The start is a bulletproof monster

第65章 3打1,甚至可能4打1

Chapter 65 Three against one, maybe even four against one
When Wang Jianjun and the other three retreated, Gu Wei picked up his eldest brother and called Liu Yuan to ask for leave. By the way, he asked about the news about the transnational criminals like Tianyangsheng.

Then he called He Shourong (see 031 for details).

"Crooked? Which one?"

"I, Gu Wei."

There was silence on the other end of the phone for two seconds, probably recalling the name "Gu Wei", and then hearty laughter rang out.

It's a pity that He Shourong is John Bull. No matter how good his Chinese is, when he laughs, his voice is always a little weird.

"It's Gu Sheng, what do you need from me?"

"I want to ask Sir He for a little favor..."

"Just say it."

"I have a few men who need to be equipped with some weapons. I can only ask you for the relevant documents."

"Weapon? Could it be something like a black star?" He Shourong's face changed slightly.

"He Sir is wise, guess right! Of course, I won't let you help in vain."

"It's not a matter of helping in vain..."

"20 million pounds!"

"Your request is more difficult..."

"50 million pounds!"

"I actually don't want to reject you, Gu Sheng, but your influence in the headquarters is not enough~" He Shourong implying that he can't completely make the decision on this matter, or if he makes the decision, he will be settled by Qiuhou after retirement , so you have to find someone to carry it with you.

"That's 100 million pounds, and I'll ask He SIR to help you manage the extra part, but I want the certificate to be valid for ten years."

"Longer validity period? No problem!"

He Shourong readily agreed. In fact, he could issue the documents by himself, but with 100 million pounds, he could take hundreds of thousands of pounds and find two constitutional committee-level colleagues to issue the documents that Gu Wei needed, so that he would not be afraid of retirement. Someone will check him in the future, as long as he survives until [-], he will be considered a safe landing.

"Since He SIR you accepted, then I will transfer money today, or the same account as last time?"

"Don't worry, that's a public account, I'll give you another number..." There was a rustling sound from the other side of the phone, "Remember, the account number is XXXX..."

"Okay, the account number XXXX... I remember it! But I'm quick to send money, and I also hope that He SIR's visa will be quick, can it be done within 24 hours?"

"That's enough, I'll try my best!"

"Try your best? Then you have to temporarily lend me a team..."

"Borrower? Why?"

"Because I was targeted by a group of thugs, otherwise I wouldn't want to equip my subordinates with weapons!" After speaking, Gu Wei told He Shourong the general situation of Tianyangsheng's group, "And I just returned from the ICPO. According to the news, this group of people has indeed sneaked into the port."

He Shourong was a little surprised: "There is such a thing?! Okay, I will send a team to you right away!"

An hour later, Li Wenbin brought his entire team and two vehicles with heavy firepower to Gu Wei's villa in Waterloo Mountain.

At the gate of the villa, he ran into another group of guys driving up from the reverse mountain road.

"Huh? You are..."

"Hello, Miao Zhishun, Senior Inspector of the West Kowloon Crime Squad!"

"Hello, Li Wenbin, Inspector O of West Kowloon Region!"

Miao Zhishun was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, "You are Li SIR? A while ago, you swept Dongxing very well!"

As soon as Li Wenbin heard it, his already dark face suddenly turned dark: "Listen to Miao SIR, should we forget about sweeping Dongxing's field?"

"That was not what I meant……"

"Then what do you mean..."

At this time, Xiao Fu opened the door and came out: "Which one is Li Wenbin and Li SIR? Oh, by the way, and Miao Zhishun Miao SIR?"

Li Wenbin: "I am."

Miao Zhishun: "It's me."

The two answered at the same time, but they had the same word with different pronunciation.

The corners of Xiao Fu's mouth turned up slightly, but he didn't laugh when he wanted to laugh: "The two of you come in with me!"

After passing through the courtyard and entering the living room, Li Miao and the two of them immediately paid attention to Wang Jianjun and A Ji. These two guys never looked like good people, but ignored Gu Wei, the owner of the villa.

"Ah~Miao Sir, how are things going with Sister Rou recently?"

This was originally Gu Wei's casual remark, but when Miao Zhishun heard it, his face immediately froze, and he answered the wrong question: "Ah Wei, the serious crime team is also chasing Tian Yangsheng's bandits. I heard that you have their information?"

Gu Wei didn't agree with him, and asked in a cold voice: "Sir Miao, don't tell me that you have already broken up with Sister Rou!"

Miao Zhishun smiled bitterly: "No, Ah Rou initiated the breakup, but we are still friends."

"No wonder Miss Rou hasn't called me recently..."

In fact, the main reason was that Gu Wei hadn't bought a mobile phone some time ago, and Ding Rou felt that it would be troublesome for him to call back when calling Gu Wei, so he felt that there was nothing important and didn't contact Gu Wei.

"Gu Sheng, let's talk about raising..." Miao Zhishun noticed the change in Gu Wei's attitude and changed his address on his own initiative.

It's a pity that Gu Wei ignored him, and instead looked at Li Wenbin: "Sir Li, right? He Shourong asked you to come?"

Hearing the word "He Shourong", Miao Zhishun, who wanted to continue talking to Gu Wei, suddenly fell silent.

Li Wenbin: "Yes...I am Li Wenbin, Sir He asked me to come."

"Very well, your task is to protect this villa within this week and that's OK! As for who your people will deal with..." Gu Wei didn't even look at Miao Zhishun, but just pointed at him, " Miao SIR has detailed information!"

Li Wenbin and Miao Zhishun couldn't help looking at each other, Gu Wei took the opportunity to leave the living room.


Before lunch, the 100 million pounds promised by Gu Wei was transferred from an anonymous account to the account given by He Shourong.

He Shourong was also in a hurry. After lunch, he took two 50 and two 100 million bank cards, a total of four bearer bank cards, drove back to Jianwei Building, and had afternoon tea with his former colleagues.

In the end, two bank cards worth 100 million Hong Kong paper were sent out.

In exchange, before leaving get off work in the afternoon, He Shourong got the documents that Gu Wei needed, and because of this, he helped Gu Wei register a shell company.

Yes, a shell security company with a maximum number of 150 security guards, a third of whom are allowed to hold light weapons.

As for the light weapons, there are detailed descriptions on the supporting documents.


He Shourong also gave this security company a self-satisfied, but actually very humble name, "Weiwei Security Company"!
During dinner, after Gu Wei heard the news, he almost sent someone over to beat He Shourong up.

It's a pity that all the documents and documents were still in He Shourong's hands, so he had no choice but to hold back his anger, and sent Zhang Nan and Zhang Bei, who had less sharp eyes, to fetch them.

At eight o'clock, Gu Wei received a call from the Zhang brothers, and the item was in hand!

In other words, Weichai Security Company is officially launched.

Xiaofu and the others can play with their guns now!
But this is not the point, the point is that the two groups of Miao Zhishun and Li Wenbin both decided to stay in ambush at Gu Wei's villa.

If Wang Jianjun and the others are added, this is three teams, and they are all elites. If Tianyangsheng and his gang dare to come, they will fall into the trap of themselves.

What's more, even if the three teams can't hold back, Gu Wei himself can still come out at any time! .
PS: It has been signed, please rest assured to collect it.

PS: I wish everyone a happy Chinese New Year and a happy Year of the Tiger!
(End of this chapter)

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