Chapter 117 Crisis (4200)

On September 2009, 9, an unnamed alley on the streets of South Chicago.

This used to be a residential area (public housing area) used by the US government to accommodate people of color, and now it has almost become the private land of gangs from all walks of life.

People here are born with the myths of all kinds of gangsters carrying guns and fighting the world. When they grow up, they can join the gang and become a corpse, a bad person—or the next gangster. .

Derek is one of them.

He was born into a rotten family, a father who drank, gambled, and was a drunk, and as for his mother—who ran away with the others before Derek could remember.

So Derek's childhood was filled with wine bottles, reprimands and beatings for no reason, and then he finally couldn't bear it anymore and went to the gangsters to wander the streets at the age of 14.

For more than 20 years, I have been a small leader in this gang, but there are three gangs in the whole block, and the one Derek belongs to is only one of them.

But... the situation here will soon change.

Derek leaned against the wall and dropped the cigarette butt on the floor, crushing it with his toe.

At the end of the alley, a figure appeared at some point, all dressed in white, which looked very eye-catching.

The younger brothers around Derek all took a step back, put their hands on their waists, and looked at the figure in white who was walking towards this side in surprise.

"You are late."

Drake stretched out his hand to block the movements of the younger brothers, and stepped forward boldly.

In any case, even if you know in advance that the person sent by the other party to trade is always in a weird style, you will always feel apprehensive when you see it with your own eyes.

These guys always like to dress up like ghosts.

"23:[-], the time is just right, you guys came too early."

A cold female voice came, sounding completely devoid of human emotion, like an AI voice synthesized by a machine.

The white figure walked out of the dark alley, revealing its figure.

This is a very tall woman, with a plain white voluminous gown swinging back and forth as the woman walks, and her cold face reveals that she is actually of Asian descent.

Drake swallowed involuntarily, such a woman appeared alone in the alley in the middle of the night to deal with gangsters... Normal people would definitely not be able to do such a thing.

But the person behind the woman was actually assured that she would just come here by herself, every time.

This can't help Drake being careless. The reason why he can climb to his current position is not only because he is lucky enough to be qualified and old. What is really valued by the boss is that Drake has the caution that ordinary gangsters don't have.

In such a place, most tough and reckless people would not live long at all, and they might have died in some conflict.

"Our boss was very satisfied with the things last time."

Drake glanced at the woman and then looked away. There seemed to be some twisted patterns on her white robe that coiled and meandered like snakes. If you stare at it for a long time, you will feel dizzy.

"The boss is also very satisfied with the effect, so we will give you the second-generation product next, and make good use of it."

The woman's lips moved, her eyes looked blankly behind Drake, her pale golden pupils didn't seem to be looking at any specific position, they were just diverging.

"Don't worry about this. Where can we get the guns that we promised earlier? Our people need to confirm first."

Drake tried to snatch back the initiative of the conversation-in fact, the woman had firmly controlled the rhythm of the conversation from the moment she appeared, and everything was following her words. "You just informed a general range."

The woman didn't answer his question, and took out a delicate silver box from somewhere under the robe - Drake could tell at a glance that it was from the same series as the previous one, so Exquisite creations should not appear on the streets, but should be placed in the mansions of those big men.

"This is a second-generation product, you can take it away, as for the object of use... This is something you need to determine."

"Before we do that, we need to determine the location of the guns."

Drake frowned subtly, emphasizing what he had just said once.

"You have no right to bargain." The woman's indifferent eyes finally moved to Drake, as if she paid attention to him from this moment on, "We have found the subject to complete the injection, and our people will tell you."

"It's against the rules. It's not what we said before."

Startled, Drake quietly touched the bulge in his waist.

"We decide the rules." There was impatience in the woman's voice, "It seems that your boss is not telling you the truth, just follow my words."

"Our people need to see those guns first!"

Drake let out a low voice, and pulled out the pistol stuffed in his waist without hesitation. In a few days, they will clash with another group of gangsters, and they need these guns.

