(It is now the fifth! It has been exploded, and I hope fellow Taoists will continue to work hard!)

"Ding! Congratulations to the invitee No. 9527 who has improved his superficial internal strength to primary internal strength through diligent study and hard work, and will be rewarded with 500 Mengshen power."

"And such good things!"

Murong Xiao's eyes brightened. Judging from various policies, Dream seems to be guiding the invitees to gain their own strength, rather than relying on its strengthening.

"Looks like it's time to buy a cheat book to practice after I go back. Maybe it's more cost-effective to go to the world of martial arts."

After a little movement in the room, Murong Xiao felt that his body was much lighter and more flexible, as if... as if his body had suddenly broken free from a few shackles, and he was extremely happy!

It was almost dusk at this time, Murong Xiao only felt that the excitement was followed by waves of tiredness, knowing that he was safe for the time being, he immediately lay down on the bed and fell asleep.

When I woke up, it was already ten minutes in the middle of the night, the night was as cool as water, and the soft moonlight sprinkled down lightly, covering the city in the dark with a layer of silver veil.

After stretching his muscles and bones, Murong Xiao felt relaxed all over his body. The elementary internal force in his body was more refined than the superficial internal force.

And because it is a self-breakthrough, the same internal force exerts very different effects.

"Master, you have to increase the authority of the private space when you go back this time! People's abilities are linked to the authority of the private space."

"Oh? Can your detection ability be enhanced?"

Murong Xiao was amazed, such ability is already strong enough now, I didn't expect that this talent ability also has room for improvement!

"Of course."

Hearing the surprise in Murong Xiao's tone, Lucifer's voice suddenly became proud, like a proud little peacock.

"The higher the authority of the private space, the more detailed the information that can be detected."

"Okay, I know."

Murong Xiao agreed without hesitation, and at this moment, his cell phone rang.


"Murong, the Day Ranger is here! Come quickly too."

Firth hung up the phone in a hurry, obviously directing himself to go.

Murong Xiao tidied up her equipment, and immediately rushed to Feith's control room.

In the control room, besides Feith and Kunen, there was also a group of elite vampires whose fighting power was generally above eight, and Xiao Bai who had molested Murong Xiao was also among them, but she didn't dare to look at Murong Xiao now.

Most of the vampires focused their eyes on the surveillance video. Although Dao Feng's eyes were hidden under the sunglasses, Murong Xiao could still feel his almost fire-breathing eyes.

Daofeng rode his silver-winged motorcycle directly into Feith's stronghold. The roar of the machine gun seemed to be unable to express his inner anger. More than 20 troops in the stronghold have died and there are no injuries.

Ordinary vampires will turn to ashes as soon as they are touched by silver.

At this time, it seems that the anesthesia bomb has not been invented yet, and Feth's order is to catch people alive, which makes his army tied up, almost being beaten by Daofeng alone here!

"Damn it! You bastards! Back off! Let him in!"

Feith grabbed the walkie-talkie and yelled, then smashed it into pieces, which was really aggrieved.

The blade is the same as in the movie, all the way along the corridor on the left to the "golden house" where Faith hides his beauty, and met his mother.

Feith and his party attacked from behind with high-voltage electric batons.

It is true that the blade is the protagonist, but this is not an Indian movie, and you can cheat on the protagonist.

So, after several times of dodging and weak counterattacks, Dao Feng finally arrived at the most critical moment. It would be a lie to say that he was not nervous at all, but Murong Xiao didn't show it at all while sitting in the car.

After driving through the wilderness for more than two hours, several trucks full of people stopped in front of a huge underground entrance.

The bound blade and the thirteen elders were taken down.

After Murong Xiao followed them into the underground, he discovered that the Palace of Eternal Night was a huge underground labyrinth. After dozens of turns and diversions, he finally came to the core area, the altar of the Blood God's Advent Ceremony!

The appearance of the altar is very different from the movie, there are reliefs of hell demons and scenes of angel death everywhere.

At the four corners of the altar, there are four very huge demon statues.

The entire altar is covered with mysterious runes, like the ancient words of vampires.

Fess ordered Murong Xiao to tie the blade to the top of the altar to let blood out. When bleeding, he took a tube of the blade's bright blood. After getting the body of the blood god, injecting this into the body can increase the task progress to 50.00 % up.

When Murong Xiao returned to the altar, the blood from the blade had already dripped on the foreheads of the twelve elders and Fei Si who were sacrificed.

Murong Xiao clenched her fists tightly, her eyes fixed on the dripping blood on the dome of the altar.

There is only one chance, if he fails, he will have to kill Feith who has become the blood god.Now his highest combat power is as high as 41 points, and with the addition of anticoagulants, he is not without a fight.

After the bright blood of the blade flows through complex and mysterious patterns, it seems to be endowed with some mysterious power, and it actually communicates with the sky and the earth, causing it to send down thunder!

moment!The entire altar was covered by blue electric arcs, and the beating thunders were like raging dragons, cracking the altar, showing terrifying destructive power!

"Fith! Watch out!"

It's too late, so fast!Murong Xiao threw herself anxiously at Feth amidst the thunder, as if her most loyal subordinate wanted to block the deadly thunder with her body.

Although there were many Thunderbolts beside Feith, they aimed at the twelve elders without any threat.

Although Murong Xiao couldn't fool Fei Si with this move, it was still possible to confuse these younger brothers.

"No wonder Feith trusts him so much. It turns out that he can die for Feith."

Kun En felt emotional in his heart, and suddenly admired him.

"So he likes men..."

This is Xiaobai...


It is no longer necessary to describe the complicated psychological activities of many younger brothers one by one. After Murong Xiao rushed over unexpectedly, a drop of blood from the top of the altar fell on his eyebrows.

If the guess is correct, it's done!

Murong Xiao thought to himself.

"Damn it, shoot him quickly!"

Feith let out a loud shout, and looked at Murong Xiao with a bloody red light in his eyes.

"I really underestimated your ambition!"

"Tu Tu Tu!"

The vampire soldiers guarding here heard the order and immediately opened fire. From the cold muzzle of the gun, blue tongues of flame spewed out, intertwining into a dense net of death.

A faint smile curled up on the corner of Murong Xiao's mouth, and the elementary lightness kung fu driven by elementary internal force exploded with amazing agility and speed!He only took a few steps lightly, and the bullets fell into the space behind him as if he had eyes.

With these few steps, Murong Xiao moved behind Feith like a ghost.

"Shet! Ceasefire!"

Feith rolled over in embarrassment, narrowly avoiding the bullet that was shot at him.

At this time, through the diversion of the altar, the thunder drawn from the Nine Heavens turned into twelve bolts, and ruthlessly injected into the eyebrows of the twelve elders who were sacrificed!

All the runes on the entire altar are filled with the power of thunder!

The twelve elders wailed in pain, and their mouths surged, as if something was about to break out of their bodies!

Feith and all the vampires were startled by this strange phenomenon, and temporarily ignored Murong Xiao, and some timid vampire elites even fled far away from the altar in panic!

Feith couldn't care less about all of this!I saw bat-like and human-like skeletons struggling to fly out of the bodies of the twelve sacrifices!And these twelve elders, as if they had been sucked dry, quickly withered and disappeared!

These, well, are very similar to the vampire skeletons depicted in fantasy novels, flying and hovering in mid-air, but they seem to be confused as to why there are two breaths of blood god candidates.

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