Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 983 Strange stagnant space

After the five people entered the stone ladder in the silver light, the lake water returned to its original state again. Only when they came to the top of the stone ladder did they realize that the stone ladder actually has a full three thousand steps and extends all the way down.

There are hard boulders on both sides, and the stone ladder can only accommodate two people walking side by side. Li Qiuyu walks slowly in front alone, and Xiao Hanyue breaks behind.

This stone ladder, [-] steps, if you fly, you can reach it in an instant, but who dares to fly in such a place, since you can fly, it is obviously superfluous to build a stone ladder. Will not have nothing to find something to do.

Li Qiuyu also tried it, and threw a stone forward. The moment the stone flew out, a destructive breath shot towards the stone, and the stone disappeared without the slightest sound.

Seeing such a situation, Li Qiuyu couldn't help but be surprised. This organ technique is really powerful. Even if it can't threaten her monks in the void stage, whoever said that there is no strong danger inside.

However, he also threw the second stone, which was also a test, this time the speed was several times slower, only twice as fast as that of himself and others, but this way he did not encounter any attack.

That is to say, the speed is limited in this place, and when the speed reaches a certain level, it will be attacked. Such a sudden attack, even a monk in the void stage, will be in a hurry.

After walking the [-]-level stone ladder, there is a parallel passage directly. The passage is a thousand feet long. I don't know where my eyes have gone. The more I go inside, the more humid I feel.

After passing through the passage, there is a huge hall. In the hall is a two-foot-sized altar. There is also a formation on the altar, but this formation has been passive, and some dust on it has been wiped off. It is obvious that someone left from here. Pass.

"Han Yue, be careful, it seems that they are below."

Li Qiuyu said seriously, along the way, the construction here is extremely luxurious, the passages and stone stairs are covered with precious crystals, and it is definitely a big deal to use the best crystals to illuminate.

Moreover, those monks did not hesitate to make enemies of the tenth-order heavenly beasts. When they came here, they must know that there are treasures here, and it is not a small amount, otherwise they would not take such a risk.


The four girls hummed softly, and then stood around the altar, while Lingling stood guard at the entrance of the hall, and Li Qiuyu's eyes were constantly sizing up the formation above the altar.

This formation is completely the formation of monsters, which is different from the formation of human monks. It is covered with countless carvings of monsters. If other monks or formation masters come here, they will definitely be helpless.

However, Li Qiuyu's formation practice has reached a high level, and some powerful ancient strange formations know it, and he can even set up more than ten kinds of ancient strange formations.

As for this formation, I have also heard that it is one of the top ten strange formations in the Yaozu. It is definitely not easy to be called the top ten strange formations, but it is like that in front of Li Qiuyu.


Li Qiuyu gave a soft drink, and suddenly five monster inner alchemy of different colors appeared in the space ring, the seventh-level monster inner alchemy, with the help of the monster power of the monster inner alchemy, they broke through the formation.

After the appearance of five inner alchemy of different colors, under Li Qiuyu's double-number swing, the inner alchemy rotated rapidly, forming a circle, and the circle became faster and faster.


In a moment, the five rays of light merged together, and the powerful monster power completely surpassed the power of the seventh-order monster dozens of times, but Li Qiuyu didn't want to use the power of this monster to forcibly destroy the formation, but to use the power of the five elements to destroy the formation. The demon power breaks through the formation.

Chi Chi

With a slight sound, the formation of the altar was opened, and a hole with a size of one foot appeared. The moment the formation was activated, the spiritual consciousness of Li Qiuyu, Xiao Hanyue and others entered it immediately, and looked at the situation inside. again.

There were no monks inside, but a huge square. Seeing that there was no danger inside, Li Qiuyu shot into it first, and when he came to the square under a hundred feet, he quickly looked at it with his spiritual sense.

This square is a hundred li in size, and the north side of the square is illuminated by a crystal, making the north side of the square bright. On the north side, there are fifty or sixty figures.

It's just that these monks didn't have any breath at all, and they didn't find it when they came down by themselves. Li Qiuyu was also very surprised.

Turning around, he glanced at Xiao Hanyue and the others who had just landed, and pointed to the front.

"The ones ahead should be those cultivators who killed the tenth-level celestial beasts, but they don't know their cultivation, they can't find their aura, and they can't find us either. Could it be that there are prohibitions ahead."

Xiao Qiuyue said calmly, with a look of curiosity on her face, looking at Li Qiuyu.

"Indeed, there should be a prohibition in front. Otherwise, with their power to kill tenth-order heavenly beasts, at least they are monks at the void stage, and the others are also monks at the transformation stage. This distance is not difficult for a monk at all." Spot us."

Li Qiuyu said seriously, in the eyes, those monks were not moving at all, as if they were imprisoned, and there was no expression on their faces.

"Are we going?"

