dream redemption

Chapter 68 Amazing!

(Please recommend for collection!)

These zombies don't have the slightest consciousness, they just rely on instinct to drive their bodies, and there are so many of them, almost filling all the space, Murong Xiao can't avoid it!

However, this does not mean that Murong Xiao is in a desperate situation!

In Murong Xiao's eyes, there is no scratching and biting all over the space around his body, only one trajectory, one trajectory of the sword, and one trajectory that connects the necks of eleven zombies in series!


The armor made of blood is indestructible, all the attacks of the zombies are futile, even the slightest flicker in Murong Xiao's eyes could not be made.


The tip of the weeping sword suddenly struck out, drawing an erratic trajectory in the air, like a dancing butterfly wearing flowers!

Accompanied by the sword light, there were ten ferocious zombie heads!

Ten, and what Murong Xiao saw was the trajectory of eleven heads!

"No! This is my current limit. If you want to improve, you have to break the limit!"

The light in Murong Xiao's eyes flickered. At this moment, these zombies coming one by one, in his eyes, are no longer points of movement, but breaking through the limit barrier, which must be broken.

break in!break in!

Kill!Kill!Kill them all!

Everything in Murong Xiao's eyes gradually lost its color, leaving only a complicated trajectory left behind.

Every time the sword is cut, ten ferocious and dull heads will fly up, and the blood will flow.

However, there seemed to be no end to the zombies, they came in an endless stream, and accompanied by the excited roars of the same kind, more and more zombies began to gather here.

However, in Murong Xiao's eyes, all of these no longer exist, and what exists are only the trajectories of the sword that gradually changed from complex to simple.

"call out!"

The sword light cut out, and the eleven heads spun in the air, throwing a parabola of the blood gorilla.

One sword, eleven kills!

"Not enough, not enough!"

The light in Murong Xiao's eyes became brighter and brighter, and his spiritual will became more and more fierce as he drew the sword again and again, like a peerless sword that was being continuously forged!

The sword intent in Murong Xiao's eyes gradually condensed, and an invincible edge gradually revealed!

At this time, if an ordinary person whose mental will is not strong enough looks at him, just for a moment, the sword intent in Murong Xiao's eyes is enough to kill his soul completely!

As the sword intent continued to be condensed, Murong Xiao's spiritual will gradually condensed into a spiritual sword, and with the sword light weeping, he slashed out together!

Body, sword, and mind, all three in one!

"Wujian! Unexpectedly, an unintentional act at the beginning has discovered the genius of the master, the sword!"

While Lucifer was thinking, an idea was generated in his mind.

The complicated and tortuous trajectory gradually became simpler, and finally turned into a straight line.Between two points, the straight line is the shortest!

A flash of sword light appeared in Murong Xiao's hand, and thirteen lifeless heads were flying in the air.

Murong Xiao's eyes were calm, and the tearful sword light swung out at an even faster speed!

The straight trajectory gradually faded in the eyes, Murong Xiao's mind tended to be ethereal, and even the sword in his hand gradually changed from erratic to dull.

Murong Xiao's body was always surrounded by zombies. Once a zombie fell down, the zombies behind him would immediately move it away as if they had suddenly gained wisdom, without affecting the swarming of their companions at all... to die.

"call out!"

Murong Xiao, who had stood like a mountain for a long time, suddenly moved his body, saw the sword light flickering, and the weeping sword swung horizontally, it was ordinary and unremarkable.

But it's just this ordinary sword, but when used at this time, it's extremely wonderful!It has the effect of turning decay into magic!


A total of eighteen heads flew up when the sword light passed by. As discussed in advance, these zombies took the initiative to bump their necks against the blade, and staged a miraculous scene.

Above, it was just an illusion produced by Murong Xiao's swordsmanship.

Back to Basics!Turn decay into magic!Amazing!

"Ding, congratulations, after studying hard and practicing hard, your swordsmanship specialization has advanced to perfection, and you will be rewarded with 2000 dream power."

