dream redemption

Chapter 42 Enter!

(Please recommend for collection!)

"I have practiced."


After a night of camping in the mountains, Qing Wu seemed to have more than enough to say, so she decided to go deeper.

Murong Xiao didn't object, he found that this kind of mountain tour, yes, mountain tour, getting close to nature is very beneficial to relax the spirit and purify the soul, and can better communicate with the soul in the sword.

The two walked on broken jade and jade, stopped and stopped, took a lot of pictures of snow scenes, and left a lot of happy mood.

After enjoying the scenery until the afternoon, the snow finally stopped, and Murong Xiao and Qing Wu came to a valley along the small river.

The front and back of the valley are transparent, the two walls are steep and dangerous, and the small river flowing through it becomes turbulent.

Together they pitched the tent and built a bonfire.

"Phew, I've been moving all day, and I'm almost starving to death."

Qing Wu rubbed her belly, walked up to Murong Xiao, pulled him and said, "Let's go hunting, tonight is Chinese New Year, how can we be hungry."

At this time, the snow in the mountains was about [-] centimeters thick, and it seemed impossible to find an animal.

However, Qing Wu was like an experienced hunter, following the traces carefully, and soon found a hare that came out to eat grass roots. [I only remember that the sheep can do this trick, but the rabbit doesn't know. For novels, if you are serious, you will lose...]

"Go around first, I will drive the rabbit to your side later, remember to block our dinner."

Qing Wu whispered next to Murong Xiao's ear, as if she was afraid of scaring away the vigilant hare.

Murong Xiao nodded, and carefully made a big circle, blocking behind the hare.

Just as Murong Xiao was in ambush, she saw a gray shadow running towards her quickly.

Although the speed of the hare is not very fast, its flexibility is definitely beyond the reach of humans.

Murong Xiao collected himself, he knew that he only had one chance.

"It's now!"

Murong Xiao's eyes froze, and her body leaped like a cheetah, and fell towards the position where the hare was about to arrive.

Unexpectedly, the hare stopped abruptly, accelerated again, and escaped from between Murong Xiao's legs in a thrilling manner.

"I knew you would miss. This rabbit is a thief."

With a smile on her face, Qing Wu threw the stone in her hand, and threw it suddenly!

The small stone exploded with terrifying speed in Qing Wu's hands, and after a burst of air roared, it accurately hit the hare's head, killing him with one blow!

"Good hidden weapon!"

Murong Xiao couldn't help but blurted out praise, with such speed and accuracy, the threat to people is no less than bullets.

"Another one!"

With a kick of Qing Wu's legs, the seemingly delicate long legs immediately showed terrifying explosive power, and rushed out at a speed that Murong Xiao could hardly catch, and easily caught another hare in her hand.

"You... you, me... what's going on?"

Murong Xiao was extremely surprised, her eyes widened and she could hardly speak.

It is not surprising to have such strength in the dream space, but in the real world, it is shocking.

"Master, as a guarantee of personality, the mistress is not an invitee."

Murong Xiao was even more surprised by Lucifer's swearing voice. Could it be that the ancient martial arts family often written about in novels really existed?

"Haha, surprised? That's right, this is the legendary martial arts."

Fortunately, Murong Xiao's nerves are tough enough, and he can quickly accept even something close to God like the dream space, let alone the existence of martial arts.

It's just that it's a strange feeling that someone I'm familiar with suddenly shows strength far beyond my own.

"Don't tell others, my brother told you because he believed you."

Murong Xiao nodded quickly, it seems that Qing Wu's background is bigger than imagined.

"Do you want to learn? Brother can teach you."

Qing Wu smiled brightly, giving Murong Xiao a feeling of malice.

After wiping off the sweat beads that didn't exist, Murong Xiao said: "It's still not necessary."


Qing Wu suddenly felt boring, rolled her eyes and said: "Martial arts cannot be passed on to the outside world, even if you want to learn, I dare not teach it. Although we talk about exchanges and common progress now, the opinions of different families are more important than before, and it is known to learn martial arts secretly. But you will be hunted down."

