Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 986 Qingming Sword and Ziming Sword

After ten years of cultivation on Wanyao Island, the realm of the middle stage of Dongxu has been completely stabilized, and his cultivation base is still growing. When he reached such a point, Li Qiuyu also stopped.

Arranged my own cultivation situation and time. In addition to the normal two hours of meditation practice every day, two hours of practice spells, two hours of comprehension of alchemy, and the rest of the time is comprehension of Biluo Jindan.


Li Qiuyu gave a soft drink, and a cyan light and shadow appeared in front of him. This is the Qingming sword obtained from the treasure house under the lake. This Qingming sword has no scabbard, and it cannot be stored with a space ring or a space necklace.

It has been kept by his side all the time, and now that his cultivation base has reached normal growth, he plans to sacrifice this Qingming sword with all his strength. The treasure in his hand is the most clear for the time being.

During this period of time, there was another blue space ring on the right hand, and the area inside this space ring reached the size of twenty miles.

It was he who put some unused treasures in it, treasured items in the space necklace, and this ring contained spirit stones and some infrequently used items.

There were only a few treasures in the space at the beginning, namely the fiery red flame gun Xuantian Spirit Treasure, the ice-type Xuantian Spirit Treasure Ice Falling Thorn, the earth-type Darkness Transforming Xuantian Spirit Treasure, the gold-type Sky Breaking Awl Xuantian Spirit Treasure, Wood-type dead wood sword Xuantian Lingbao, these treasures have been used before, or have just been selected from the treasure house under the lake.

The Xuantian Lingbao of the Five Elements has already been selected, so there is no need to use the psychic treasure in the future, but the top-level defensive psychic treasure is still needed.

In addition to these five Xuantian Lingbao, there are Tianmo Qin, Wanhun Pan, Zhenmo Wheel, Linglong Pagoda, huge stone wall, transparent dagger, and purple dagger.These treasures are frequently used.

As for the Tower of Nothingness, Dingtian Ruler, Heavenly Emperor Chariot, and Mietian Sword are all nourished in the dantian, these treasures must be nourished frequently, and they are also the means of his own life-saving.

I think the main thing is to successfully refine the Qingming Sword. In addition, there is also the purple dagger, the top Xuantian Lingbao. Naturally, it cannot be forgotten, and this purple dagger is still a growth type.

After sorting out these treasures, you don’t have to take risks in the future. You also know that you have reached the middle stage of the void, and most of your opponents are enemies above the mid stage of the void. Such enemies cannot be ignored. They must be killed with top-level treasures as soon as they come up. .

As for the treasures he used before, he would not throw them away either. This is a feeling, and more importantly, he knows that the Sapphire Sword that he has used for a long time is the Heaven's Punishment Sword.

He didn't expect that the sapphire sword in his hand was the Heaven's Punishment Sword, but he didn't know the powerful attack and power of the Heaven's Punishment Sword, because he didn't find the power of the Heaven's Punishment Sword in his previous life.

It has been in my hand all along, and it has also been plotted against by the enemy. Now that I haven't found the true power of the Heaven's Punishment Sword, I can't take it out easily. Besides, if it can't exert its power, it is useless at all.

The Qingming sword was floating in the air, and Li Qiuyu pressed the Qingming sword quietly with his eyes. After half an hour, Li Qiuyu swiped with one hand, and a tiny gash appeared on his finger. Qingming sword shot away.

Immediately, a blood-red light curtain enveloped the Qingming sword. After the first blood training, the Qingming sword has no resistance and rejection, which also makes Li Qiuyu much more relaxed about the current blood training.

After the blood-red light curtain enveloped Qingmingjian, Li Qiuyu kept chanting about Qingmingjian's control technique, which was also obtained when he first contacted Qingmingjian.

Only by controlling the Fajue can one truly control the Qingming Sword and fully display the power of the Qingming Sword. In this way, it took Li Qiuyu a full two hours to complete this sacrifice.

But this time the sacrificial training has gained a lot, at least he has known a part of the power of the Qing Ming Sword, this power is definitely not comparable to that of the Xuantian Lingbao.

After the sacrificial training was completed, Li Qiuyu put away the Qingming Sword and kept it by his side. The whole person communicated with Qingmingjian at any time, so that they were inseparable.

However, if one wants to truly control the Qingming Sword, make the Qingming Sword reach the extreme of its power, and even make the Qingming Sword grow, it must be sacrificed frequently.

After sacrificing the Qingming Sword, Li Qiuyu's spiritual consciousness and mana were consumed a lot. After resting for an hour, his mana and spiritual power were quite a lot.

Then with a movement of consciousness, the purple dagger in the space connection ring also appeared in front of him. The top-level Xuantian Lingbao is easier to sacrifice than the Tongtian Supreme Treasure, just this level is here.


Another ray of blood shot towards the purple dagger floating in the air. The purple dagger trembled slightly, then calmed down. Li Qiuyu's consciousness quickly communicated with the purple dagger.

Half an hour later, the sacrifice was successful, but when the purple dagger was being harvested, it suddenly trembled violently. Li Qiuyu sensed why the purple dagger trembled, and this trembling was not fear, but a kind of excitement.


