(Three blessings are coming to the door today! First, congratulations to the lonely fellow Taoist mouse for becoming the ticket king of this book; second, an editor finally came to ask Weeping to sign the contract; third, tomorrow is the coming-of-age ceremony for Weeping!)

The black beauty kissed Faith on the lips, and obediently left the "Golden House".


Feith tapped on the computer keyboard quickly, calling out an encrypted file.

Just like in the movie, the old-fashioned computer screen simulates a mysterious ceremony. After the ceremony is completed, a crimson light covers the entire screen.

"This is the vampire prophecy that I have been deciphering for a long time. Just now, I finally deciphered it completely."

"When the blood god comes, the whole world will become a vassal."

Murong Xiao actually couldn't understand the words written by these vampires at all, but she was still shocked and rubbed her eyes in disbelief.

Murong Xiao expressed her "shock" very well, maybe she will be a good and capable actor if she changes careers.

"Now, do you still think this city is still attractive?"

"Fez, you are not only a genius, but also a lunatic!"

Murong Xiao couldn't calm down for a long time, and said immediately, "Are you going to make me a blood god?"

"Of course, the whole world is ours!"

Feith spread his hands, and the huge sugar-coated shells fell down.

After hearing his words, Murong Xiao suddenly became short of breath, her eyes turned red, like a crazy gambler who is about to lose all his wealth.

After a long time, Murong Xiao finally calmed down. Although the desire could not be concealed in his eyes, he finally calmed down.

Eyes met Feith, who was smiling but not smiling, took a breath, and said: "I still have self-knowledge, not to mention ruling the world, but I want a status below one person and above ten thousand people."

"No problem. You, fine, deserve this status. Much better than that idiot Quinn!"

With an inexplicable gleam in Feith's eyes, he readily agreed.

"The blood of the day ranger is the key, and twelve pure-blooded vampire elders are needed."

"Do you need me to deal with the Day Ranger?"

"No! You lead a team to protect our dear elders."

"Okay, I'll do it right now."

Murong Xiao knew that this was equivalent to casting a certificate, so he acted very positively.

"and many more."

Feth stopped him suddenly and said, "Take my people."

Feith picked up a walkie-talkie from the computer and said a few words, handed Murong Xiao a blood-red ring, and said, "Bring this, they will listen to you."

"it is good."

Murong Xiao took the ring and returned to the hall. The vampire soldiers of the second brigade immediately let go of their female companions, stood up and saluted neatly.

"Okay, from now on, Fez is also your officer."

Hugging left and right, Kun En found the ring on Murong Xiao's hand at a glance, his eyes immediately turned red, he pushed away the female companion beside him, and poured a cup of blood hard.

Because of Murong Xiao's appearance, Kun En is not as embarrassed as in the movie, and looks very nourished.

"Quin, Feith has a mission, you go with me."

Murong Xiao smiled faintly, and waved to this bento brother.


Kun En slammed the wine glass, but it was obvious that Murong Xiao had a higher status than him now, not to mention the task given by Feith, so he had no choice but to follow Murong Xiao helplessly.

Murong Xiao called Kun En purely for fun, absolutely no other purpose...

Feith called up the surveillance video, watched Murong Xiao's every move coldly, and finally smiled mockingly.

"Just a powerful tool."


Outside the stronghold, an army had already assembled and lined up neatly, as if receiving a military parade, with a faint murderous look in their indifferent eyes.

"Recruit, the ink on your shoulders isn't dry yet."

Murong Xiao raised the hand that put on the ring, and said such a strange sentence.


This army, numbering over a hundred, gave a military salute to Murong Xiao neatly.

With the ring and the code word, you can command this vampire army.

"Go to the parliament to ambush and listen to my next order!"

"Yes, sir!"

More than 100 vampire soldiers left quickly in ten trucks.

Half an hour later, Murong Xiao called Gao Tiannu.

"Gao Tiannu, the situation has changed, call the elders to come to the council immediately!"

It didn't matter who answered the phone, Murong Xiao hung up immediately after speaking, her voice was extremely urgent.