Lingling asked, looking at Li Qiuyu with beautiful eyes, she was also curious about the monks in front of her. The ability to imprison the monks of the transformation stage and the void stage was beyond imagination.

"Of course, but you have to be careful to avoid danger."

Li Qiuyu said with a smile, the spiritual sense has been locked on the front, slowly walking forward, the five people are all gathered at a distance of ten feet, even if there is a problem, they can be reflected in time, so that the entire army will not be wiped out.

"Wait, I'll try it with a yin chan."

After walking a distance of ten miles, Li Qiuyu stopped and said to Xiao Hanyue behind him. Then, with a move of his consciousness, he released more than ten Yin Moran. Now the Yin Moran was consumed by countless spirit stones, and the cultivation Because everyone has reached the late stage of alchemy, this speed has exceeded Li Qiuyu's expectations.

It is much better to use the yin to test it than to take risks by yourself. The yin has its own consciousness attached to it, so you can know clearly when you encounter things.


The five yin mortars shot forward rapidly, and then the five yin mormorants flew forward slowly, the speed of the two mass yin mormorants was completely in contrast.

This is also the reason why Li Qiuyu was careful. At the beginning there was a speed restriction on the stone ladder, and he had to guard against it here. Sure enough, the five yin maggots in front stopped at a distance of fifty miles under the rapid flight.

The five yin morgues at the back flew forward slowly, and when they reached the place where the yin morant was imprisoned, there was no hindrance at all, but they felt a mysterious dullness in the space.

It's just that as long as the speed is slow enough, it won't be suppressed by this kind of sluggishness. The five yin cockroaches flew straight forward, and although the other five yin chanterelles didn't consume the slightest bit, and didn't do the slightest damage, they wanted to Breaking free from the sluggishness of this space is simply delusion.

So many monks in front of them were imprisoned, and the few little yin chan certainly couldn't break free, and they didn't even have the consciousness to break free.

Moreover, the spiritual consciousness attached to Yin Moran could not be recovered, so Li Qiuyu had no choice but to give it up. Besides, such a little spiritual consciousness was completely dispensable, and it could be cultivated in two days.

Concentrated and concentrating on the five slow-moving Yinmorants in front of him, his hope was only for the slow-moving Yinmorants behind to enter the stagnant space. Li Qiuyu accelerated the speed of the frontmost Yinmorant five times.

As soon as the speed was fast, he was immediately imprisoned. Seeing this situation, he pondered for a while, and then accelerated the speed of the second Yin Morant four times.

Being imprisoned again, the third speeded up three times without any hindrance. Seeing this situation, the speed was three times faster than before. If this continues, it will be able to reach those monks in an hour.

At this time, I could only wait slowly, and sure enough, after an hour, the speed of the three yin maggots tripled, and they finally arrived in front of these monks.

The spiritual consciousness possessed by Yin Moran fed back the cultivation level and number of monks here into the sea of ​​consciousness. Li Qiuyu was also surprised when he got the news.

Twelve monks in the mid-stage of the Hole Void, one peak in the mid-stage of the Hole Void, and the others are peaks in the late stage of Transforming Gods. There are eighteen of them. The important thing is that they teamed up to cast the formation.

It was much easier for more than a dozen mid-stage monks to use formations to deal with a tenth-order celestial beast. No wonder there were not many monks and monsters lost on the island, and they seemed to have been dealt with by these monks.

I also noticed that the 61 monks were very surprised by the arrival of the three mortals, and they were still flying in front of me. I and others walked very carefully at first, but they flew with all their strength without encountering the slightest danger. As soon as he entered here, he was imprisoned.

I traveled a distance of more than [-] miles in one flight, and I didn't know why I was imprisoned, and I was terrified in my heart. I have never encountered such a thing, and I have never heard of it.

The spiritual sense has massed these monks, and Li Qiuyu dare not attack these monks with his Yin chan. If he breaks the silence here, he will be looking for trouble.

After looking at these monks, he directly flew the yin chan towards the front, and every time he flew a certain distance, he would slow down a little, in case something happened.

Sure enough, ten miles away from these monks, the front Yin Mori was imprisoned at three times the speed, and Li Qiuyu hurriedly slowed down the speed of the two rear Yin Mori.

Fortunately, after flying another ten miles, they finally came to a huge stone room. There was no door in the stone room. When Yin chan flew into the stone room, Li Qiuyu's consciousness attached to it was also very surprised.

There are countless spiritual stones inside, as well as countless medicinal materials and treasures, some high-level monster inner alchemy, and the entire stone room is as large as a hundred feet.

The entire stone room is not strictly forbidden at the stone gate. It is full of colorful spirit stones, and the spirit stones are also divided into low-level spirit stones, middle-level spirit stones, high-level spirit stones, and top-grade spirit stones.

The treasures are also well organized and there are numbers marked. From the top-grade spiritual weapons to the top-level psychic treasures, they are all sorted and put away.

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