Two slight clear sounds, the Qingming Sword and the purple short sword in the air sounded at the same time, and then the Qingming sword emitted a soft light to connect with the purple short sword.

Seeing this, Li Qiuyu was extremely puzzled. This was the first time he had heard of such a thing, and he had never thought about it before. The two treasures were actually connected.

This is not the Mietian Sword. The Mietian Sword was refined at one time by myself, and it is normal for there to be a connection between them.

But the Qingming sword is the most precious treasure of the sky, and the purple short sword is the top Xuantian Lingbao. The two are not of the same level at all, and they were not found in the same place.

As soon as the consciousness moved, it was connected with the two treasures. Immediately, the expression on Li Qiuyu's face changed sharply, and then he sighed with emotion. It turned out that this purple dagger was called the Ziming Sword.

Ziming Sword and Qingming Sword are a pair. Countless thousands of years ago, the masters of Qingming Sword and Ziming Sword were killed. Qingming Sword and Ziming Sword fled, and were captured by powerful humans on the way. Let alone, Zi Mingjian destroyed his sword soul in order to escape for Qing Mingjian.

Qingmingjian escaped, and Zimingjian's sword soul was greatly damaged. Fortunately, the human monk was killed by the sword soul, and Zimingjian also slept underground for countless thousands of years, until Li Qiuyu got it.

Because Qingming Sword and Ziming Sword can exert unimaginable power when they are together, it is not as simple as one plus one equals two, and they themselves don't know the true power of two heaven-reaching treasures together.

And when it was the most powerful in the past, it wasn't the Supreme Treasure, but the divine weapon, but the power can only be increased slowly with the improvement of the master's cultivation.

Countless tens of thousands of years have passed, and Ziming Sword has also become Xuantian Spirit Treasure. Although it is slowly growing, it is not that simple to reach the previous peak state.

The same is true for Qingming Sword, and now it has become a treasure that reaches the sky. It is impossible to reach the power of a divine weapon, but now Qingmingjian and Zimingjian are together again.

Impossible things can also become possible, but Li Qiuyu's cultivation must be improved. Li Qiuyu is very happy to get such a situation.

"This seat can let you reach the peak state before, but it must be controlled by this seat."

Li Qiuyu said indifferently, looking at Ziming Sword and Qingming Sword, his spiritual sense sensed the connection between the two treasures, and looked at the reaction between the two.

"Okay, I hope you don't let us down. Only when you break through a big realm every time, our growth rate will also increase by a level. Only when you reach the Mahayana, can Ziming reach the realm of reaching the sky. I'll reach the top too."

"When you reach Transcending Tribulation, the two of us will become heavenly weapons. The power of the two of us working together will never let you down. That is to say, if you grow fast, we will grow fast. You are nine hundred this year. At the age of seven, this age has reached the middle stage of the void, a hundred years faster than our first master."

Qing Mingjian transmitted his consciousness to Li Qiuyu's sea of ​​consciousness, and the two communicated quickly, and Li Qiuyu was also very surprised. This Qing Mingjian also knew his own lifespan age, and it seemed that he knew his cultivation quickly. , just tell yourself these things.

"Look at the cultivation base of this seat."

After Li Qiuyu finished speaking, three golden pills, two Yuanying, and one Yuanshen appeared in front of him. Li Qiuyu stood up slowly. He naturally had the capital to be proud of such an achievement.

"God's body?"

Seeing Li Qiuyu's Jindan Yuanying and Yuanshen, both Qingmingjian and Zimingjian were horrified. The average monk has only one Yuanshen, and it is rare to meet those who practice dual systems. Now the monk in front of him is actually practicing out so much.

"God's body?"

Li Qiuyu said puzzledly, staring at the two treasures, this was the first time he had heard of this title, naturally curious, with a look of anticipation in his eyes.

"That's right, we used to be artifacts. Although the previous owner was not at the immortal level, he knew a lot. If we want to reach the immortal level and become a fairy in human legends, we must have the five elements. After nine calamities, accept the power of the immortal."

"Otherwise, human beings will always be human beings, unable to withstand the powerful power of immortality, even a peerless genius, without knowing the situation, will suffer inexplicable losses, and don't even want to survive the nine calamities and become immortals. This is also why monks cannot survive the nine After the calamity becomes an immortal, even after passing through the Nine Tribulations, it will be silently lost in the end, and will be killed by the immortal power."

"As for the power of the gods, I've only heard about it. You need to cultivate the attributes of the five elements, and master the wind, rain, lightning, or darkness and light. Any two will do, but you must have five primordial spirits."

Qing Mingjian said slowly, he was terrified of Li Qiuyu's five attributes of Jindan and Yuanying in his consciousness, and after Li Qiuyu sacrificed the Yuanshen of the Shocking God Art, he was still able to walk, that is to say, Li Qiuyu There are seven attributes.

This kind of method and practice can only be achieved by the body of the gods, because otherwise, the several attributes will be mutually exclusive, but Li Qiuyu doesn't know that what Li Qiuyu is practicing is the Five Elements Technique and the Shocking God Art.

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