The start is a bulletproof monster

Chapter 133 Sure enough, there are many younger brothers

Chapter 133 Sure enough, there are many younger brothers

"Cao Ni Mad~ dare to touch my bitch?!"

"She came here by herself..."

"Fuck you~~ Dare to talk back? Boom!"

There was a sudden movement of hands over there, "哐哐, 嗙", and the battle was overwhelming. For a while, all the bar customers nearby stopped their fun and began to eat melons and watch the show.

At this time, Bao Da Er Pi appeared out of nowhere, went up and grabbed the guy who hit the most fiercely: "Okay, stop making trouble!"

The guy who hit people the most was tall and burly, turned around, and glared at Bao Daer with a fierce look on his face: "Fuck~ Who is causing trouble? Who the hell are you?" While talking, he pushed Bao Daer. Two or two.

Bao Da Er resisted not having a fit, and asked, "Who are you?"

"Dongxing, Dadong (He Yong has been maimed by Chen Binglie)!"

"My name is Ajie, how are you?" Dadong's long-haired younger brother Ajie deliberately shook his hair in front of Bao Daer.

Bao Daer: "Get out of the way, who knows if you have fleas on your head, you are so yin and yang, you look so handsome, don't you?" Turning his head, he looked at Dadong again, "I warn you, don't pretend to be me Idiot, I saw you drugged that horse wine, you are not welcome here, get out!"

Dadong stared, tilted his head, approached Bao Daer, and asked arrogantly: "What did you say?" After the words fell, countless younger brothers around stood up one after another, aggressively.

In the same way, a group of younger brothers appeared behind Bao Da'er, setting up their chariots and horses with Dadong's younger brothers, as if they were ready to fight at any time.

"I told you to get out!"

"Oh!" "Oh!"

"How?" "What do you want?"

"Big buffalo..."


"Made, I beat you!"


"Brother Nan~"

"Brother Nan!"

At this time, Liangzi Nan walked into the crowd in a suit and leather shoes: "Baopi, they are just children, don't pay attention to them, treat them as unintentional!"

Bao Daer: "If they had the heart, they wouldn't be the ones who came."

Although Liangzi Nan and Bao Da'er spoke lightly, they were full of momentum. Dadong and his younger brothers were so frightened that they dared not say a word for a while, but the momentum of the two sides' swords and swords was not weakened at all.

At the bar, Le Huizhen's beautiful eyes shined brightly: "The confrontation between the clubs seems to be another piece of news that attracts attention!"

Gu Wei rolled his eyes when he heard the words: "Please~ what's there to report about chaos and chaos?"

"Tch~ you don't understand... Usually when there are fights on the street, would you stop and take a look? Even if you are afraid of hurting the fish in the pond, you have to wait and see from a distance, have you ever experienced it? Don't try to deny it, most citizens must have had similar fights Experience, so when such news comes out, it is the selling point of the newspaper!"

Although Le Huizhen's words are a bit unreasonable, let alone, Gu Wei still agrees in his heart. After all, he was a fake fan who often watched the NBA before time travel, but the most exciting time for him to watch the live broadcast game was the "Auburn Hills Palace Incident". That time, the previous game was a bit one-sided. After a group of black buddies fought, I immediately felt that this game was worthless.

In the same way, it can be proved...but any fighting video, whether it is cats, dogs, tigers, lions, or people, as long as it is broadcast, the ratings will definitely be high.

As for the paper media reporting similar news, Gu Wei has no idea, but Le Huizhen can do it!
At this time, a male voice came from outside the crowd: "Wow~ so many young people are here!"

Hearing this male voice, Dadong Ajie and a group of younger brothers behind stepped aside one after another and looked around. After a burly man walked into the circle, they shouted in unison: "Brother Haonan!"

A burly man with a square face and a pair of brown glasses came in front of Liang Zai Nan, and said with a fake smile: "Chen Haonan, it's a pleasure to meet you, long time admiration!" He also stretched out his hand.

Liang Zai Nan: "Who are you?"

Dadong immediately introduced: "He is the most famous leader of our Dongxing, Si, Tu, Hao, Nan!"

Situ Haonan: "Now in Causeway Bay, there is more than one person named Haonan. I don't know why my old man gave me this name. If you don't believe me, I can show you my ID card...Why are you making trouble?"

Dadong: "Hey, Boss, this four-eyed frog (Bao Daer) is just slandering me, saying that I drugged a horse wine!"

Situ Haonan: "Then did you take any medicine?"

"Of course not~ Those are soda powder!"

At the same time, Dadong's Ma Zi also echoed: "It's none of your business~ Fatty! Hmph!"

Situ Haonan: "Chen Haonan, this matter is already very obvious. It is your little brother who intentionally fabricated it out of nothing! Paul, both of you are lawyers. As lawyers, tell me who is right and who is wrong in this matter ?”

Liang Zai Nan: "We opened the door for business, but this gay bar only welcomes like-minded friends, not people like him!" As he spoke, he deliberately touched Da Dong's face with his finger .

Dadong tilted his head and was about to explode, "Dadong", but Situ Haonan suddenly stopped him, "You have the guts~ By the way, the fortune teller told me that I should move to Causeway Bay , because the feng shui here is good, I will get fat if I live here!"

"It used to be your world, but you will have an opponent in the future! As the saying goes, one mountain cannot accommodate two tigers. On the territory of Causeway Bay, there can only be one Haonan, and that is me, Situ Haonan. Just wait and see!"

Liang Zai Nan: "Huh~ I, Chen Haonan, have been around for so long because of three things: courage, loyalty, and many brothers. Don't you want to go out?"

By the bar.

Gu Wei elbowed Ma Jun: "You, the leader of the anti-gangster group, are you still not on the horse?"

"Don't worry, it'll be out soon... I'm actually here today to check out the spot." Saying this, Ma Jun put down his cup and walked towards the two groups of people.

At this time, the two Haonan brothers were still trying to kill each other with their eyes. Ma Jun walked up to the two of them and said, "Wow~ Sure enough, there are a lot of younger brothers! So many people are filming?"

"I am the new leader of the Anti-Mafia Team of the Wanchai Police Station. My surname is Ma!"

The long-haired Ajie jumped out, grabbed Ma Jun's shoulders, and said arrogantly: "The note is more hanging... ah!"

Before he finished speaking, Ma Jun kicked Ajie away with a fierce side kick, which immediately caused a commotion among Dongxing's younger brother.

But before it was over, Ma Jun chased after him on the spot, knelt on Ajie's chest, and pointed his gun to his head: "Do you dare to attack the police?"

Situ Haonan: "..."

Liang Zai Nan: "..."

All the younger brothers: "..."

Lawyer Paul and his companions: "..."

At the same time, Le Huizhen whispered to Gu Wei: "Isn't your ex-colleague too violent?"

Gu Wei: "What kind of violence is this? When he was at his most powerful, he punched a gangster into an idiot!"

Le Huizhen's beautiful eyes widened: "Is it true? Why haven't I heard of it..."

"If you've heard of it, he can still work!"

"Hmph ~ okay, for your sake, I won't turn over his old account."

"You're clever, but you won't suffer. He's a bit violent, but he's jealous. If you have a legitimate reason to look for him in the future, he will definitely help."

"Is it true? Anyway, if something happens, I will call you by name. If you don't believe me, he won't help!"
PS: It has been signed, please rest assured to collect it.

(End of this chapter)

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