spirit world is big, how many late-stage monks of Dongxu are flying all over the sky.

Most of these monks are practicing in seclusion, preparing to hit a higher realm, unless they have no chance or are looking for some treasures, but Li Qiuyu and others are not so unlucky to encounter them.

However, there are still some monks who think they have powerful means to provoke them. The mid-term monks are naturally not in much danger when facing the four early-stage monks. It is simply a piece of cake to kill the four daughters of Xiao Hanyue.

As for Li Qiuyu, he is basically a mid-stage cultivator, because Li Qiuyu hides his cultivation, so as long as he doesn't fight with his hands, his true cultivation will not be seen by others.

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