dream redemption

Chapter 7 Brutal Combat Training

"Training begins!"


On the first day, 81 kinds of offensive moves of gun martial arts were taught.

On the tenth day, teach 36 moves and movements to avoid ballistics.

No. 20 days, teaching firearm transformation.

No. 30 days, teaching spear hiding.

The remaining two months are devoted to extreme physical training, teaching swordsmanship and actual combat training.

This was Li Jianfeng's original plan.

However, due to his mastery of gun control, it only took one day for Murong Xiao to fully master spear hiding and gun modification.The attack and defense of gun martial arts also improved their learning ability due to the injection of Paxian, and they were fully mastered in fifteen days.

So his plan was advanced without hesitation, and he would not wait for anyone.

The actual combat practice has been advanced to No. 17 days. Li Jianfeng's actual combat requires real swords and guns.

On the first day of actual combat, Murong Xiao exploded the head of an uncle, but Li Jianfeng did not express anything about it.Cruelty is the main theme of this world.

According to him, the weak will be killed sooner or later. Instead of dying at the hands of emotional criminals, it is better to become a powerful stepping stone for companions.

As time passed day by day, Murong Xiao's body gradually became stronger and full of explosive power.Although he looked a little thinner now, if he took off his clothes, he would find that every inch of his muscles contained explosive power.

And what brought Murong Xiao this miraculous change was his crazily breaking the limit, and the special repair fluid provided by the academy, which made his body refined into a body of steel through repeated destruction and repair, an efficient killing machine!

Of course, no matter which world there is, there is never a shortage of geniuses. The training progress of a 17-year-old boy named Yalisi has steadily kept up with Murong Xiao.

Nine days, Murong Xiao was wearing a brand-new uniform of Jehovah's priests on the playground of the Priests College. His eyes calmly looked at Aris who was also dressed ten meters away.

"The one who comes out alive is the trainee priest. I wish you good luck."

Li Jianfeng stood on the three-meter-high platform, watching with folded arms.

The pistols on the two were full of bullets, but there were no extra magazines. There was a forged alloy Tang knife hanging on their waists. After the bullets were finished, they relied on it to fight.

The method of cultivating priests in the Priest Academy is very similar to raising Gu, letting them kill each other, leaving only the strongest, which seems to be somewhat different from the movie.

But these are not important anymore, Murong Xiao only has his opponent Alex in his eyes now.Due to the injection of Paxian, he didn't have any emotions that appeared in the duel, there was neither sadness nor joy in his heart, like the most rational killing machine.

Alex is blond and blue-eyed, a typical European Caucasian, but his fingers are very nimble, and he is best at modifying and disassembling firearms.

The two pistols have a total of [-] bullets. For those who have experienced gun martial arts training and cruel life-and-death combat, the chance of being hit is really not high.

Murong Xiao's gun is a 12.7mm Desert Eagle, after his modification, the ammunition load has reached 12 rounds.The barrel is lengthened, which greatly enhances the effective range of the pistol. There is a small mechanism on the handle of the gun. After triggering, a [-] cm sharp blade can pop out from the barrel, which can be used as a temporary cold weapon.

Yaris moved his hands, and two black pistols appeared in his hands. The muzzles of the guns were aimed at Murong Xiao, and he pulled the trigger without hesitation.

At this moment, according to the direction of his muzzle and shooting angle, Murong Xiao instantly calculated the trajectory of the bullet in his mind, and instinctively made the most suitable evasive move.

Fiery sparks shot out from the icy muzzle of the gun, and the deadly bullet shot out from it, like a rainbow passing through the sky, bringing a ring of scorching air to brush against Murong Xiao's cheek.

The explosive ammunition endowed the bullet with terrifying kinetic energy, and the invisible fluff on Murong Xiao's face was curled by the heat generated by the bullet rubbing against the air.


A shocking bullet hole exploded on the stony ground, and countless rubble shot out.

And Murong Xiao also took advantage of the moment when Yalis fired the gun and quickly bullied him by nearly five meters, sweeping his hands from his waist, the cold touch filled his palms.

Raise your hand and shoot.

There was only a violent gunshot, and the two pistols shot out golden fireworks at the same time. Two bullets burst out, one hit the bullet fired by the other of Arris, and the other shot along the ice-cold The ballistic trajectory flew towards his eyebrows.

