Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 988 Six Yuanshen

With a movement of consciousness, the five Nascent Souls shot towards a cloud. The five Nascent Souls who were at the peak of the late Nascent Soul stage can now be said to be the Soul Transformation Stage Soul Soul.

Five Yuanshen with different attributes shot towards the shattered clouds. The current Yuanshen is more than twice the size of the previous Yuanying and the color is also rich.

Immediately, the five Nascent Souls spun continuously in the clouds, and every time they turned around, the clouds would consume a lot, but the clouds seemed to be few, but the quality was very good.

It is more intense than before when it broke through to the late stage of transforming the gods. The primordial spirit continued to increase and grow, and Li Qiuyu sacrificed another primordial spirit. As long as these clouds are consumed, you will get 1000 years of life.

In the main body, there is only one primordial spirit with the nine transformations of the phoenix left, and it has to be said that it is spectacular to use six primordial spirits to accept the experience of Yun Cai at the same time.

In this way, after half a month, the five primordial spirits have doubled in size from the beginning, and the other primordial spirit has not changed much, but Li Qiuyu obviously feels that his feelings for the world are different.

Moreover, the spiritual energy of the heavens and the earth is much less, which means that the growth of the longevity can reduce the absorption of the spiritual energy of the heavens and the earth. No matter who it is, it needs air, and the monks naturally have the spiritual energy.The less air it needs, the more powerful it is.

Now, it's not that the longevity has increased by more than a thousand years, and the five nascent souls have also become the primordial spirit. The mana in the whole body is like a boundless sea, constantly circulating in the meridians and dantian.


Li Qiuyu shouted softly, and immediately the six primordial spirits returned to the dantian, and now the seven primordial spirits formed a huge world, almost self-contained.

After adjusting his breath a bit, Li Qiuyu walked towards Xiao Hanyue and the others. When he broke through, the four girls were all guarding the law.

"Brother Qiuyu, your Nascent Soul has also reached the stage of transforming into a god. You have successfully transformed your Nascent Soul into a Nascent Spirit. Your current strength is many times stronger than before."

Lingling said happily that Li Qiuyu's cultivation has increased significantly, so they are naturally happy. As long as Li Qiuyu's cultivation is higher, they will be safer accordingly.

"Indeed, hehe, even if you are a monk in the late stage of Dongxu, it is not difficult to kill in seconds." [A gold medal will be sought at the end of the month]

Li Qiuyu smiled happily and said, this is also true. Now the peak of Dongxu's mid-stage is only one step away from the late-stage of Dongxu. improvement.

The realm is at the peak in the middle period, and the five nascent souls have become primordial spirits, the power in the dantian is balanced, and the dantian, which is a self-contained world, is infinitely stronger than before.

Even in the early stage of Dongxu, it can instantly kill the existence of the later stage of Dongxu, and there are several top-level treasures, not to mention the Qingming Sword, which is the most treasured treasure, even if it is a few Xuantian Lingbao, plus your own strength, It can also kill the late-stage monks of Dongxu in seconds.

"We have all gone through the first calamity of vitality now, and our lifespan has increased by 1000 years. Compared with the previous 4000 years, we already have 5000 years of lifespan."

Xiao Hanyue said softly, after she finished speaking, Li Qiuyu was stunned, and began to practice breakthroughs by herself, forgetting that the monks in the cave void stage had a lifespan of 4000 years, and regarded herself as a monk in the transformation stage for 2000 years.

Now I and others are monks in the Dongxu stage, and it is still in the middle stage. The lifespan is 4000 years, and the current vitality calamity has increased by 1000 years, and the lifespan has reached 5000 years.

Moreover, Li Qiuyu will change after practicing Phoenix, and his lifespan is far more than that. After the seven transformations, his cultivation will reach the peak in the middle period, and his lifespan will definitely be 6000 years later, which is 2000 years longer than that of the monks in the Dongxu stage. The current lifespan Add it up, definitely in 7000.

Although the Dingtian Ruler was used in the Nascent Soul Stage before, it only lasted a hundred years and consumed a hundred years of life. For 7000 years, it is simply a drop in the bucket.

"Yeah, we are all thousand-year-old monsters now, and we still have 5000 years of life, so it's time to enjoy it, but we still have to work hard for a higher realm."

Li Qiuyu said with a smile, the Qingming sword in his hand was stuck on the ground, and then he swung the Qingming sword with one hand, and shot towards the huge tree in the distance.

"Master, are we old monsters?"

Xiao Qiuyue said resolutely, stretched out her hand to hold Li Qiuyu's arm, shaking it constantly, pouting her rosy little mouth, Xiao Hanyue and Ling Ling stared at Li Qiuyu fiercely.

"No, no, you are peerless fairies."

Li Qiuyu said with a smile, for a girl, if she is an old monster, she will definitely not bypass her, so she has to change her words quickly.

"It's almost there."

Lingling said in a delicate voice, looking very happy, she naturally knew that Li Qiuyu didn't mean that.

"How many pills do you have?"

