dream redemption

Chapter 102 The Inner Heaven and Earth Seeds

The entire stone platform presents a perfect circle, as if explaining some kind of cosmic rules. The tip of the Weeping Sword is lightly tapped on the center of the stone platform, and the sword qi is centered on it, constantly arising and dying from the stone platform, converging, The mysterious trajectory seems to interweave the most profound Tao and reason between heaven and earth.

The sword intent swaying from the weeping sword body and the sharpness gathered by Jianfeng itself fit perfectly!It seems that the Weeping Sword is the soul of the entire Sword Peak, and it is the meaning of its existence!

No!Not as if!Simply!The Weeping Sword is the meaning of Jianfeng's existence!

Without the slightest hesitation, Murong Xiao stepped directly onto the stone platform that looked like a meat-grinding roulette.

The sword energy that was born and died from the stone platform seemed to have its own consciousness, and the moment it touched Murong Xiao, it became as soft as water waves, without causing the slightest harm.

Shitai is the highest point of the entire Jianfeng. From here, you can have a panoramic view of the whole peak, the bamboo sea, the waterfall, the stone forest and the water.

Murong Xiao pushed aside his long hair that was blown by the wind, and sat cross-legged in front of the Weeping Sword.

A drop of blood flowed down the blade from the middle finger and was gradually absorbed by it.

Ten fingers connected to the heart, after losing the ability of pseudo-immortality, the blood between the fingers became the best choice to feed the Weeping Sword.

As Murong Xiao's blood was gradually absorbed by the Weeping Sword, the compatibility between the two reached a limit!

Taking advantage of this moment, Murong Xiao suddenly sacrificed her spiritual will that was about to be condensed into shape, and merged it with the sword intent swaying from the Weeping Sword!

Water and water blend!

Murong Xiao used the condensed method of mind swordsmanship to suddenly condense his spiritual will and the sword intent of weeping tears together, a feeling of water and milk suddenly emerged in his heart, as if it should be like this, it should be like this !

The weeping sword intent strongly resonated with Murong Xiao's spiritual will, and a brand new sword intent was born!

Integrity, integrity, light, never give up!

With the help of this brand-new sword intent, Murong Xiao's own belief is extremely firm and persistent, relying on the mysterious method of intent swordsmanship, he condenses his own sword intent in one fell swoop!

The entire Jianfeng trembled, and the two wills rose up, setting off each other, as if they were one. The sharpness of the entire Jianfeng suddenly condensed and turned into a white awn that soared into the sky. This white awn is vast and bright, with faint edges There is a luxurious purple air rising.

The moment Murong Xiao's sword intent was condensed, all the sword energy on the stone platform rushed into Murong Xiao's body like a hundred rivers returning to the sea!

Dao after sword qi is like swimming fish, constantly flowing from the hundreds of meridians in Murong Xiao's body. The tenacity of the meridians is strengthened at a speed visible to the naked eye under the tempering of the sword qi!Especially those meridians and acupoints specially constructed for the passage of sword qi are the main targets of sword qi refining!

Murong Xiao's acupoints all over his body were tempered by the sword energy, a powerful blood energy was stimulated, and every cell and every inch of bone in his body was slowly tempered by the blood energy. , gradually become stronger.

The spirit has always been the leader of the spirit. Ordinary people practice according to the method of refining spirit to transform qi, refining qi to transform spirit, and refining spirit to return to emptiness.The method of the Intent Sword Jue is to go against the road, first cultivate the sword intent, use the power of the sword intent to transform the true energy in the body into sword energy, and then use the power of the sword energy to open up the acupuncture points all over the body and stimulate the blood in the body , so that the essence is strong, the body is strong, and the gods are the guide, instead of refining the essence step by step to transform the qi, and refining the qi to transform the god.

At this moment, Murong Xiao only has internal energy circulating in his veins, and of course it cannot achieve the tempering effect of the True Qi Transformation Sword.However, the current him has integrated his own sword intent into Jianfeng, and stimulated the acupuncture points in his body with the sword energy generated by the energy cycle of Jianfeng, the effect is indeed almost the same.

