dream redemption

Chapter 4 Gun Control

(Dear friends, if you still think this book is eye-catching, please add it to the bookshelf and thank you with tears.)

After seeing Lucifer's various abilities, Murong Xiao couldn't help asking curiously.

"You know how good I am."

Lucifer raised his chin triumphantly, as proud as a peacock, and said: "Other invitees, those whose evaluation of the trial task is below the star level, according to the evaluation level, the invitation letter will open some functions and permissions to varying degrees, but That's just a program, how can it compare to the life forms created by Lord Oneiroi like us in the reincarnation pool?"

"A lot of what I said was inside information about the dream space! There are still many invitees who have been fooled."

Lucifer gave Murong Xiao a blank look, as if you made a lot of money.

Murong Xiao smiled irrefutably, pushed the door open and walked out.

Outside the gate is a huge square with a radius of about [-] meters.

After Murong Xiao walked out, the door behind him turned into a stream of light and disappeared.This setting borrows from the trump card evolution to protect the privacy of the invitees.

This should be considered a residential area, Murong Xiao turned around and found that the place he walked out of was a skyscraper with hundreds of floors, the whole was composed of unknown white luminous bodies, which was very dreamy.

In the huge square, it seemed unusually deserted at this time, only a few figures hurried past.

"Why are there so few people?"

The corner of Murong Xiao's mouth moved, and he asked directly in his heart.

"Most of the invitees are now in the trial mission. The difficulty of the trial mission is also different, and the time to complete it will naturally vary."

"For example, master, your spirit is stronger than ordinary people, and the difficulty of the trial mission is also extremely high, and you were chased and killed by a dream monster."

"That monster is called Dream Warcraft?"

Murong Xiao raised his eyebrows, a cold light flashed in his eyes.

"Yes, Dream Warcraft is good at creating dream realms. It likes to suck fear and devour spirit. Your trial scene, master, is in its dream realm."

Lucifer, who was transformed into glasses, has the ability to communicate with the mind, and said directly in Murong Xiao's mind.

In order to deceive people, all guides have the ability to simulate objects.After simulating the object, the guide will gain one or two abilities, and the abilities obtained are different according to the imitated object.

For example, Lucifer will become a fashionable pair of sunglasses, and its abilities are spiritual communication and detection; if the quasi-object with a guide is a necklace, ring, etc., its abilities may be protection, amplification, and the like.

Under Lucifer's guidance, Murong Xiao walked through the deserted living area, entertainment area, and stall area, passed the auction house, and came outside the mission hall.

"Lucifer, why don't you see anything for sale in the auction house and stall area? Don't the seniors have any good things? Or don't they even have a whiteboard at all?"

Murong Xiao pushed the frame and asked in his head.This question flashed through Lucifer's mind when he talked about the trial mission, and it really did.

"Ah! Don't touch your hands."

Lucifer screamed in Murong Xiao's mind, as if he had been touched to a key part.

Murong Xiao touched her nose helplessly, with the conscience of heaven and earth, she just put down her glasses and said with a touch...

"A batch of invitees will appear every once in a while, this time is irregular, sometimes it is a year, sometimes it may be 1000 years. Your last batch of invitees has disappeared, they may be dead , may also shatter the void."

In this way, I am still a pioneer. This space looks gentle, but in reality it is more cruel, cannibalizing people without spit out bones.

Murong Xiao's heart was secretly awe-inspiring.

The quest hall, to put it bluntly, is a building similar to a hall. There is a huge quest announcement board in it, with various quests rolling on it. At a rough glance, there are at least tens of thousands of them, dazzling.

The mission hall has a large area and can accommodate about ten thousand people at the same time, but at this time there are only three kittens.

Murong Xiao used Lucifer's detection ability and obtained the following information.

Serial number: 1945; Ability: Enhanced physical fitness, primary enhanced internal strength, skills Wind Walk, Phantom Slash; comprehensive combat power 31 (1), normal adult male xing data in parentheses.

Number: 5843; Ability: Basic Paladin Enhancement, Primary Battle Qi Enhancement, Basic Epee Mastery, Skill Healing; Comprehensive Combat Strength: 32(1).

Serial number: 8951; ability: skill berserk, special ability, primary werewolf blood; comprehensive combat power: 40(1).

Note: The comprehensive combat effectiveness index is the theoretical maximum value, and combat awareness, skills, and wisdom are not included in the calculation.

"Good guy, the strongest state can reach dozens of times that of ordinary people. Tsk tsk, I don't know how long it can last? If it can last for a long time, it will be no different from Superman. I can't even beat it."

Murong Xiao murmured, looking for a task suitable for him on the task announcement board.

To Murong Xiao, these few invitees, who were considered powerful, did not respond to his arrival, and after a glance, they turned their attention to the task.

"Master, I didn't bring you here to find the mission, go to the exchange hall first."

The exchange hall is next to the mission hall, and it is also very large, with thousands of gates neatly arranged in it.

Under Lucifer's guidance, Murong Xiao randomly picked the nearest door and walked in.Following Murong Xiao's entry, the gate turned white, indicating that someone was using it.

This is a small room of forty square meters, and there is only one huge display screen in the whole room, nothing else.

The moment Murong Xiao walked in, the big screen lit up immediately, showing two main pages, namely reinforcement and items.

Murong Xiao clicked on Enhancement, and two more pages appeared, Science Fiction and Fantasy.

Murong Xiao opened them one by one, and found that the two branches are the same, which are occupation, skill and bloodline.After flipping through it roughly, there are millions of options on each page. The real choice is as long as it exists in the imagination, there are everything here.

"Lucifer, do you have any suggestions?"

Murong Xiao knew that it would be better to ask this guide for advice at such a time.

Lucifer returned to his original state, flew to the big screen, and said, "First of all, remove the ones that cost more than [-] Meng Shenli."

With a wave of his little hand, ninety-nine percent of the dazzling array of options were immediately removed.

"Secondly, fantasy genres are weak at the beginning, and now the most urgent task is to choose science fiction genres."

There are few fantasy genres in the first place, so they will become extinct immediately.

At this point, the only remaining options on the screen are various cheap skills.

"Master, that's it! Gun control is a passive skill that can make ordinary people become sharpshooters in an instant. In some modern mission worlds, as long as you get a gun, you can quickly form combat power."

Murong Xiao clicked on the gun control, and the introduction is very powerful: it allows you to quickly control the gun.

Then, no more.Gun control is divided into four levels: beginner, proficient, proficient, and master.

"Moreover, since the master directly enters the dream space, this kind of understandable passive skills can be brought to reality."

Lucifer's words made Murong Xiao's heart skip a beat, but he didn't have a feverish head, and asked: "Could it be that other people came to the dream space with consciousness?"

"Yes, body traversing is the privilege of the invitees who have a guide. The brains of the invitees who have consciousness traversing die in the mission world will also die in reality."

Murong Xiao didn't feel much disgusted with this point, after careful consideration, he followed Lucifer's suggestion and prepared to strengthen the control of firearms to the master level.

"Beginner-level firearm control enhancement, spend [-] points of Oneiroi power, are you sure?"


Following Murong Xiao's response, a gray energy immediately swam through his body, among which the energy flowing through the brain was the most, followed by the arm.

Afterwards, the price of the strengthening was doubled from the original basis, and the firearm control was strengthened to the master level, and a total of 750 Oneiroi power points were spent.

The remaining 150 points could not buy anything, so Murong Xiao put on the glasses that simulated Lucifer and went back to the mission hall.

At this time, the mission hall was already empty.

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