dream redemption

Chapter 51 Beheading

(Crazy for recommended collection!)

"Unexpectedly, you still have so much hatred for kindness."


Murong Xiao's eyes narrowed, a faint blood glow flickered, and his eyes fell on Brad who suddenly appeared not far away like a heavenly soldier.

"Blood God."

Dao Feng's eyes were complicated, with a hint of hatred, a bit of appreciation, and a bit of inexplicable.

"Just call me Murong."

Murong Xiao smiled faintly, and the sword blade that looked like a tearful moon drew a complete arc in his hand, outlining a perfect full moon.

The tone, as if talking to a friend.

"You have helped me a lot by taking all the vampires in this stronghold."

"Okay, tell me your purpose."

Murong Xiao waved, he would not believe that Dao Feng came to chat with him on purpose.

"Kill you. The vampires prophesied that the blood god will come and mankind will be ruled."

With a "clang" sound, Daofeng pulled out the alloy battle sword on his back, put on the iconic cool sunglasses, turned his body slightly, and turned his face to Murong Xiao.

"You still call yourself human. Do you think you are really human? Will they accept you as a different kind?"

"You don't need to worry about this!"

The tip of the blade touched the ground, and rushed over with strides, dragging a long string of sparks on the ground.Murong Xiao's words seemed to have touched his back!

"Should I say you are stubborn? Or should I say you don't know what to say?"

As Murong Xiao said, the internal force in his body was fully mobilized.

Dao Feng held the sword in both hands, there was a violent explosion in the air, and the alloy war sword slanted towards Murong Xiao's upper body!

"Sword, that's not how it's used."

Murong Xiao said calmly, facing Dao Feng's astonishingly powerful sword, Murong Xiao looked calm and calm.

Taking a wrong step, his figure retreated half a meter like lightning, and at the same time, the Weeping Sword turned into a flash of light, piercing out like a shooting star, directly stabbing Dao Feng's wrist!


The sharp edge of the alloy battle sword cut a three centimeter gash on Murong Xiao's skirt, and the strong wind it brought made his clothes rattle.

Dao Feng groaned in pain, the tip of the Weeping Sword pierced his wrist, even with Dao Feng's will, he couldn't help but groaned in pain, a few bean-sized beads of sweat appeared on his forehead, and even the weapon fell to the ground.

"You are not my opponent now."

Murong Xiao drew back the Weeping Sword and said calmly.

Dao Feng gritted his teeth in pain, but he refused to admit defeat, he clenched one hand into a fist intact and punched Murong Xiao's heart directly!

Today's blade is much stronger than what Murong Xiao saw last time. When he punches out, the air explodes, like a mad dragon going out to sea, bringing up gusts of wind!An arm blade suddenly popped out from his wrist, and a light blue potion glowed with a little bit of fluorescence.

Murong Xiao's eyes flickered with blood, his right hand formed into a claw, like a goshawk catching a snake, he grabbed Dao Feng's wrist.At the same time, the body turned sideways, narrowly avoiding the sharp edge of the arm blade, and the waist and eyes were vigorous, pulling the body of the blade forward to throw forward.

Instinctively, every muscle and every bone in Dao Feng's body was subconsciously preparing to retreat, trying to stabilize his figure.

Murong Xiao's eyes flashed, she took a step forward, her body rushed forward, with all the strength in her body, her shoulder hit Dao Feng's chest fiercely!

Take advantage of it!


Murong Xiao felt that Dao Feng's sternum was broken into several pieces under his impact!

Dao Feng's tall body was thrown high by the collision, and after crossing a parabola, it slammed hard on the steel floor, sliding for five or six meters before stopping.

A shallow dent was made on the steel ground, and the blade struggled to get up, coughing up blood and foam!

"Since you want to die, I don't mind adding some Oneiroi power to myself!"

Murong Xiao's eyes turned cold in an instant, he stepped on a shooting star, his body was like lightning, the blood in his whole body was surging, and the tears turned into a stream of light, flashing across Dao Feng's neck in an instant.

A string of bright red blood-colored roses bloomed, welcoming the "good... sword."

Dao Feng's body that barely stood up fell heavily, and the dark red blood flowed on the black steel floor, which looked extremely dazzling.

Murong Xiao lightly turned the diamond on the earring: "You send someone to clean up a corpse on the roof, cremate it, and bury it properly."

"Ding, kill the plot character Brad and get 1000 Dream God Power."

In a certain alley less than [-] meters away from the steel building, a team of several tall white men was hidden in the darkness.

These men all have one thing in common, that is, thick body hair, knotted muscles, and an explosive sense of strength all over their bodies.

At the moment of Blade's death, they received a reminder from the mission space: the mission target was determined to be dead, the mission failed, and 1000 Dream God power would be deducted.

"Bastard! The blade was killed!"

A tall white man holding a six-barreled Gatling with both hands spat hard on the ground and couldn't help yelling.

1000 points of Oneiroi power were all their rewards for one mission, but now, not only did they not get the rewards, but they even went in with 1000 points!How can you not be angry?

"Grass! What a fucking bad luck!"

In the team, a man with a centipede scar on his face stomped heavily on a cigar thrown to the ground. The scar on his face writhed ferociously as if he had come alive, looking extremely ferocious.

"Boss, what should we do? Return to the fantasy space?"

The one who spoke was a man wearing gold-rimmed glasses, and the elegant glasses formed a strong contrast with his strong figure.

"The best thing to do now is naturally to return to the fantasy space immediately. There is another group of invitees in this world. No matter how many people there are, they are stronger than us. It only takes less than a minute to kill the blade warrior! Absolutely not We can afford it!"

Centipede Scar lit a cigar again, took a deep puff, and showed a crazy smile: "But, are you willing?"

"Damn it, of course I'm not reconciled! Seniors are worth at least five hundred points!"

The barrel of the gun in Gatling's hand turned, and a smell of gun oil came out.

"In this world, the more you fear death, the faster you die."

The glasses pushed the frame, and there was a hint of madness in the words.

"Hey, how else can we get together."

Centipede Scar grinned with pale, sharp teeth that were not human-like, and smiled ferociously.

Glasses kicked his legs, leaped high, and shot a miniature camera in his hand into the high wall of the alley.

"The glasses are set up for monitoring, Gatlin, you follow me and squat nearby. The purpose of another group of seniors is obviously the ancestor of vampires, and we will adapt accordingly when the time comes."

After several white men tacitly chose to stay in the mission space, Centipede Scar quickly made arrangements.

The expression on the glasses is casual, and he wanders around the steel building aimlessly, just like many homeless people in New York, except that he is better dressed as a homeless person.

In a private office in the Iron and Steel Building, Murong Xiao put on a five-hearted posture, holding the weeping sword flat in the palm of his hand.

The internal force moves Zhou Tian over and over again in the eighteen meridians in the way of the Guangming Shenjue.

The blood energy in the blood, after being transformed by the walls of the meridians, becomes a kind of non-attributed energy, and then through the special Zhoutian of the Light God Art, it brings with it the light breath and blends into the original internal force among.

At this speed, within a month, the meridians will be filled with internal force, try to hit Xiaocheng!

It has to be said that the blood god's physique is much stronger than that of human beings, and in terms of cultivation speed, only a limited number of martial arts can match it.

"Master, there are invitees installing cameras around the steel building."

Lucifer's voice sounded in his mind, Murong Xiao opened his eyes, and a faint blood glow flickered in them.

"Do you want to reap the benefits?"

Murong Xiao guessed the invitee's thoughts in an instant, and quickly swept towards the bottom of the building.

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