The sword body of the Weeping Sword is also tempered by the sword energy, and its quality is gradually improved.

In mind swordsmanship, there is also a method of sacrificing the sword with blood.After the sword is often fed and sacrificed by the master, it will gradually increase its fit with the master and create a sense of flesh and blood.

After the owner is fully compatible with the sword, at this time, learning any sword technique will become easier, and any simple sword style will also have the effect of turning decay into magic.This is the superb swordsmanship expert!

Murong Xiao was able to reach the state of perfection so quickly by relying on his own efforts and the pressure of the outside world, so the act of feeding the sword with hard work every day is indispensable.

With the condensing of the sword intent, the body gradually became stronger, and the internal strength that was slightly unstable due to the short-term surge was completely stabilized, and he could do whatever he wanted!

"It seems that it won't be long before I can start preparing to attack the remaining 260 meridians. With the sword peak and sword intent, the process of transforming internal energy into true energy will no longer be a bottleneck for me!"

Murong Xiao suddenly opened his eyes, and two sharp divine lights shot out from them, piercing the air!The sharpness contained in the eyes can almost shatter a person's soul!

Murong Xiao's sword intent represents a kind of fierceness that is invincible and kills everything, so the external manifestation is a kind of sharpness that almost cuts through everything!

"Exchange items."

Murong Xiao let out a soft cry, and a transparent exchange box emerged from the void, and each dreamy text with both form and spirit shone with brilliance.

This exchange box is much more personal than the dignitaries in the exchange hall, and there is also a keyword search option like Baidu.

After spending at the Red Star Hotel, Murong Xiao still has 17508 points of Dream Power left. Of course, the booty from Chu Xuan is not counted here.


With a thought in his mind, Murong Xiao spat out these two words.

The calculation speed of the Oneiroi system is by no means comparable to that of any known supercomputer. As soon as Murong Xiao finished speaking, the search results showed millions of entries.

"Elimination above fifteen thousand dream powers."

There was a flash of light in the box, and there were still hundreds of thousands of options left.

"Elementary storage talisman, quality: normal, can be used after inputting energy, no main function, internal space 100 cubic meter, service life: 100 times. Exchange price: [-] Mengshen power."

"Elementary Cosmos Bag, quality: ordinary, can be used after inputting energy, and the internal space is one-tenth of a cubic meter. Exchange price: 100 Mengshenli."

"Elementary dimensional bracelet, quality: good, can be used after inputting energy, no main recognition function, internal space one cubic meter. Exchange price: 1000 Mengshen power."

Under these three options, there are several options extending, Murong Xiao no longer looked at them one by one, but moved his eyes down.

"Elementary space heart, quality: perfect, a crystal condensed by the power of space, containing the broken law of space. Exchange price: 15000 points of Dream God power."

"Primary space imprint, quality: excellent, leave a space key on the body in the form of a tattoo, which can open a space of ten cubic meters. Exchange price: 10000."

"Elementary small world seed, quality: star, a magical seed, has an extremely small chance to breed a du li small world, with a cubic meter of space. Exchange price: 15000 dream power."

"The seeds of the inner world, quality: none, the seeds of one world, have the complete four supreme laws, potential:? Possess a cubic meter of space. Exchange price: 15000 Mengshen power."

"Is there any quality?"

"Possess the complete four supreme laws?"

"Potential is a question mark? Is it inestimable or has no potential?"

Murong Xiao's eyes were concentrated, and he stared at this option for a long time.

The four supreme laws?Murong Xiao was very curious about this.

From a rational point of view, it is undoubtedly not right to spend a lot of Oneiroi power to buy something with a lot of uncertainties.


A slight smile appeared on the corner of Murong Xiao's mouth: "Exchange the seeds of the inner world."

"Ding, the seeds of the Inner Heaven and Earth will consume 15000 Dream God power points to exchange, are you sure?"


When Murong Xiao finished speaking, a golden luminous body emerged from the void in front of him.

This is the seed of the inner world, quietly suspended in front of Murong Xiao, emitting a soft golden light, like a warm and kind star, illuminating the void.

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