Keeping these monks this time is also a test for them. If they are truly loyal, I will not lose them. If they dare to rebel, they will definitely disappear.

"Young master, we have made such a fuss in Longyu City this time, won't other cities or forces suppress us?"

Xiao Qiuyue looked at Li Qiuyu from the Celestial Emperor's Chariot, and asked, her question was not unreasonable, in the spirit world, very few forces unified a city.

It is rare to see people like Li Qiuyu rising in Longyu City in a short period of time and unifying Longyu City, almost none.

"No, at least in a short period of time, no one dares to touch us easily, because they are worried about our strength, and they absolutely dare not do it lightly when the power is unknown. We will step up our cultivation during this period of time. "

Li Qiuyu pondered for a while, considered all the things, and said with a smile, some of her forces have been exposed, and some of her forces are also targeting her, and it will be impossible if she doesn't do it herself.

My own cultivation has only reached the peak of the middle stage of the hole, so I need to step up my cultivation, at least break through the middle stage of the hole and reach the state of the late stage of the hole.

"Yeah, I have some power now, let them toss it out on their own, and we will come out when we encounter a strong opponent that can't be solved, and wipe out the spirit world."

Xiao Hanyue also nodded, and saw it during this time, Long Yucheng couldn't see what was going on, but she didn't expect two Mahayana monks to pop out all of a sudden, and the Mahayana monk of the Long family also left Longyu City , counting there are three Mahayana monks.

Including the Mahayana period that Li Qiuyu killed when he was fighting with Lanhua Qingyu, there are four in total. There are four in Longyu City alone. monk.

The cultivation bases of the five of them used to be quite good, and they took advantage of everything, but now they are no longer good. Take this time as an example, when Li Qiuyu played against Situ Haotian and Situ Lan in the two Mahayana stages, he and others also No chance to make a move.

"The main purpose of our going back this time is to practice in closed doors. If there is no major movement, we will step up our practice and don't come out. As for some materials and medicinal materials, these guys will look for them."

Li Qiuyu said seriously, ever since she got the Tianmoqin, she knew that the things and characters she had to face were not simple, and it was almost impossible for her to contend.

While the few people were talking, Li Qiuyu flew towards Wanyao Island in the Heavenly Emperor's Chariot, and returned to Wanyao Island in a day. After getting off the Heavenly Emperor's Chariot without delay, he gave some pills to Xiao Hanyue's four daughters.

These elixirs took them hundreds of years, even if they were gone, I could come out and refine them for them, and the time I spent in seclusion was not long.

On Ten Thousand Monster Island, the five of them returned to peace, practicing with all their strength and rarely playing. Li Qiuyu entered the space necklace and saw several of his own monsters, and they also improved rapidly.

Since reaching the void stage, the time inside the space necklace has reached a hundred times the distance from the outside, one year outside, 100 years inside, and with the improvement of one's cultivation, the time inside the space necklace changes will increase.

Li Qiuyu and the others have been outside for 300 years, and several monsters have been inside for 3000 years. Several monsters have reached the late ninth stage, and Qinglong has reached the peak of the late stage, reaching the tenth stage celestial beast The realm is just a matter of time.

Moreover, his strength at the peak of the late ninth stage is definitely beyond that of the tenth-order heavenly beast, and the entire dragon body has also turned into a seven-colored color, truly reaching the seven-colored real dragon.

If it reaches the tenth level, it will be the colorful holy dragon. At that time, even the real four holy beasts and ten fierce beasts will never be able to compete with it.

The Cloud Beast, the Golden Armored Beast, the Blood Eagle Eagle, and the Black Tortoise are all late-ninth-order existences, and their strength is far superior to the monsters of the same class. With these, Li Qiuyu feels more at ease.

Some time ago, I unintentionally discovered some secrets of the space necklace. If I reach the Mahayana stage, the time in the space necklace can not only reach five hundred times, but I can also enter it to practice. Xiao Hanyue The same is true for people.

It's just that if they haven't reached a certain level, they will use up their lifespan inside, and they will be lost after they come out. This is why he dare not let the four daughters of Xiao Hanyue go inside.

After tidying up everything and preparing the elixir, he began to retreat and practice. This retreat lasted for 200 years. In 200 years, many things happened outside, but the monks of the Xiaoyao League never dared to rebel.

The Xiaoyao League of Longyu City was also suppressed by the forces of other cities, but Longyu City was so powerful that it would not be overthrown immediately, but the situation was not optimistic, and it was almost unbearable under the resistance of monks who did not have the Mahayana period.

The five Li Qiuyu who cultivated on the island, and the four daughters of Xiao Hanyue also reached the peak of the late stage of Dongxu, and Li Qiuyu also reached the late stage 100 years ago.

