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There was a gleam in Rex's eyes, and he said happily, "Really? That's great, thank the Almighty God!"

After walking out of this two-story building, Murong Xiao found Saint Feth who was busy.

"There is a group of humans infected by werewolves here, you go and see, you should know what to do."

"Hey, I understand, don't worry, Captain!"

San Fesi was led by a villager gratefully into a quarantined house. Murong Xiao looked at his back and murmured, "How can I rest assured? I don't know how many people are still arrested. The villagers who were hurt and concealed."

Subsequently, Murong Xiao poured a large amount of silver powder into the three drinking water wells in the village of Falk.

"I don't know if it will help."

Murong Xiao sighed, there was only so much he could do, the rest was to rely on this illusory luck.

As night fell, a full moon hung high in the clear night sky.

In the quiet night, the painful howls of the villagers suddenly sounded, and the sound of flapping wings was startled.

All the villagers in the village rushed to hear the sound, and all of them had weapons in their hands.

The source of the screams was the isolated room!

I saw those 21 villagers twitching in pain on the ground, with purple tendons full of power emerging from their arms and necks, they looked extremely hideous and terrifying!


The screams of the villagers gradually became beyond the scope of human beings, black hair began to grow all over their bodies, their nails became longer, and their heads protruded forward.

"Wow!" The first werewolf that successfully transformed howled at the moon, and the long and wild howl caused a huge commotion among the villagers.

"Damn! Wolf... Werewolf! Run!"

"Arige has turned into a monster! Everyone run!"

"I don't want to die! Li, leave this village!"

"Help! Help my son, he's still inside!"


Panic, fear, and despair spread. Most of the villagers scattered and fled far away. A very few rushed into the house like crazy.There were only dozens of people fighting on the spot with pale faces. Although they were equally afraid, they didn't run away, but tremblingly clenched their weapons.

"Ah, it's a mess, it depends on God's will whether this village can survive for three days!"

Murong Xiao let out a long sigh, and his eyes fell on Sheng Feisi.

Saint Feus seemed to sense it, and nodded to Murong Xiao.

This group of werewolves didn't have to be arrogant for a long time. As each werewolf appeared, the chest of the first transformed werewolf suddenly swelled and exploded violently!The black blood blooms the flowers of death, half a little silver.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

One after another, each of the 21 werewolves who had just been infected had their heart burst open, and they couldn't die anymore.

At night, it became quiet again, but many people who were not on guard could not fall asleep.

There was nothing to say all night, except for those infected villagers who turned into werewolves, no other werewolves appeared to attack, but Murong Xiao didn't dare to relax his vigilance.

The defense project of Falk Village is a three-meter-high earth wall and two fixed heavy crossbows; the werewolf is extremely fast, and it is difficult to aim a single crossbow. It is easy to climb the current cement strength in the movie. What's more, this is not a high earth wall.

"Captain, Ares found a suspicious person in the tavern."

Murong Xiao was discussing with Rex about the deployment of the village and where to stay, when Tai Tan's rough voice suddenly sounded outside the house.

"Rex, although werewolves are not afraid of sunlight, there is no doubt that they are faster and stronger at night."

"That's why I suggest that before Lord Victor's reinforcements arrive, the people in the village who are not fighting can be separated and hidden in the cellar."

Murong Xiao had a premonition that there were definitely a lot of werewolves, and the village's defense alone couldn't resist them.

Hearing Tai Tan's voice, Murong Xiao smiled apologetically and said, "I'm sorry."

There is only one tavern in Falk Village. When Murong Xiao arrived, the tavern was deserted. There were only three people, and one of them was Ares.

Thinking about it, after the werewolf incident last night, everyone was frightened, for fear that a werewolf would accidentally appear beside them, and who would be in the mood to drink.

Of the other two, one is the proprietor of the tavern, who settles the accounts at the counter with no fanfare, and the other is a real drinker.

This is a middle-aged man about forty years old, his naked upper body is full of well-developed black and red muscles; especially his arms are extremely thick, almost comparable to a Titan.

This is a blacksmith, Murong Xiao judged from his well-developed upper limbs, the skin formed by years of high-temperature roasting, and several burn marks.

"I asked the boss. He is a blacksmith in the village. After the werewolf appeared last night, he knocked on the tavern and has been drinking until now."

Ares lowered his voice and said: "He is probably also infected with the werewolf virus, but for some reason he failed to mutate successfully last night. I remember that apart from the isolation room, there were other howls in the village last night. "

"But so far, I only found him as a suspicious person."

"Very good, let Saint Feus find an opportunity to implant silver in his body, and if possible, try to implant it in everyone in the village."

This is the only way Murong Xiao can think of to prevent the rapid spread of the virus to the whole village.

The short day is followed by a long night, and tonight is another full moon night!

The bright and clean jade plate hung high in the night sky, casting a soft silver glow. For some reason, Murong Xiao always felt that today's full moon was shrouded in a faint layer of blood mist.

Perhaps, the blood mist is not covering the moon sky, but covering the village...

"A bad omen."

Murong Xiao held Tang Dao behind his back, hid his two spears in his sleeves, and quietly transferred his superficial internal energy to Zhou Tian.

"My father is a knight, and his wish is to protect my mother's village!"

Rex adopted Murong Xiao's suggestion, and hid the old, weak, sick, and disabled with low combat ability in batches in various cellars. The exits of the cellars were specially reinforced, and even if a werewolf found out, it would take a while. You have to work hard to get in; of course, if werewolves go in, or if some of them become werewolves, then they are fish on the anvil.

All young and middle-aged men capable of fighting in the village were conscripted, and there were even two women among them.

They were rounded up and took turns keeping vigil in front of the village's fortifications.

The earth wall of the village is about two kilometers long, and there is a sentry post every 50 meters, not only for the outside, but also for the inside of the village to be clearly observed, minimizing the possibility of werewolf sneak attacks.


Murong Xiao felt a wild murderous intent flash away, and the closed eyes suddenly opened, and the light flickered.

Aris and the others also seemed to have a feeling, but they didn't have the strong feeling of Murong Xiao.After all, Eastern Qi refining techniques are most sensitive to changes in breath.

"All alert! Amazon, you help them control the city crossbow, Saint Feus, you stay in the village and adapt to the situation."

"Be careful to smear the weapons with silver, Ares, Titan, you follow me!"

Murong Xiao quickly arranged the members of the bounty team, took a leap of lightness, and plunged into the night.

Under the moonlight, among the not-so-dense trees, several ferocious black shadows were mixed in the night, adding a bit of gloomy atmosphere to the originally clear night.

Outside the woods, the three of Murong Xiao stopped.

"The aura just now came from the forest. There are not many of them. They should be scouts of werewolves."

Werewolves are wilder than rational, but that doesn't mean they are without wisdom. Those infected with these progenitor viruses will also have their own scouting team like wolves, and the number is about one-tenth of the total number.

(Legend, if you enter the top ten in the classification, you can get a contract. Now this book is No.16! Counting from sixteen, now every time a ranking rises, a new chapter will be added! There are tens of thousands of manuscripts in this book, and there is no cap! Never break your promise !)

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