dream redemption

Chapter 61 Sword Intent

(Finally paid off the bill, I am so relieved! If I don’t make it to the first place, there will be two changes every day. The time is set at 2500:[-] am and [-]:[-] pm, and the automatic update is set. Weeping is still in school As a student, I didn’t buy a computer at home due to various reasons, so I can only use my mobile phone to code words. The number of words per day is about [-] to [-]. Recently, the number of chapters is too small. I hope you will understand, and I will try my best to ensure more than [-] in future chapters. Finally , ask for a recommended collection!)

"Hey, are you worried about taking on some missions? After all, people can die at any time here! In the past half a month alone, there have been tens of thousands of sudden brain-dead people around the world!"

Murong Xiao's eyes fell on the task panel, looking for the task of finding a huge amount of Oneiroi power.

"As long as fifty points, I will give you the task of finding Oneiroi with a lot of power, and a small and dangerous task!"

Seeing that Murong Xiao was unmoved, the shrewd man hurriedly said, "Go and inquire, I'm offering the most fair price! There is no one in the entire fantasy space that is lower than mine!"

Murong Xiao shook his head, even if what this person said was true, he didn't have the Oneiroi power to pay the bill.

Suddenly, Murong Xiao's eyes flashed, and his eyes locked on a task on the task panel.

The shrewd man murmured in his heart: This kid's eyes became brighter, did he find a good mission?

With this kind of thought in mind, he looked along where Murong Xiao was looking.

"Crazy... Crazy scoring..."

The shrewd man was instantly petrified, and he didn't even speak as sharply as before.

"Brother...Brother, don't you...are you going to take this...this mission?!"


Murong Xiao gave him a strange look, isn't it just a mission, is it necessary to be so scared?


The shrewd man swallowed hard, and said: "This mission has been hanging here for more than ten days, and no one has ever completed it! Most people died in the mission world, and even if they came back alive, no one completed it. Quest standard! Even the veterans with the top [-] numbers may not dare to accept this mission!"

At the end, he also said: "Fifty Dream God Power, I guarantee that I can find a mission that satisfies you!"

"No, this task is very suitable for me."

Murong Xiao smiled lightly, she didn't dislike him, they all wanted to survive, but in different ways.


Before the shrewd man finished speaking, a white rainbow enveloped Murong Xiao's body.

"Mission: Crazy scoring; Mission world: "Resident Evil 2"; Introduction: Crazy world, crazy scoring, kill 10000 zombies, every [-] heads have a point of Dream Power, and there are random tasks to accompany; task completion conditions : Kill [-] zombies, and get an additional [-] Dream God Power; mission failure reward: none, time limit: none. Do you accept the mission?"


What Murong Xiao likes is that every ten zombies killed will be rewarded with a little Oneiroi power. You must know that under normal circumstances, there is no reward for killing creatures without intelligence.

"Successfully accept the mission, do you want to send it immediately?"


"3...2...1, transmission complete!"

After his eyes lighted up slightly, Murong Xiao found that he was already in the sky above a city, with a faint white glow covering his body, and the birds were not surprised by it.

"Faction selection: Umbrella Corporation, Civilian, Zheng Fu."


The origin of Resident Evil is the umbrella company. In the movie, this company is more powerful than the country's government!

"Ding, the faction selection is successful! The current reputation is friendly."

"Ding, it has not been detected that the invitee possesses Oneiroi power, and the identity is being automatically generated..."

"The identity is established, the special forces under the umbrella company are on vacation, and the mission begins!"

The light in Murong Xiao's eyes flickered again, and the scene of a house quickly appeared in front of his eyes. In a room of dozens of square meters, various exercise equipments were placed in a mess, and the radio made "rustling" noises from time to time.

On the TV screen that was turned on, the female anchor reported today's weather conditions and small news with a sweet voice.

Murong Xiao didn't stay in the room for too long, and suddenly spread his dark blood wings on the open space behind the house, soaring into the sky!

After staying in the private space for three days, Murong Xiao not only stepped into the door with the sword, but also mastered the flying skills relatively proficiently.

Flapping the blood wings and controlling the body to stay at an altitude of a thousand meters, the entire Rakun City can be seen in a panoramic view.

The houses turned into beetles, the passing cars turned into moving ants, and pedestrians on the street could only see faint black spots.

Murong Xiao flew around Lakun City for a week, descended to a suitable height, and found no zombies or vehicles of the umbrella company.

"It seems that the plot has not yet begun."

Murong Xiao returned to the house and recorded the main buildings of Lakun City he observed with pen and paper.

Possessing the blood of the dark blood, the sun can no longer cause the slightest discomfort to Murong Xiao, but instead speeds up the operation speed of the light inner force.

Murong Xiao's mission is to eliminate zombies, and the best time is when a large-scale corpse change occurs.

Now, nourishing the essence and accumulating the core is the kingly way.

After being nourished by the painstaking efforts every day, the Weeping Sword emits faint spiritual fluctuations all the time, which is very beneficial for Murong Xiao to understand the sword intent contained in it, he can already faintly feel the sword intent contained in the sword.

The will of the sword is the will of the sword!

From the Weeping Tears Sword, Murong Xiao felt a sharp edge that penetrated everything and shot everything!

During the moonlit night, Murong Xiao's spirit seemed to have passed through the endless void and prehistoric universe, and came to a bright, upright, and magnificent world. A sharp and familiar will of the sword resonated with Murong Xiao's spirit!


In the sword of weeping tears, a clear and clear sword sound spread out, exuding the joy of finally meeting a confidant.

A sword can only have one master in a lifetime!

After working hard for several days, Murong Xiao finally sensed the will in the Sword of Weeping Tears and gained its recognition!

Like thunder from the sky stirring the fire from the ground!The sword intent and internal force seem to be interdependent in the first place, and they merge into one at the moment of generation!


There was thunder in Murong Xiao's ears, the moment the bright internal force in his body merged with the sword intent, an essential transformation took place!

Integrating the internal force of the sword intent, with the invincible fierce will of the Weeping Sword, he wants to pierce the void and shoot everything!


The light in Murong Xiao's eyes flashed, a burst of sharpness burst out, and the internal force that had changed in quality suddenly circulated towards the blocked eighteen meridian pulses in the body!


A soft, soundless sound came from Murong Xiao's body, and the indestructible meridian barriers were as fragile as paper in the face of the qualitatively changed internal force, and they were pierced one after another!

The 36 meridians formed a perfect small circle, and the exercise route in Murong Xiao's mind suddenly became mysterious and complicated by ten times!

Without the slightest stagnation, Murong Xiao took advantage of this aura of condensed sword intent to complete the small Zhoutian movement in one fell swoop!

The blood in the blood can be drawn out at a crazy speed, and then quickly refined through the qualitatively changed internal force, which enriches Murong Xiao's slightly weak internal force due to his forced breakthrough to Xiaocheng.

After a long time, Murong Xiao's eyes flickered as he opened and closed, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

The refining speed of the internal force that contained the sword intent was astonishingly fast, and almost all the blood energy extracted from the blood could not keep up with its refining speed.

Fortunately, after the initial crazy replenishment, the saturated internal force finally slowed down.

Murong Xiao worked on his fingertips, strands of white awns lingered on them, reflecting Murong Xiao's fingers as if they were carved from white jade.

"Is this the sword energy?"

"No, this is just the prototype of sword qi. If I can go one step further and condense the inner force into true qi and stimulate it outside the body, then it will be the real sword qi!"

Murong Xiao knew that only by merging sword intent into true qi can one form invincible sword qi!

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