After reaching the peak in the later period, he must have the Biluo Golden Pill before he can hit the Mahayana. During this time, he tried his best to refine the elixir, comprehend the Heavenly Emperor's chariot, and practice other spells.

What's more important is that the Ziming sword has also reached the realm of the ultimate treasure, and the current power of the two swords has reached the unimaginable power of a monk in the spiritual world.

The compatibility of ice and fire has also been greatly improved. With the strength of the whole person and some treasures, he has the confidence to kill the monks in the middle stage of Mahayana in seconds.

"200 years have passed. I don't know what happened outside. A message was sent a while ago that other forces suppressed Longyu City more and more. It's time to go outside. It's just a matter of looking for the materials for the Mietian Sword. "

Li Qiuyu said seriously, looking at the four women around him, all five of them have reached the peak of the late Dongxu stage, even if Xiao Hanyue's four women are alone against the Mahayana monks, they can be easily killed.

In 200 years, the matter of the Biluo Golden Pill has been delayed. It was originally planned to refine the Biluo Golden Pill, but some things happened outside had to be dealt with.

"That's right, the strength outside has soared now, mainly due to the improvement of some spells. If the time outside is not resolved, you can't practice with peace of mind."

Xiao Hanyue also said, because he really said that if Li Qiuyu wanted to refine Biluo Jindan, he had to meditate, otherwise he would fail. The medicinal materials of Biluo Jindan are precious and hard to find. If he fails once, the loss is not a spirit stone. Measured.

"Go out and have a look, solve the matter, give them a chance to develop, and attack Haiyun Shenzhou with all their strength. I want to see how powerful the Lanhua family of the largest family is."

After Li Qiuyu finished speaking, he sacrificed the Celestial Emperor's chariot, and the five of them quickly floated up. The elders of the largest force in Haiyun Shenzhou were killed by themselves. Naturally, they would not let themselves go. Maybe they suppressed the dragon this time. Yu Cheng is the Lan Hua family's attention.

The Heavenly Emperor's Chariot quickly flew across the space and flew towards Longyu City. Now the Heavenly Emperor's Chariot has cultivated to the second level of Dacheng.

Not only is the speed fast, but the coercion emanating from above is countless times stronger. This coercion is not possessed by human monks at all, but the coercion that can only appear in the upper realm.

Even ordinary monks at the Dongxu stage will be suppressed by this coercion, unless they are monks above the middle stage, otherwise the monks at the early stage of Dongxu can be easily suppressed without using their hands.

On the Celestial Emperor's chariot, even a cultivator in the late Dongxu period could not shake the Celestial Emperor's chariot with a full blow. The power of this defense is definitely a super treasure.

"Look, what is that, what a powerful coercion."

The Heavenly Emperor's chariot came to the sky above Longyu City. Countless monks felt the powerful coercion, and they were firmly suppressed on the ground. They could only turn their heads to look at the sky. A chariot with a radius of [-] feet stopped mighty in the sky.

Only a small number of monks in the mid-term and late-stage can move, but their strength has been greatly reduced, and they can only exert their initial power. Seeing such a situation, they are terrified to death.

"This seat has been forgotten for 200 years since I left Longyu City, or in other words, this seat is simply a waste in your eyes. Well, you are all lost."

Li Qiuyu looked coldly at the monks outside the city below, there were tens of thousands of them, all of them were above the stage of transforming spirits, and half of them were monks at the stage of cave void.

"Five Nine Sword Formation, destroy."

With a soft drink, a golden light shot out from between the eyebrows, and then turned into 45 golden short swords. Under the mobilization of spiritual consciousness, the 45 golden short swords formed a ring, and instantly turned into 45 colorful sword lights with the size of thousands of feet.

The ring-shaped sword light spun rapidly, and suddenly, a thousand-foot-sized sword formation appeared, and a thousand-foot-sized colorful vortex devoured everything in the world.

Li Qiuyu stood firmly on the Heavenly Emperor's chariot, controlled the sword formation with his spiritual sense, and the sword formation quickly pushed towards the monks below. Where the sword formation passed, the entire space became nothingness, and even the air was swallowed up.

"Ah, ah."

"Ah, ah."

With one after another screams, the whole scene seemed to be in Shura Hell. Countless monks quickly disappeared into the sword light. In an instant, hundreds of monks were lost.


Li Qiuyu saw that the monks below were fleeing one after another, and even accelerated the speed of the sword array to kill these monks. The four daughters of Xiao Hanyue also waved the treasures in their hands quickly, and every time they swung, some monks were damaged.

In a short time, only half of the tens of thousands of monks existed, and they were all monks in the emptiness stage. Seeing such a situation, they simply forgot to run away and fight back.

This sword array is simply not something that human monks can have, and many monks in the void period can resist it. It is futile to resist, and they can only shout surrender, but Li Qiuyu didn't stop, don't be ruthless, they won't scared.

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