(Please recommend for collection!)

"I'm fine, you go to Jill and the others."

Murong Xiao didn't give Alice a chance to speak, and directly turned off the communicator.

Afterwards, a light red glow of blood gushed out from Murong Xiao's body, completely enveloping it!

The blood light became more and more intense, and finally formed a thin layer of blood flow inflammation on Murong Xiao's body!

This is blood inflammation!

The blood flame has no temperature at all, but its shape is exactly like a burning flame, and the blood light is beating, and it is extremely corrosive.

The ground under his feet melted silently, like flowing water, while Murong Xiao was like a swimming fish, freely moving through the water.


Concentrate on vigilance against the evil god of vengeance in the air and on the ground, where did you notice that there is a god of death approaching quietly at your feet!

After two soft sounds, two arms covered in blood flames suddenly protruded from the ground, grabbing the lower legs of the two vengeful evil gods.

The bodies of the two vengeful evil gods immediately dried up at a speed visible to the naked eye.


An evil god of vengeance shifted his gaze, and was the first to notice the abnormality here. The Gatling machine gun in his hand swept over without hesitation, without any consideration for his companions in this direction!

When the other evil gods of revenge heard this, they didn't think about it at all, and the machine guns in their hands were already aimed at the ground and swept wildly.

Under Gatling's crazy ravages, the soft ground flew up, as if it had been violently bombarded by artillery fire, revealing a black passage underneath.

"Stop! The target has run away, save the bullets!"

An evil god of vengeance said coldly, and stepped forward, a string of data flashed through his pale yellow pupils.

The underground passage was dark and deep, as if it had no end, and the cold aura radiated out, as if reaching directly to the Nine Nether Underworld, causing a trace of long-lost fear to arise in the hearts of the vengeful evil gods.


There were two more soft sounds, and the two evil gods of vengeance standing outside turned into mummies and fell to the ground, adding a bit of weirdness and horror.


This time the Nemesis Gods moved in unison, sixteen Gatlings all aimed at the source of the sound, but they rarely fired immediately.

After all, they don't have many companions left, and if there is any accidental injury, the group will really be wiped out. They are all used to Murong Xiao's elusive presence.

But this time they miscalculated, Murong Xiao stood upright in front of their guns, her bloody clothes fluttered with the wind, floating like a fairy.


The habitual thinking of the evil gods of revenge couldn't be changed for a while, even if they found Murong Xiao right in front of their eyes, they forgot to shoot for the time being!

Murong Xiao smiled lightly, and suddenly exerted strength with her feet, her figure turned into a streamer, and the sharp edge raged.

"Shoot! Shoot!"

An evil god of vengeance yelled in a cold tone, and the sixteen Gatlings fired at full power in an instant, and thousands of large-caliber bullets merged into a torrent of metal in the air, bombarding them!

However, after all, it was Murong Xiao who charged first, and there was a half-second buffer between the order of the evil god of revenge and the shooting.

Half a second may not be enough for ordinary people to blink, but for Murong Xiao and his revenge god, it is the difference between life and death!

Murong Xiao's figure was like lightning, and he approached a vengeful evil god in an instant. All the bullets shot at him before were missed!

A dazzling sword light flashed from Murong Xiao's hand, and at an incredible speed, before the evil god of vengeance could react, he beheaded it!

"Boom boom boom!"

The Gatling machine gun roared, quickly turned the muzzle, and pierced the air with a few hot bullets, intending to tear Murong Xiao's body to pieces.

Murong Xiao's eyes were calm, and there was always a smile on his face.

The life energy of a vengeful evil god is ten times that of ordinary people. After robbing the life essence of several vengeful evil gods, whether it is internal strength, blood energy, or the body, they all return to their peak state!

This is the advantage of blood lineage.

The rest of the dozen or so evil gods of revenge... Murong Xiao twitched the corner of his mouth, they were nothing more than chickens and dogs.

Facing the thousands of bullets that came from shooting, Murong Xiao's expression remained unchanged, and he stepped out with sword steps, his figure turned into a flashing sword light, avoiding the enemy's sharpness between him and Fang Cun!

