Chapter 127

"In short, I will give you full authority over the acquisition of the newspaper. If you can win 7000 million, then you can get half of the 1000 million saved, which is 500 million! If you win 6000 million, you can Take 1000 million, OK?"

"No, I don't want your money..."

Gu Wei raised his eyebrows slightly, and pulled Le Huizhen in front of him, leaning against her.

Le Huizhen coyed a few times, seeing that Gu Wei's arm was too strong and unable to break free, she let him go.

Gu Wei looked down at Le Huizhen, and said domineeringly: "Then what do you want?"

Le Huizhen also stared at Gu Wei, her beautiful eyes were like water: "I'm happy to help you, it's really nothing... um~"

It was a slight struggle again, and then submissively, until... her breathing became short of breath!
Feeling Le Huizhen struggling three times, Gu Wei let her go.

Le Huizhen, who had calmed down, didn't shout 'indecent' or anything, but slapped Gu Wei's chest twice angrily, only to find that this man was surprisingly strong.

"Do you want more?" Gu Wei, who took advantage of it, winked at her, "Do you want me to give you a chill?"

Le Huizhen asked in astonishment, "Chilling?"

She obviously didn't get the stalk.

"Ah~ It's okay, I was just joking! What I did just now was a bit presumptuous!"

However, Le Huizhen noticed that Gu Wei's mood suddenly returned to normal, even slightly lower than normal, and immediately doubted her own charm.

Or is it that this man wants to push his feet?But she hasn't reached the point of being honest with him yet, has she?

What a mysterious man, I don't understand!

"Anyway, help me with the newspaper office, and I won't treat you badly."

Gu Wei said so, but secretly he didn't feel at ease with Le Huizhen, and marked her with the [Targeting Radar] that had been upgraded to level 3.

Level 3 [Targeting Radar], 'The detection radius is 800 meters, the current number of targets that can be locked [level 3+1], the target can be an item, the target can be offline within 24 hours, and the target can be locked immediately within 800 meters! '

Compared with level 2 [Targeting Radar], the detection range of level 3 has doubled, and there is an additional 'offline' mark, which is really even more powerful.

The so-called 'offline' means that the marked person or object can leave Gu Wei's detection range, as long as it returns to the detection range within 24 hours, it will be displayed on the 'targeting radar' even if it is no longer marked.

Le Huizhen tilted her head lightly, pressed one side of her cheek against Gu Wei's chest, and said pitifully: "You said you wouldn't treat me badly, and I suffered a lot just now."

"Then how do you want me to compensate you?"

Le Huizhen raised her head slightly and looked up at Gu Wei, the situation seemed to be back to just now.



Yijing Garden.

This is a high-end villa area invested and developed by Jardine Matheson.

There are quite a few big stars and minor celebrities from the ports living in the district. Although it is not as influential as places like Victoria Peak and Deep Water Bay, Repulse Bay, it is still considered a gathering place for the middle class.

But at this moment, Villa No. [-] was rather stuffy.

Beside the floor-to-ceiling windows, the plain-looking Lu Yan is also at the ninety-fifth level, but anyone can see that she is a bit haggard at the moment: "Sister Xi, do you really want to mortgage this house?"

"Short oil~ My eldest lady, what do you think? I have already discussed this matter with you four times!"

"But it was left when my mother died..."

"Of course I know this, but the problem is that your business needs capital turnover now!" Lu Yan's manager, Sister Xi, was about to start the 'hard-hearted' mode again. The film froze immediately, and now if you don’t hold a few concerts to stabilize your popularity, if you make another film, you will have to drop out!”

Falling out of gear is a lingo in the entertainment industry. To put it simply, it means 'reduction in salary level', whether it is the salary of the film or the salary of the announcement, it will be reduced. This is the disapproval of a certain person in the circle.

You must know that celebrities not only have coffee positions in front of fans, but also have coffee positions when connecting with various resources in the circle.

Sometimes it is obvious that fans praise a certain person as second-tier, but insiders such as directors and advertisers do not recognize it, so he can only get third-tier and fourth-tier salaries, which is not surprising.

"You can hold a concert, how can I pay for it out of my own pocket?"

It's not that Lu Yan is reluctant to part with the money, the key is that she can't figure it out. After all, even the first few concerts when she debuted were funded by the company for her.

As for her popularity and fame later on, she never spent any money on any concerts. Someone set up a stage and invited her to sing, and she was charged directly after the singing, just to use her voice, and there was no cost at all.

Unexpectedly, now she is a big star, Lu Yan, to the point where she wants to spend her own money to hold a concert!

"Short oil~Miss, if you really don't want to mortgage this house, why don't you ask someone to borrow some?"

"Borrowing?" Lu Yan's eyes suddenly became a bit vigilant, "I don't want to borrow money from private financial companies or loan sharks!"

"I didn't let you borrow from usury, don't you still have friends!"

"Friends?!" Lu Yan's beautiful eyes widened, "How can I have any friends in the circle? I'm a friend if I don't stab a knife in the back, and want to borrow money?"

"I don't know more about the virtues in the entertainment industry than you do!" Sister Xi gave her an annoyed look, "I'm talking about your friends outside the!" Saying this, she handed a newspaper to Lu妡.

"Wei Chun'en was successfully rescued, and Webster's [-] million thanks...Gu Wei?!" Lu Yan read the headline casually, and she was completely surprised, "Oh yes~ I remembered, he said that he was the Interpol. People are not surprised!"

"Please miss, what we are discussing now is not the matter of Gu Sheng saving people, but... the [-] million! Also, you must not forget that he won the horse betting at the Jockey Club two months ago. Tens of millions of things?"

Lu Yan murmured: "I remember... I do, but I don't know him very well... I'm afraid he won't be happy to borrow tens of millions from him for this one mouth?"

When Sister Xi heard this, she rolled her eyes wildly: "My eldest lady, you haven't spoken to Gu Sheng yet, how do you know that he doesn't want to borrow it? It's really unfounded worry!"

"Then, should I try calling him?"

"Of course, call quickly!" Sister Xi helped hand over the mobile phone.


Gu Wei took advantage of Le Huizhen enough, and then let her go.

Back in the store, Hong Yubao's gossip came before he could sit still, "When did you hook up with the beautiful reporter? You two had an affair when you were at the Cointreau Hotel, right?"

"none of your business!"

"It's none of my business, but who pays for the drinks ordered by the beautiful reporter?"

As for Hong Yubao deliberately burying him, Gu Wei really wanted to say 'you buy it', but just as the words came to his lips, before he could leave his mouth, the elder brother rang loudly.

"Isn't it? You thought about it again after we separated for a while?" Hong Yubao chattered repeatedly.

While Gu Wei glared at him, he connected the phone: "Crooked?"

"Is it Gu, Gu Wei? I, Lu Yan!"

"Lu Yu?"

Hong Yubao next to him suddenly stopped making trouble.
PS: It has been signed, please rest assured to collect it.

(End of this chapter)

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