"Why are you telling me these things? I can't get into this circle."

Murong Xiao didn't use Lucifer's detection ability, because he felt that it was a kind of disrespect to Qing Wu.

"Stop talking, go hunting."


New Year's Eve is really meaningless to Murong Xiao, what should I do.

The only difference between now and last year is that Qing Wu is by her side.

Eating barbecue and drinking clear springs, this is also the Chinese New Year.

"Huh, this is the most relaxing New Year's Eve I've ever had."

Qing Wu took a sip of spring water and breathed a sigh of relief.

"What? Could it be that your family still has a year-end martial arts contest?"

Murong Xiao asked with a strange expression.


Qing Wu leaned gently on Murong Xiao's shoulder, without saying a word for a long time.

Murong Xiao didn't say a word either, the two of them maintained the tranquility tacitly, and no one wanted to break it.

The breeze blew away, blowing away the dark clouds in the sky, and the pure white full moon was as bright and flawless as a jade plate.

"I'm so sleepy, I'm going to sleep."

Qing Wu was the first to break the peaceful scene, and dragged Murong Xiao into the tent.

Maybe because she was really sleepy, Qing Wu didn't hug him this time.

With the beautiful woman at his side, Mu Anran fell asleep, turned over unintentionally, Qing Wu's beautiful face sleeping peacefully was close at hand, and Murong Xiao was so frightened that he immediately closed his eyes tightly.

After not feeling any movement for a long time, Murong Xiao slowly opened his eyes.

No makeup is applied to the fragile skin, Murong Xiao can still see a little bit of jade luster with Murong Xiao's eyesight, the slender eyelashes are lightly covered, like a black feather fan, Qiong nose, cherry lips; the facial features are perfectly combined , outlines the beauty's stunning face.

Qing Wu's peerless youth made Murong Xiao feel lost for a while.

Qiushui is the god and the jade is the bone, and the demeanor of Bu Qingwu can be regarded as the word "perfect".

Murong Xiao stretched out a slender sword finger, and slowly approached Qing Wu's jade face. The moment he was about to touch it, Murong Xiao suddenly withdrew his hand as if thinking of something.


After spending a few days with Qing Wu in the real world, Murong Xiao is ready to enter the fantasy space. This time, Murong Xiao chose to cross the place behind a boulder 100 meters behind the villa.

"Return to the fantasy space."


The wings of light behind Lucifer swelled instantly, covering Murong Xiao in dots of flying light spots, and a little light magnified infinitely in his eyes, instantly covering the world.

"Bloodline and skills are being unlocked..."

"The abnormal item is being returned..."

"Completed! Welcome back to the fantasy space!"

The familiar sense of power returned to her body, and Murong Xiao suddenly felt like a Zhouzhuang Dream Butterfly, as if her real self had become a dream, and now the self in the dream space is real.

This feeling of absurdity lasted only for an instant before disappearing. After Murong Xiao exchanged the remaining 10 points of Oneiroi power into [-] bottles of bloody red wine, he opened the task list.

"Hidden mission: the redemption of the vampire; mission completion: 50.00%; step 500: complete; step [-]: complete; step [-]: go to the mission world of the "Underworld Series" to obtain the blood essence of three vampires who have been sleeping for more than [-] years (unfinished ); Do you want to execute step [-]?"


"3...2...1, the legend is successful!"

Murong Xiao's perspective this time is a barren wilderness, with howling winds and dust.

"Do you want to choose a camp?"


Having formed a big quarrel with a vampire, and is not suitable for hanging out with werewolves, Murong Xiao's purpose is to kill the three vampire elders. With his current strength, there should be no problem.

"The faction chooses to give up, the mission begins!"

The white light covering Murong Xiao was like blisters exposed to the sun, and disappeared without a trace with a "boo".

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