"Damn! What happened?!"

Gao Tiannu slammed the phone that said "the number you dialed has been turned off" to the ground, and ordered his subordinates to contact other elders.

An hour later, in the gloomy parliament, more than a dozen elders arrived one after another.

Perhaps it was because they didn't want to tear themselves apart with Fei Si at this time, except for Gao Tiannu, the other elders did not call out their own troops.

Looking at Gao Tiannu's vigilant army outside the council, Murong Xiao pressed the button of the headset and said calmly, "Do it!"

The vampire soldiers ambushing in the parliament immediately emerged from the darkness where they were hiding, and the firearms equipped with silver bullets sprayed out continuous tongues of pale blue flame.

Caught off guard by Gao Tiannu's side, a dozen soldiers immediately turned to ashes under the licking of the flames.

However, after all, these soldiers have undergone strict military training, and they immediately reacted instinctively when they heard the gunshots, and their bodies quickly found cover in the process of avoiding.

Although Gao Tiannu's soldiers reacted quickly and quickly formed a firepower counterattack; but the army trained by Feith was not vegetarian, and its strength was more than twice his!

"Surround, annihilate!"

Murong Xiao's unwavering voice was accurately transmitted to every soldier's ears through electromagnetic waves.

"The elders inside seem to be in a hurry, let's go in."

Murong Xiao glanced at Kun En calmly, although the tone was discussing, but it was commanding.

"Go... go in?"

Quinn glanced at the entrance of the parliament, which was full of bullets and bullets, and stammered.

"Can you fly in?"

Murong Xiao laughed lightly, and suddenly broke out at an extremely fast speed, rushing into the rain of bullets.

The brain instinctively calculates the trajectory of the bullet passing by in the next moment. These seemingly dense and seamless metal turbulences actually have a slight speed difference. As long as the calculation ability is strong enough and the reaction is fast enough, this seems not The door of death that is possible to pass is not actually impossible to pass.

I saw Murong Xiao's figure rushing or stopping, jumping or turning, rushing or slowing, vertical or horizontal in the space where countless bullets roared, and walked into the parliament safely with Kun En's ghostly eyes.

"Just kidding! Is he still a vampire?"

Kunn's eyes widened. Although he was very unwilling, he had to admit that this newcomer was indeed much stronger than himself in terms of skill and intelligence.

"It's no wonder Feith will reuse him, so don't provoke him in the future.

Thinking of Murong Xiao's skills comparable to the Day Ranger, Kun En couldn't help but shudder, and his jealousy towards Murong Xiao suddenly turned into hatred towards Dao Feng.

After finishing her clothes, Murong Xiao had no choice but to marvel at the handsome skill of spear fighting again.

What I met head-on was more than a dozen panic-stricken elders.

"As nobles with a long life, should everyone pay attention to their appearance?"

Murong Xiao smiled and blocked the exit of the elders.

"It's you!"

Several elders exclaimed one after another, Gao Tiannu's pupils shrank suddenly, and the secret path was not good.

"You don't keep your word!"

Gao Tiannu looked extremely angry, regretting to death in his heart.

"Trust? Of course I keep my word."

"Then how do you bring someone to set a trap and lure us to jump?"

An elder dressed as a lady shrieked.

"Sorry, our agreement is: I will kill Feith, and you will give me the seat of elders. Did I say that I will not cheat you?"

Murong Xiao smiled gracefully, looking like a handsome gentleman.

"You shameless! You son of a bitch..."

"Fack! You bastard..."

The two female elders who were not well-mannered immediately cursed.

The gunfire outside the parliament had stopped, and Gao Tiannu's army was undoubtedly wiped out.

"Come in."

Murong Xiao took off the headset and crushed it into pieces.

"If you speak rudely, slap your mouth."

Hearing this, the two elders who uttered insults only felt a blur in front of their eyes, and a phantom continued to magnify in their eyes.

Immediately, I felt a huge force coming, and after a while of spinning around, I fell heavily to the ground.

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