"Puff puff!"

I saw the sword light flickering, and the bullets from the shooting hit the headless corpse of Vengeance Exhausted God one after another, blasting it into a pile of minced meat in the blink of an eye!


Hearing a clear sword cry, the weeping sword light turned into a little cold star in Murong Xiao's hands, piercing the sky!


Two ferocious and huge heads flew up, weeping and the sword was not stained with blood, like a cold moon shining brightly, elegant and noble.

One sword, double kill!

"Boom boom boom boom boom!"

When the revenge gods turned their guns, what they got was the headless corpses of their two companions.

Panic spread in the hearts of the revenge gods, even affecting their reaction speed!

The consequences are self-evident, Murong Xiao's weeping sword light mercilessly harvested the heads of five evil gods of revenge.

Can't resist!Totally irresistible!

This is simply a one-sided massacre!


As the last bullet in the gun was exhausted, the remaining five revenge gods finally threw away their weapons and turned to run away.

At this time, the instinct of survival overcomes the task it has entered into the mind!

"Da da da!"

Like an infectious disease, the other four revenge gods dropped their weapons and fled lightly.

Although they fled in five different directions, how could the two legs run faster than Murong Xiao, who has the advantage of flying?

After 30 seconds, the troops sent to annihilate Murong Xiao were all wiped out!

Looking down on the devastated mountainous area from above, Murong Xiao couldn't help feeling a little regretful in his heart. In the center of the battlefield, a few miles around was blasted down a foot deep, and other places were sporadically lit. Dozens of wreckages were still burning quietly, from time to time There was a slight explosion, which added a bit of sadness to the dilapidated mountainous area.

"After this battle, if the plants here want to recover their vitality, it may take decades."

"No, maybe... never recover."

Murong Xiao looked up at the rising blood sun and whispered to himself.

"I don't know how they are? Since I haven't received a reminder that the task is completed, then..."

"It means that the danger still exists!"

When the words fell, Murong Xiao had already turned into a streamer, piercing the sky.

The entire mountain area is not too big for Murong Xiao, and he can go around it in a short while, but it is more difficult to find people in it.

After Murong Xiao searched it completely, it was already two hours later, the sun in the sky had completely risen, emitting a radiant light, rendering the earth a layer of golden yellow, indicating that this is a day full of hope and light. son.

But the irony is that not long ago, a city was completely obliterated in the dust of history.

Murong Xiao found Jill and a group of people. They met a group of soldiers who came to search. The little girl and the female reporter died, and almost everyone else was injured.

"You can stay away from Rakun City by walking in the direction of 12 o'clock. All the soldiers have been cleared by me. The Umbrella Company should also be busy dealing with the governments of various countries. They will not easily dispatch troops. There should be no danger."

Regarding the death of the two, Murong Xiao could only sigh lightly, and she didn't even have time to be sad, because Alice was not in this mountainous area, it seemed as if she disappeared out of thin air.

"Murong, you..."

Jill was dumbfounded, with an unstoppable shock in his big eyes.

"My god! God? Or an angel?"

Sean and the other mercenaries opened their eyes wide, then closed them and rubbed vigorously to make sure if they read wrong.

Murong Xiao had no time to pay attention to their shock, disbelief, and amazement, and said directly to Jill: "After we parted, have you seen Alice?"

Seeing the anxiety in Murong Xiao's eyes, Jill felt very uncomfortable.

However, no matter how unpleasant it is, there is nothing to do, who will let people have a certificate.

"This is the radar I debugged according to the frequency band of the communicator. It can detect the frequency emitted by the communicator and then locate it."

Jill took out a palm-sized miniature radar from his backpack, pointed to a button and said, "This is the button to switch and adjust the detection range. Rotate clockwise to zoom in and counterclockwise to zoom out. The maximum distance is also [-] kilometers."


Murong Xiao didn't notice Jill's abnormal expression, after sweeping his eyes over everyone, he said, "Take care."

Under all kinds of shocking gazes, Murong Xiao turned into a blood shadow and soared into the sky...

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