Aris was not an idle person either. When he tilted his head, there was a bullet hole in the wall behind him.

The distance of five meters was reached in an instant, Murong Xiao bent his arms and elbows, and the muzzle of the gun was already aimed at Yalisi's head indifferently.


Aris stepped forward in an instant, and leaned into Murong Xiao's arms, slightly deflecting his muzzle.

Murong Xiao's fingers faithfully followed the instructions from his brain for a split second, pulled the trigger, and the bullet shot into the air.

Alex put his hands together, and the muscles in his arms tensed instantly, bursting out with great strength.Several nail heads with cold light popped out from the flat gun stock, and hit Murong Xiao's temple with a piercing sound.

Murong Xiao raised his head, several nail heads rubbed sparks a few centimeters above his eyeballs.

"Bang bang bang!"

Sparks flashed continuously, and bullets flew in all directions, rushing into the stone walls and ground beside the two of them, but none of them hit each other.

Both Murong Xiao and Yaris are very agile, their attacking techniques are dazzling, and their dodging movements are even more amazing.They perfectly integrated the use of firearms into combat, which was more violent than hand-to-hand combat, smoother than martial arts sparring, and more dangerous than martial arts.


Alex's pistol ran out of bullets. Although Murong Xiao didn't shoot, he knew that his gun was out of bullets.After the gorgeous guns and martial arts confrontation between the two of them, which can be called stunts, the walls of the playground have been riddled with holes, and many stone chips have been lost on their bodies.

The competition of guns and martial arts was too exhausting. After this round of fierce confrontation, the two were already out of breath. Aris's left arm was hit by a bullet, and his bones were shattered. A finger-wide bloodstain was wiped out, and he almost died.

After all, he is not the protagonist of a movie, and with superhuman reflexes, injuries are inevitable.

"tick tick"

Scarlet blood dripped down the sleeve, mixed with the stone chips on the ground, as if mocking this indifferent world.

Alex's intact right hand drew out the bright silver Tang Dao, the cold edge was just like his indifferent eyes.

The opponent's left arm is disabled, and the winning rate is [-]%.

Murong Xiao quickly compared the strengths of the two sides in his mind, and at the same time held the knife in both hands, posing the most suitable strike posture for slashing, his calm eyes met Aris' indifferent eyes.

The shimmering cold light flowed faintly on the blade, Murong Xiao moved his body, and stepped over a distance of two feet, Tang Dao's straight blade slashed across a fan with the power of Murong Xiao's rotation.


The two alloy blades collided violently in mid-air, creating a string of dazzling sparks.

Alex's right hand holding the knife shook violently, the tiger's mouth split open, and Tang Dao almost fell out of his hand.

The huge force generated by the two arms and the vigorous rotation of the waist is enough to cut a person in half. How can the strength of Aris' one hand compete?

Murong Xiao was so powerful that he beat the dog in the water hard, without giving him a chance to breathe, and then he slashed vigorously again.

"Ding Ding Ding!"

The sharp light of the knife continued to rise, and it was like a knife flower composed of blades blooming around the two of them, murderous intent!

Murong Xiao's swordsmanship is open and closed, pursuing the greatest lethality, crushing the enemy with absolute strength.

This kind of swordsmanship is different from the traditional Chinese swordsmanship, and is closer to the western epee swordsmanship. It is too heavy, and the user's body will be greatly damaged, and it is difficult to live beyond 40 years old.

But Murong Xiao obviously didn't have such worries, he just wanted to maximize the power of this sword technique.


Murong Xiao's swordsmanship was extremely fierce and consumed even more energy, so he had to stop after several consecutive attacks.

Scarlet blood dripped from the tip of the blade, against the bright white blade, alluring and cruel.

Alex's Tang knife flew out of his hand after being hit, and plunged obliquely into the wall. There was still a little bit of minced meat on the handle of the knife, which was obviously forcibly blown away.

The brand-new black priest uniform was soaked in blood, and there was a horrible knife wound on Alex's chest, and the internal organs could be faintly seen squirming.

He struggled to reach out to the Tang Dao inserted into the wall, but in the end he failed. The indifferent blade swept across his neck and cut off Alex's head.

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