As Drake drew his gun, the younger brothers behind him were stunned for a moment and pulled out their guns in uneven movements.

In a narrow alley, there were seven people with six guns, and there was absolutely no room to hide.

"I'll just say it once, give up your stupid behavior." The woman's voice was as cold as ice, and a look of disgust finally appeared on that unchanging face.

This haughty attitude and stinging language undoubtedly greatly stimulated the nerves of these gangsters, and several of them raised their guns slightly to aim at the woman trapped inside.

At this time, Drake stopped those idiots who were about to move again.

He drew his gun just to test out the opponent's reality and show off his wrist, but he didn't really want to fight now.

Drake's ability to get to this point means that his brain is much more flexible than the bottom members of these gangs. If you ask him to solve a math problem, he may not be able to solve it, but his eyes and wrists are enough to adapt to being aggressive in the streets of Chicago. ruthless demand.

The moment Drake pulled out the gun, a very uncomfortable feeling suddenly surged in his heart, as if a poisonous snake was staring at him in the shadows, and would launch an attack at some point.

"It's completely unnecessary." Drake pointed the muzzle of the gun to the ground, and raised his other hand, "We just want what we deserve, and everyone gets what they need."

The woman frowned, and suddenly something on her ear flickered, emitting a strange red light.

"Trading is temporarily suspended."

The woman spat out a word coldly, and pressed her slender white palms to her ears.

"Wait a minute."

Drake turned back and whispered to the gang member who couldn't help but was about to attack, he knew that this should be a new instruction from the contact person above the other party, and there is no need to conflict with the other party now.

These guys have women in their minds besides muscles!Drake couldn't help cursing secretly.

"'Xue Ji', my speech spirit told me that there is a person with super high concentration of dragon's blood not far from you. The plan has been changed, let those guys directly use him as the experimental subject of the potion."

In the earphones, there was a male voice who couldn't suppress his excitement, always carrying a pathological frenzy.


The woman nodded without hesitation, completely trusting the man's words, "The exact location."

"Your position, walk out of the alley, turn right, turn left at the second intersection, the target is on the right side of that street, and is now in a semi-flat state without moving."

"But they are just ordinary people without blood, do I need to do it?"

"No, no, you don't understand Xue Ji, the kind of hybrid with the concentration of dragon blood... If it has been awakened, it can completely destroy my spiritual world the moment I perceive his existence, instead of the current situation. Stay where you are, motionless."

The man's voice became even more excited, "Hurry up, hurry up, everything is full of variables! Don't let him leave my range of perception!"


The woman pressed the switch of the earphone expressionlessly and looked up.

"The plan has changed, and your target is around the corner."

The woman in white called Xue Ji said coldly, "I will show you the way, find him and put this into his body, and then I will tell you what you want to know."

"It's not part of the deal, and we need to take additional risks."

Drake's heart skipped a beat, did he do it directly on the street?

This sudden and uncertain instruction made him a little afraid to respond directly.

"So, what else do you want?"

"Add another ten percent." Drake hesitated, gritted his teeth and raised his own price.

"Deal." The woman didn't seem to have any objection to the [-]% increase, and agreed easily, as naturally as if Drake had just said "add an extra hot dog".

"You can tell the location."

Drake's heart trembled, if it wasn't for the fact that the conflicts between the two parties were irreconcilable, he absolutely couldn't start a dispute with the other party first.

This kind of behavior style of mixing more than a dozen guns in the transaction means that the other party does not care about this kind of arms transaction at all, and the hidden forces behind them are likely to be too huge to imagine.

But why did this kind of force make a deal with a gangster on the street?
Thoughts flashed through Drake's mind, and the voice of a woman reading the address had already sounded.

Old Tang struggled to move in the car, his alcohol-numbed body writhed like a maggot.


A mouthful of alcohol-smelling breath came out of his mouth, and Old Tang felt a little sick to his stomach.