The reminder of the dream space arrived as expected. [Khan, the main character's internal power advancement is also rewarded with 2000 points, I forgot it when I wrote it too much, now I will add it. 】


Surprise flashed in the depths of Murong Xiao's calm eyes, and the condensed sword intent quickly disappeared.

Unknowingly, the Dream God Power harvested during this trip has exceeded ten thousand!

The task progress has reached [-]!

"Not only has the sword skill improved, but even the sword step has been improved."

In the flash of his thoughts, Murong Xiao's body flickered, and under the circulation of internal energy, his body turned into a sharp sword light, passing through the sea of ​​corpses.

The sea of ​​zombies that are so close together couldn't even touch Murong Xiao's clothes at this time!

"One step at a time, that's how it is."

In the blink of an eye, Murong Xiao had already crossed three streets, leaving the zombies far behind.

The one-piece armor gradually softened and turned into an ancient gown attached to Murong Xiao's body.

Swinging the sword continuously for more than an hour, the blood energy in Murong Xiao's body was greatly consumed. Although it was far from reaching the limit, it undoubtedly had a great impact on the continuous scoring.

Taking out the last two bottles of bloody red wine from the Dimensional Bracelet and drinking it, Murong Xiao suddenly heard a gunshot in his ears.

"Master, go and have a look. Maybe you can receive a random mission. The time to complete missions in this world is usually very short."

Lucifer's voice moved Murong Xiao's heart.


It is obviously impossible to kill [-] zombies before the nuclear bomb is released. At this time, it is more sensible to look for the random mission mentioned in the mission prompt.

Following the gunshots, Murong Xiao's figure appeared in front of a church with a strong religious atmosphere three minutes later.

The dancing candlelight from the strict windows in the church, accompanied by strange noises, made this sacred building show an incompatible and eerie atmosphere.

What is even more strange is that in the zombie-infested city of Rakun, none of the streets near the church are approached, as if this is the territory of a certain king and cannot be violated.

"Interesting, I don't know how much Oneiroi power will be gained by killing an evolved zombie."

Talking softly to himself, Murong Xiao pushed the door open and entered.


The muzzles of the two black holes were aimed at Murong Xiao in an instant.


A slightly familiar voice came to his ears, causing Murong Xiao's calm eyes to fluctuate slightly.

"You know this weird guy?"

"He is my master."

While Liu Yang was speaking, he had already run over and closed the door of the church.

"Master, are you here to save me?"

Murong Xiao glanced across the church hall, besides Liu Yang, there were four other men and women.

Among them, there was a tall black man in a special forces uniform with a strong figure.At this moment, his arms were drooping, his fingers lightly squeezed the trigger, and he looked at Murong Xiao with curious eyes.

The other three were women, and one of them was wearing a light green professional attire, holding a camcorder in his hand, and looked like a reporter.The way she looked at Murong Xiao was also quite surprised.

The remaining two women cuddled together, with obvious oriental features and very similar appearances, they should be close relatives of mother and daughter. <Girl.

"Didn't I tell you to leave? Why are you still here?"

Murong Xiao withdrew his gaze and looked at Liu Yang indifferently.


Liu Yang scratched his head and said, "My mother is unwilling to leave, and I have no choice..."

"Sorry, just interrupt, can you not drag the parents down when your life is not guaranteed?"

The black special forces member limped, leaned against the wall and slowly approached.

At the same time, he pointed to the three corners of the church roof: "These things haven't left yet, they're waiting for their chance. I've run out of bullets."

"Nothing! They are chandeliers to my master. Yes, master."

Liu Yang said nonchalantly, the last sentence was for Murong Xiao.

Following the direction pointed by the black man, Murong Xiao clearly observed three creepers whose heads tended to become beasts, their brains were exposed, and their entire heads were almost left with a blood basin. < ren is about the same size, obviously evolved by absorbing foreign genes.

"Churches, creepers, black people, journalists, just one more Jill would make up the plot of the movie."

While Murong Xiao was thinking, a crawler seemed to have lost his patience, kicked suddenly from the ceiling, and stone chips fell one after another. Accompanied by the falling stone chips, was the crawler's nimble body and long tongue that was as sharp as a knife!

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