(Please recommend for collection!)

A sound wave visible to the naked eye swept out, stirring in the air, the leaves in the mountainous area were shaken down, and the trunks kept shaking.

Murong Xiao only felt a loud noise in his ears, and the scene he saw seemed to be a little brighter, from hearing to vision, this sound really deserves the word "loud".

"They've detonated the bomb."

Looking at the huge mushroom cloud rising in the distance, Alice's heartbeat also rolled along with it, and she clenched her hands tightly.

"It seems that we have been tricked again."

Glancing at the dozen or so black spots outside the mountain, Murong Xiao muttered to himself.


"They have sealed off the other side of the mountain. I'm afraid that the entire mountain has been ambushed."

"Aren't Jill and the others dangerous?!"

As Alice said, she was about to use the communicator to contact Jill.

Murong Xiao grabbed her hand, shook her head, and said: "This is also a plan. Someone is forcing me to show up, forcing me to attract their heavy firepower. This is to give Jill and others a chance to break through."

"Damn! These guys are too despicable! Conspiracy! Conspiracy!"

Alice punched the trunk of the big tree beside her, venting her grievance and dissatisfaction.

The leaves rustled down, the tree trembled, and a deep fist mark was left behind, as if it couldn't bear the force of her angry punch.

"No, this is not a conspiracy, but a conspiracy."

A trace of fear flashed in the depths of Murong Xiao's calm eyes. The wisdom of the enemy this time should not be underestimated.

"Since you want to force me out, fine! Then I will do as you wish!"

A burst of sharpness rose from Murong Xiao's body, his deep pupils turned blood red instantly, and a pair of wing shadows passed by.


A gust of wind swept through the forest, and a shadow of blood rose into the sky amidst the swaying green shadows.


Alice was startled at first, and then cried out.

"You... take the opportunity to break through and survive."

When Murong Xiao's voice fell, the person had turned into a streak of light and shot out.

"Report! The radar found that the UFO is approaching rapidly, the direction is six o'clock, please indicate!" [Actually, I used to worry about the relationship between direction and time. That is, it is due to the south, fellow daoists who didn't understand before can feel relieved. 】

For a moment, a dazzling red message appeared on the detection radars of all the helicopters of the Nighthawk team.

"Turn around on the [-]st to [-]th, point the weapons at the six o'clock direction for me, and continue to block the mountain pass for the rest, allowing free fire! Attention, free fire is allowed!"

In Helicopter No. [-], the leader's slightly disturbed voice was transmitted to the ears of every pilot through the radio.



A series of voices obeying orders did not make the leader feel at ease. The keen intuition he had acquired over the years of performing missions reminded him that the danger was approaching!

"Report sir, nothing was found."

The messages from the other five planes were all consistent, nothing close.

The leader personally used an infrared telescope to observe, but also found nothing.

"Damn it! What the hell is this thing!"

The hairs on the back of the leader stood upright, and a chill poured from the top of the head to the soles of the feet. He knew that this was a sign of extreme danger.

Strong anxiety made his temper violent.


Suddenly, a helicopter crashed, and after a violent explosion, a huge torch was formed on the ground.

"what happened?!"

The leader roared with all his strength, as if this could vent the inexplicable fear in his heart.





However, his roar could not stop anything. These helicopters fell one by one, and only the leader was left in the end. During this period, not even a soldier made any sound, as if they all disappeared in an instant generally.

Fear spread in the hearts of everyone in this helicopter.

"Sir...sir, do you want...or, we...me, withdraw?"

The pilot spoke with difficulty, unable to conceal the fear of the unknown in his tone.

"Get out! Do you think we can escape?! I must find this damn thing!"

The leader yelled, but it inevitably seemed a little lack of energy and stern.

"Are you looking for me?"

A figure bathed in a faint blood light appeared silently behind the leader. Before he opened his mouth, a faint blood light poured into his body. When the blood light gushed out, there were many people in the cabin. There was a mummy.

Murong Xiao waved his hand again, and three light beams of blood burst out of the air, intertwined into a touch of death, and instantly drained the three lives in the cabin.

When the blood light rewinds and returns, the blood energy in it has increased by a few points.

Once the pilot dies, the out-of-control plane naturally has only one way to crash.

"My blood energy has recovered to seven or eighty-eight, why is there still no movement?"

Looking at the re-ignited torch and the wreckage of several helicopters under his feet, Murong Xiao frowned slightly.

"My blood energy has recovered to seven or eighty-eight, why is there still no movement?"

Looking at the re-ignited torch and the wreckage of several helicopters under his feet, Murong Xiao frowned slightly.

After letting go of the little kindness in his heart for a while, ordinary human beings, to Murong Xiao, are nothing more than a bunch of health and mana recovery medicines that can move and use tools, and they can't pose the slightest threat at all.

Because of this, Murong Xiao discovered some new blood energy control methods, such as extracting the essence of life from a distance, and compressing it to a certain extent with spiritual will, it will form a highly corrosive flame-like substance. It's named Xueyan, and I don't bother to think of other names.

However, compared to the use of blood energy, Murong Xiao still prefers to use the sword in his hand to solve problems. Sometimes the use of blood energy can have unexpected effects, but only sometimes...


The sound of the propeller came to Murong Xiao's ears again, and dozens of armed helicopters flew quickly from a distance.

In the mountain area, dozens of heavily armed evil gods of vengeance came running, with neat movements and a unified momentum.


Dozens of helicopters received the same order, and the muzzles of all the heavy suspension devices were aimed at Murong Xiao's direction, roaring wildly.

Hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands of bullets intertwined in the air into a net of death, violent metal waves impacted towards Murong Xiao, the air shattered one after another, the murderous aura like numbness did not have the slightest intention to keep alive.

Up, down, left, right, in all directions, in every direction around Murong Xiao's body, hundreds of thousands of scorching bullets were shot at the same time, leaving no room for dodging, even a mosquito, there is absolutely no chance of being spared!

Murong Xiao's eyes were calm, and under the flash of bloody light, a set of exquisite armor carved like blood crystals was put on in an instant. At the same time, his bloody wings trembled slightly and his figure turned into a streamer, facing hundreds of bullets and shooting The direction it came from collided and went away!

"Ding Ding Ding!"

The armor and bullets blessed with a large amount of Murong Xiao's blood energy made pleasant knocking sounds, countless sparks shot out from Murong Xiao's armor, the flames and blood glow complemented each other, and it was really beautiful for a while.

The hardness of the armor transformed by the blood was beyond imagination, and the bullets fired by the heavy weapon could only wipe out a string of sparks without leaving any traces, which should be regarded as a consolation prize.

With Murong Xiao's flying speed, he was close to the armed helicopter that was not too far away in three seconds.

"Don't shoot! You will accidentally hurt me..."

The pilot's eyes were wide open, revealing a trace of panic, but more panic.

Despite their many missions, their will is far from human.However, when seeing this kind of creature that is not afraid of bullets, can fly in the air, and has terrifying fighting power, fear still uncontrollably grows and magnifies from the bottom of my heart.

Especially, when this terrifying creature was approaching him, this fear was magnified to the extreme.

"Quick! Stop shooting, be careful! Don't accidentally hurt your own people!"

Murong Xiao's personal tactics immediately made these people feel wary.


Sword energy pierces the air!The weeping sword light slashed down, and the bright sword light was like a star, emitting immeasurable light.


The special armed shell made by the Umbrella Company did not provide them with the slightest protection ability. Under the light of the weeping sword, it was cut apart instantly like finger paste.

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