Chapter 129 Exploded
"Let's take a look, let's take a look, this number one...Chen Binglie?!"

"Chen what lie? Is this someone? I've never heard of it..."

"How could he rank first? How much income did he earn this year? Could it be that the data is wrong?"

"The data can't be wrong, it's just hidden, we small people can't see it!"

"If you want to satisfy your curiosity about killing a cat, you can also make an application and get at least three big bosses to sign it, and you will be able to see the detailed list."

"Sharp, I know the fourth one, he was at least [-] empty when the stock market crashed this year..."

"Didn't that make more than 3 million yuan?"

"Earning [-] million can only rank fourth?"

"Then how much did the first person surnamed Chen earn?"

At the same time, the directors of the Stock Exchange were also discussing this issue.

"During the stock market crash, this Chen Sheng made more than 80 billion yuan, which is not easy!"

"In addition to being short-sold by foreign capital and making a lot of money, among the people in this city who made a lot of money through the stock market crash, this Chen Sheng is really the best!"

"Then our annual meeting, send him an invitation?"

"Although the other party probably won't accept the invitation, let's send it!"

"Do you think Chen Sheng has any connection with those international hot money? That is to say, we don't have a list of foreign investors..."

"Hey, hey~ Xiao Wang, don't talk nonsense without evidence, otherwise you won't know how you died when you leave this door!"

"That's it~ Don't be too overzealous, Xiao Wang, return the list of foreign capital, even if this income list, there are only top [-] in the database, if you really want to check, will those retail investors check it?"

"Liu Sheng is right. As long as every transaction is legal, we can't control them, even if the funds entering the household are not clean..."

"You're right, you're right, Xiao Wang, you really shouldn't talk indiscriminately. If the media finds out about this, it might cause a lot of trouble!"

Being reprimanded by veteran directors one after another, Xiao Wang (director) looks calm on the surface, but he is suffocating in his heart, "The old boss is going to explode the media and make you burn, believe it or not"?
Xiao Wang thought so, and did the same.Similar news came out the next day, but it was just a tabloid. No newspaper with a sales share of more than [-] copies broke the news.

You must know that Hong Kong’s paper media is actually similar to Western paper media, and they are all backed by financial backers. Just like the Times will not expose Murdoch’s scandals, Hong Kong’s influential paper media will not easily Those who break the news and offend people, unless there is a large paper media that is the first to stand out, other paper media will follow suit.


"You want to borrow money for a concert?"

Lu Yan felt strangely uncomfortable when Gu Wei looked at him with the expression "You won't lose your head, right?"

"There is also such an operation as a self-funded concert? But if I really want to lend you money, what kind of collateral do you take?"

"The tickets for the concert also have advertising revenue, [-]%, is that okay?"

"Sixty percent? How much can I have? I want ninety percent!"

"Ninety percent?" Lu Yan's beautiful eyes widened, her face full of disbelief, "If it's ninety percent, then I'll do it for nothing, up to seventy percent!"

"Seven and a half percent~ I can think about it."

"...Well then, when will we sign the contract? After all, time waits for no one!"

"You have found a lawyer, and I can do it anytime."


"Invitation (letter) for the New Year's dinner of the Stock did this thing get sent here?"

Gu Wei casually glanced at the gold-edged postcard that Xiao Fu handed over, with a look of surprise on his face.

Xiao Fu scratched his head and said, "This... I don't know!"


At this time, Wang Jianjun trotted into the house excitedly with a few newspapers.

"what happened?"

"Your uncle... um no, Ariel is in the newspaper!"

Gu Wei took the newspaper and looked at the headlines, suddenly realized: "Remember, I used Bing Lie's ID card to open a large account office in the securities company, but the address is here."

Xiao Fu, who was standing next to him, also saw the headlines, and couldn't help but ask, "Boss, really made 80 billion?"


"Is the stock market so profitable?" Wang Jianjun couldn't help interjecting.

Gu Wei glared at him: "It's so profitable, it's about the same size as betting, the winner takes all, the loser pays all, and you can only make money if you hit the big market!"

"In general stock operations, if you invest 200 million yuan, you can earn 40 to [-] yuan a year, which is considered a good income..."

"It's fine if you trade by yourself. If you entrust someone else to trade, you have to take part of the 40 to [-] li, and treat it as a commission for them!"

"In other words, if you worry about it every day and your heart rate fluctuates with the stock market, you can earn a lot of hard money! Those brain cells and body cells that are killed by the ups and downs of mentality can't be replenished no matter how much nutrition you eat!"

This series of words made Xiaofu and Wang Jianjun stupefied.

"But I heard that those gold-collar workers in the financial industry earn millions of dollars."

"Nonsense~ They take a lot of commissions, so naturally they will get more money. As for the investment of customers, it is not the trader who pays for it himself. It helps to make some money during the bull market, and it loses when it is a bear market. Anyway, it is written in the contract. Go ahead, at your own risk!"

"No~ I see that the contracts of many wealth management products say that the capital is guaranteed. What does it mean to bear the risk?"

"Junzi? You care so much about this matter, you don't buy wealth management products, do you?"

"Ah~ Xiao bought hundreds of thousands!"

"Then you have to be careful. Capital protection means that you invest 100 million. After the financial management contract expires, 100 million will definitely not lose you. This is capital protection. As for whether there is any extra money to collect, it depends on the launch of financial management. The product company has a conscience, and we have to beware of people stealing money and running away..."

After hearing this, Wang Jianjun looked astonished: "You mean, during the financial management contract, I gave the other party the free money to speculate in stocks, and then I paid back the principal afterwards, and didn't give me the rest?"

"People may also lose money. Why don't you pay back your principal?"

"Wogan stepped on the cool ground..."

Xiao Fu persuaded: "Stop scolding, I also bought three copies!"


"One hundred thousand...Jianjun bought five copies!"

Gu Wei: "..."

At this time, Chen Jianhua came back.

As soon as she entered the room, she floated to Gu Wei's side like a butterfly: "Ah Wei, do you want to travel to the Mainland?"

Gu Wei was startled: "Okay, what are you doing in the Mainland?"

"My brother said, in that city, he has found a piece of real estate and asked me to take care of it!"

"Let you palm the eye?" Gu Wei stared, "I gave most of the money in his hand, why didn't he ask me to palm the eye?"

"Auyou~ Actually, I bought a tomb. It's in my mother's ancestral home. By the way, my brother also wants to move my father's tomb there..."

"Oh~ that's fine, you go, anyway, the city must be full of wind and rain in the past few days, it's good if you're not here!"

"What do you mean it's fine if I'm not here?" Chen Jianhua asked puzzled.

Gu Wei tapped the newspaper on the coffee table: "When I opened the account, I used your brother's ID card."

That's why he would transfer a sum of money whenever he made a fortune, otherwise it would not be impossible for Chen Binglie to apply for freezing the funds of the big family room if he really wanted to play tricks.
PS: It has been signed, please rest assured to collect it.

(End of this chapter)

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