Li Qiuyu changed the topic. After 200 years, it is believed that Xiao Hanyue and the three daughters have also refined a lot of pills, although the pills are all grade one to grade four.

However, these elixirs are the ones that really attract low-level monks. Not many monks can get the fifth- and sixth-grade elixirs in their hands.

"Fortunately, we have quite a lot of pills here, two thousand bottles of first-grade Qi training pills, one thousand and eight hundred bottles of second-grade pills, one thousand two hundred bottles of third-grade pills, and one thousand bottles of fourth-grade pills."

As soon as Xiao Hanyue's consciousness moved, she sacrificed a space ring, which contained a jade bottle containing elixir. Li Qiuyu grabbed the space ring, and with a movement of consciousness, there were all large and small jade bottles inside. In the jade bottle, there are all high-grade pills.

"Thank you for your hard work. These elixirs can initially establish our strength. We still need to recruit a large number of alchemy disciples and let them do alchemy for us."

Li Qiuyu put away the pills, and gave some fifth and sixth grade pills to Xiao Hanyue's four daughters. These pills were taken by himself and others to improve their cultivation.

"Young master, if we want to establish our own power, we should choose a name. Have you thought about it?"

Xiao Qiuyue asked curiously, she also likes these things very much, because he and Ling Ling have exactly the same personality, they like to play, but their cultivation has also reached the peak.

"I thought about it. It's called Xiaoyao League. It also has its own business. The Shendan Pavilion must be established, because we mainly rely on pills to attract senior monks. As long as they are useful to the outside world, we can win them over, but betrayal. It must be killed."

"Moreover, there is a merit level, and rewards are based on merit. Disciples who join the Xiaoyao League must abide by the rules of the Xiaoyao League."

Li Qiuyu said slowly, in front of me, betrayal is absolutely not allowed, everything is allowed, but betrayal is not allowed, betrayal is an unforgivable behavior.

"Happy League."

"Yes, when we were in Bihai before, we also had this name, and we also ruled Bihai."

"However, what we are facing this time is Longyu City, and above Haiyun Shenzhou, there are countless super cities, and there are countless super powers and families."

Xiao Hanyue said, looking at Li Qiuyu with beautiful eyes, although the cultivation base of the five of them is good, but the strength of Longyu City is by no means as simple as imagined, Li Qiuyu who is at the peak of the middle stage of the cave can kill the late stage in seconds, but if he meets a stronger , it is troublesome.

"No problem. Anyone who is my enemy will be killed. There is no need to be timid in doing things. It is not our style to be timid. If you have practiced for thousands of years, you must enjoy it. A small Longyu City is not our stage. .”

Li Qiuyu said confidently, now that his cultivation has soared, his strength has soared, and his confidence is so strong, even if he meets a Mahayana monk, he dares to fight.

"Indeed, son, your current cultivation base and strength have reached an extreme. Among the monks of the same class, you can completely ignore it. You don't need to look in the eyes, we will use the low-level forces to attack."

Seeing Li Qiuyu's self-confidence, Xiao Hanyue was very happy. Li Qiuyu was very stable in Fengyue Continent, even in the spirit world. Now her cultivation base has skyrocketed, and her confidence has reached an extreme.

"Okay, let's rest for a while, and then find some low-level monks to build this place. The real core disciples and personnel live here."

Li Qiuyu said seriously, this island is thousands of miles in size, and it is not a problem to live some top monks, and it is not easy to find that kind of place with strong aura and wide space for the time being.

"Young master, you just broke through, so let's rest for a while."

Xiao Qiuyue said softly, Li Qiuyu has been in seclusion for a hundred years, and now she has just broken through five Yuanying into Yuanshen, accepted the calamity of Yuanqi, and increased her lifespan, so she needs to rest for a while.

After establishing your own power, you will have little time to rest, unless the power is on the right track, but if you want the Xiaoyao League to go on the right track, you must at least completely take down Longyu City.

A Longyu City is fully ten times the size of Ao City. Such a strength is completely unimaginable. There are a lot of monks in the cave stage, and there may be even more powerful and powerful monks.

"Okay, you guys also rest for a while. If you have any good ideas, please let me know. From now on, Hanyue will be in charge of wealth and female disciples. Lingling and Qiuyue will help me deal with some monks and forces who don't have eyes." , Qingluan, you assist Hanyue."

After Li Qiuyu finished speaking, he walked towards the place where he was practicing. When he left, a green light shot towards Li Qiuyu, and when he came to Li Qiuyu's side, he floated in the air, moving with Li Qiuyu's figure.

When he came to the practice place and saw the room destroyed by the thunder and sky, Li Qiuyu quickly turned some trees into wood chips and built a room again.

The aristocratic family recovered here for a long time, and finally entered the room to practice and stabilize the realm. The five primordial spirits have just been formed, and they must practice for a period of time.

Besides, some powerful spells and methods have not been cultivated for a long time, so it is necessary to get familiar with them, so as not to be unfamiliar with powerful monks.

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