It’s been a long time since I’ve had a drink with anyone. This time I’m a little bit out of count. As I asked questions, the wine in the glass emptied again and again. Old Tang couldn’t remember whether he asked the boss for another bottle or two. Memories from a certain clink of glasses disappeared like fragments cut from the master tape of a movie.

The dullness in the car was a bit breathless. Old Tang fumbled on the door for a while, and finally touched the button to lower the window.

The windows were lowered, and a gust of fresh air poured into the car.

"Shit, I drank too much today."

Old Tang muttered inarticulately, but Su Ting's alcohol capacity was really good. He still remembered that it was Su Ting who helped him into the car in the end.

"Son of a bitch, who knows where it is 100 meters from the intersection!"

A voice of complaints rushed in along with the air when the car window was just opened, and got into Old Tang's ears accurately.

What the hell?

Old Tang's brain was a little out of order, and he didn't quite understand what the guys outside were muttering.

"Stop talking nonsense, find him quickly, 100 meters, a lying target that doesn't move!"

Drake looked around a little irritatedly, and he didn't quite understand why the woman reported such a strange address, did she just say that the place was not good?They have to report the distance, and no one of them has something to measure the length. How do they know where the 100 meters are!
But it was so late, there was no one to be seen on the street in front of him, only a 24-hour convenience store was still lit.

As for lying targets?There aren't even homeless people on this street!Surprisingly clean!

Listening to the rough conversation outside, Old Tang instinctively felt something was wrong.

It is impossible to drive in this state.

So Old Tang leaned over, groped under the seat for a while and took out a small pistol in his hand, most of the wine was sober.

As a bounty hunter, he certainly couldn't be as harmless as he was when he chatted with Lu Mingfei. What he did was also a blood-licking business.

At the end of summer, the temperature at night was a little lower than during the day, but perhaps it was because of drinking some wine that Old Tang still felt extremely hot.

Silently, he raised the window and tucked the pistol under one of his old coats.

"Boss, the window seems to have moved."

It’s bad, Old Tang’s heart skipped a beat. Listening to their conversation, don’t expect them to be law-abiding citizens. Maybe it’s the kind of thing that popped up in the police’s mind the first time they saw it. guy.

"100 meters, 100 meters..." Drake repeated several times, "Go and see!"

"Forget it, I'll go."

Standing in front of the opaque car window, Drake gestured for a few boys to surround the car, and then knocked on the car window leisurely.

The surrounding air clearly smelled of alcohol, so did the people in the car just drink and fall asleep?

Derek's heart moved, and it seemed to be very consistent. Of course, a drunk person will not move in the car, maybe... just lying down.

"what's up?"

Old Tang lowered the car window, with vigilance and a hint of fierceness hidden in his eyes.

"This is the position." A cold female voice came from Drake's always-on phone.

What position? !

Old Tang's heart skipped a beat, and he realized that the person they were looking for was probably himself. Immediately, he reached under his clothes with his right hand and touched the handle of the pistol.

I rely on, come for real.

Old Tang swallowed, and looked at the tall black man standing outside the car window.

These dark-skinned guys have always had a bad reputation in Chicago. The proportion of blacks in the traditional gangs entrenched in Chicago has always been high. Among the perpetrators and deaths in street shootouts, blacks will always be the protagonists.

"come out."

After confirming the target, Drake breathed a sigh of relief, and said fiercely with a straight face.

Asians have always been a disadvantaged group in the United States. It may be a little more difficult if they are looking for someone who is white... But for Asians, there is no problem.

But the next moment, the fierce expression on his face froze.

A black muzzle slowly emerged from the car window, pointing at Drake's forehead.

"What did you say?"

He saw that the Asian white T-shirt in the car that was still smelling of alcohol seemed to be stained with some dark stains, his eyes were fierce, and the veins on his wrists were bursting out. It was obvious that he was not in a very stable state.

(End of this chapter)

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