Chapter 105

"Crooked~ crooked? Let me tell you, the old man is running out of money. If it doesn't work, he forges a suicide note and kills him! Not all the property belongs to me... Boo!"

Gu Wei with an arhat face looked dazed, leaning against the box door, talking on the phone while drinking.

Simultaneously activated [Spiritual Suggestion]!
Chen Yaoyang, who wanted to get angry, somehow imprinted the content of Gu Weigang's phone call in his mind, but at this time his two younger brothers had already rushed to the door, and when they saw Gu Wei's strange face, they immediately wanted to punch and kick him.

"Okay, I'm just a drunk, just throw it out!"

"Cue failure."

"You heard me right, I did all of them, one is not six~"

Gu Wei's words that started to go out of tune were in line with Chen Yaoyang's taste, which made him raise his eyebrows.

【Spiritual hint】!
"Suggests success."

"Get rolling..." The stylishly dressed Brother Li grabbed Gu Wei's hair and dragged him to the corridor.

Another younger brother also took the opportunity to kick Gu Wei's ass.

Gu Wei was pretending to be a stranger at this time, and he should have suffered these two dark losses, but he insisted on using the 'power of wine' to suddenly splash the wine on his brother's face, and smashed the empty bottle on the other boy's head, The remaining half of the wine bottle poked on the outside of my brother's thigh, which caused the panicked screams of the passing guests.

Of course, Brother Liao ("Sister Tuoqiang 3") also screamed miserably, but Gu Wei took advantage of the chaos and slipped away.

Not long after, Chen Yaoyang called all his younger brothers and vowed to find Gu Wei, the face of Arhat, but after tossing and tossing for half a night, he got nothing. Seeing that the car race was approaching, he had to temporarily withdraw his troops and return to the nest.


On Thursday morning, Gu Wei continued his routine training.

After lunch, Xiao Fu came and presented the detailed road map of Chen Yaoyang and Mark's car.

After flipping through it, Gu Wei wondered, "This road map is so detailed? How did you get it?"

Xiao Fu shyly said: "I didn't do much, I just turned a corner and asked someone to get it from Akun."


"He is Dongxing Zuoguantian's deputy. Yaoyang and Mark usually call him Brother Kun!"

Gu Wei recalled for a while, there seemed to be such a person: "Good job."

After sending Xiaofu away, Gu Wei picked up the thin version of the mobile phone and contacted Shen Xun who had been floating outside recently.

"Li Changgui (Li Changfeng Li Changfu's cousin) didn't lose it?"

"Don't worry boss, he, the person in charge of Baoli Entertainment, is playing with two models in the swimming pool 20 meters away from me!"

"That's good, keep an eye on him and wait for my notice at any time."

"no problem!"


So at night, Li Changgui mysteriously disappeared in the hotel where he was staying, and was sent unconscious to a car modification club near the illegal racing route.

It is said to be a car modification club, but it is actually a place where a group of rich second generations often have parties, so there are complete entertainment facilities, and some venues are even open to the public, so Shen Xun and Gao Dong brought Li Changgui here without attracting attention from others. Be careful.

Gu Wei arrived at the club 10 minutes earlier than the time of the illegal racing, and found an excuse to stay alone in the room with Li Changgui who was in a coma for a while, and put him under [puppet control] (see 103).

"The two of you keep an eye on him, and when he wakes up and says he wants to 'eat shit', let him go for a walk, and then you two will change into club security clothes and go outside to stop anyone who wants to break into the club by force. You can use your guns when you're ready!"

Hearing this order, Shen Xun and Gao Dong looked at each other, feeling a little bewildered.

Gu Wei added: "Could it be that I didn't speak clearly enough? Shit, shit, do you understand?"

Seeing Gu Wei's stern words, Shen Gao and the two hurriedly nodded: "Understood."

But when Gu Wei disappeared into the night, Gao Dong couldn't help muttering: "How can someone say that he wants to eat shit, this is too outrageous!"

"Don't think about it, in short, the boss's order must be strictly followed!" Shen Xun has calmed down now, and only wants to follow Gu Wei unswervingly, "It really can't be done, wait until the surname Li wakes up." , we will go to the gate to guard, and we will leave at dawn."

Half an hour later, on the other side of the hill towards the one o'clock direction of the car modification club, on the mountain road with a straight line distance of less than 700 meters, Gu Wei, who had changed his look, had been squatting here for seven or eight minutes.

When he was a little impatient, the roar of the racing car came from afar.

Three minutes later, less than 3 meters away from Gu Wei, Chen Yaoyang successfully pushed Mark's brake fluid leaking racing car off the cliff, and exploded into a mass of flames.

"Crack, crack, crack..."

The sound of a series of professional cameras recorded the whole process clearly, but unfortunately the sound of the racing car exploding drowned out the sound of the camera.

What's more interesting is that Chen Yaoyang also stopped the car and stretched his neck to appreciate Mark's tragic situation, and he was also photographed clearly.

It's a pity that this flash caught Chen Yaoyang's attention: "Who? Who's there?"

Gu Wei ran away in a hurry, and acted like he was in a panic.

Without hesitation, Chen Yaoyang chased after him, and even rushed down the slope, persevering.

At the same time, Li Changgui woke up, his mind was muddled, and he wanted to get up, but he couldn't even move a finger.

Gu Wei, who had turned over the hill and crossed the road, began to run along the road towards the club, but he deliberately ran slowly, looking out of breath.

'In this way, it will be easy for Chen Yaoyang who takes a detour to catch up, right? '

As soon as Gu Wei thought about this, he maintained the inertia of jogging, then switched his vision to Li Changgui, got up and opened the door, and shouted at the two Shen Gao outside the door: "I want to eat shit, I want to eat shit!"

Shen Xun Gaodong felt it was unbelievable, he watched Li Changgui disappear at the end of the corridor in a daze, then he came back to his senses, quickly put on his security uniform, and chased after him.

Two minutes later, Chen Yaoyang's car had already chased outside the club's metal fence wall. Through the hollowed-out railing, he witnessed the whole process of Gu Wei handing over a special type of film to Li Changgui at the entrance of the hall.

As for the good news, Chen Yaoyang, who has worked with Baoli Entertainment several times, knows Li Changgui.

"Made, it's over to the boss!"

Turn off the engine, get out of the car.

Chen Yaoyang pulled out the pistol on his back and walked towards the gate not far ahead.

"Who?" The vigilant Shen Xun asked from a distance, "Stop! What are you holding?"

Chen Yaoyang fired without hesitation, "Bang bang!"
"Damn~ When the old bosses don't have guns!" Shen Gao and the two immediately raised their guns to fight back.

"Bang bang bang..."

This exchange of fire immediately woke up the drunken rich second generations in the club. They ran around in panic, and some called the police.

Therefore, Chen Yaoyang, who estimated the time, emptied a magazine and started to withdraw.

"Anyway, it's very clear who owns the film, and when you get it back..."

Chen Yaoyang, who started the car and left quickly, thought about this problem, but the more he thought about it, the worse he was.

'That's the evidence of the old Ziyin Mark. Can't people remake a few sets of photos this night? '

'Uh ah ah ah ~ do it! '

Chen Yaoyang slammed the steering wheel wildly, hating Li Changgui crazily.
PS: It has been signed, please rest assured to collect it.

(End of this chapter)

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