dream redemption

Chapter 87 Essence of Mysticism!

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"Shoot! Full firepower, consume his mental power!"

The leader of the soldiers shouted desperately, and the submachine gun in his hand continuously shot out fiery bullets.

"Since you like it, I'll give it back to you."

The young man with glasses murmured softly, and a tyrannical mental shock rebounded out brazenly!

A wave of spiritual energy that was almost condensed into substance swept out, commanding thousands of bullets to shoot out!


The bullets were endowed with powerful kinetic energy by the youth's spiritual power, piercing through the air one after another, and shooting back at a terrifying speed not much worse than a gunshot!

"Puff puff!"

"Bang bang bang!"

Dozens of soldiers were hit by their own bullets in the first place, becoming a personal meat sieve!

The nearby trees were also affected by the pond fish. Under the impact of the bullets, the branches and leaves were flying, and the bark fell off, revealing the juicy xylem.

"Plop tom tom..."

The bodies of the soldiers fell down one after another, and their vitality flowed out along with the gurgling blood in the bullet holes.


The young man with glasses pushed the frame and walked slowly towards Alice.

A burst of screams suddenly came to Murong Xiao's ears from the woods in front of him, and immediately after that, a strong bloody smell spilled out.

Murong Xiao's calm eyes fluctuated slightly, and his speed suddenly increased to the limit, like a sword light piercing the sky, flashing among the jungles.

A few seconds later, an extremely bloody scene broke into Murong Xiao's eyes.

Under the trees covered in pain were dozens of corpses that had been beaten into sieves. Blood flowed horizontally, forming a shocking pool of blood in a small low-lying place. A few green leaves stained with dust floated in it, revealing a little bit of dark red. light.

A young man with black-rimmed glasses that appeared in Alice's memory fragments lifted Alice with his eyes closed.


Murong Xiao's eyes froze, the hairs all over his body stood up suddenly, an extremely dangerous feeling instantly filled every corner of his body.


Without the slightest hesitation, Murong Xiaojian walked with him, turned into a traceless horse, and slashed out brazenly!

Although, every cell in his body is reminding him that he should escape.

There was a strange look in the eyes of the young man with glasses, and he directly blocked Alice's body in front of him.

Murong Xiao's pupils suddenly contracted, and there was a slight flaw in the originally steadfast aura, and there were slight waves in the integrated aura.

The fighting consciousness of the young man with glasses was extremely strong. The moment Murong Xiao showed his flaws, a pair of double pupils suddenly manifested from his eyes.


Immediately afterwards, an invisible force slammed into Murong Xiao's chest fiercely, and directly blasted his body into the air!

"Bang bang bang!"

Murong Xiao's body carried the mighty momentum, and smashed three bowl-sized tree trunks, leaving a three-foot-deep crater on the soft ground, and several cracks spreading in all directions.


A mouthful of Nixue couldn't help it, mixed with bits of internal organs spewed out from Murong Xiao's mouth, his chest collapsed slightly, and several ribs were broken.

A trace of blood flowed down the corner of his mouth, under the rendering of Murong Xiao's bloody hair, it gave off a strange luster.


The young man with glasses spoke out a word calmly, his thin body lifted Alice up effortlessly, turned around and walked away, unexpectedly he didn't take Murong Xiao to heart at all.

The broken bones repaired quickly, the injured internal organs healed slowly, and a set of blood crystal armor emerged.


In just a few seconds, under the full infusion of Murong Xiao's blood energy, all the bones were repaired!

Although there are still some internal injuries that have not healed, Murong Xiao's combat effectiveness has returned to its peak state!

The internal force travels along the meridians at high speed, and a ray of invisible sharpness merges into it, turning its nature into extremely fierce!

The sword step and elementary lightness kung fu were used to the limit at the same time, Murong Xiao's figure turned into a sharp sword light, and shot out suddenly!


A piece of fallen wood floated in front of Murong Xiao, and was immediately shattered by the sharp aura emanating from his body.

A bright and dazzling sword light slashed out from Murong Xiao's hand, wisps of breeze directly collapsed under the edge of the Weeping Sword, forming two weak whirlwinds spreading to both sides.

This sword also contained Murong Xiao's will to never turn back, cutting through everything fiercely, blatantly cutting towards the back of the young man with glasses!


The murderous intent in the eyes of the young man with glasses soared, a tyrannical mental fluctuation spread out, and indifferent ripples appeared in the air.

Murong Xiao's sword move was more than a point faster than the last hasty move? !At this time, it is obviously too late to use Alice as a protective shield, and the gusts of wind have already messed up his hair!

"Psychic Shield!"

The young man with glasses focused his eyes suddenly, and the tyrannical mental power instantly compressed the air behind him to the limit, forming a transparent shield.


At the moment when the edge of the Weeping Sword collided with the mind shield, Murong Xiao's internal force brought out that fierce characteristic to the limit, smashing through the mind shield with a destructive force!

The young man with glasses has already seen the edge of the Weeping Sword, and knows that it is invincible.Therefore, at the moment when the first shield was placed, he suddenly turned around and without hesitation laid down two more powerful mind shields again.


The first shield, destroys everything!

There was a trace of stagnation on the second shield, and it was cut through in one fell swoop.

The third shield, after half a second of stalemate, was cut through with difficulty.

Although the Weeping Sword cut through the defense method of the young man with glasses in one fell swoop, but under this segmented attrition, the sharpness of this sword has been lost, and the sharpness has been restrained, so it is impossible to make any achievements.

Murong Xiao made a quick decision, walked like a sword light, carried the sword around his body, pinched the fingers of his left hand into a sword, and shot out!


The sword energy pierced through the air, sharp as a rainbow!

Murong Xiao killed with one point, filled with the charm of a sword, all the power in the whole body was condensed into one point, one point to kill!


This is the sound of the air breaking, a trace of white and fine sword light lingers around the fingertips, shattering the void!

The young man with glasses never expected that Murong Xiao could hide such a fierce killing move, a trace of panic flashed in his calm eyes.

Facing Murong Xiao's one-pointed kill like a magic pen, he felt that a breath of death was approaching quickly!

"Jing mysticism, soul impact!"

The young man with glasses suddenly let out a yell, and an extremely strange spiritual force followed his gaze, brazenly rushing into Murong Xiao's spiritual world, reaching directly to the soul!


A silent and loud noise suddenly erupted from Murong Xiao's mind, and an abnormal mental power was like a raging dragon, constantly impacting Murong Xiao's spiritual world, making his head seem to explode, causing boundless pain to wreak havoc Come on, knock out the cracks in the spiritual world!


Murong Xiao let out a long and painful howl, and the rolling sound waves surged out, shaking away the light clouds in the sky.

The vocal cords were directly shattered by the sound waves burst out by itself, and traces of blood flowed from the throat into the abdomen.

"The will of the sword, suppress it for me, suppress it all!"

Murong Xiao instinctively imagined a divine sword in his mind, and the sword intent was condensed in it.

The Qianzhang Excalibur manifested from Murong Xiao's spiritual world, ten thousand rays of light bloomed, and a sword will to suppress all things hung down. The spiritual world that had begun to collapse stabilized instantly, and under the soft light, gradually repair.

However, the abnormal spiritual power of the young man with glasses never disappeared, wantonly destroying Murong Xiao's spiritual world, and brought him great pain.


The unscrupulous and unscrupulous abnormal mental power like the evil dragon, and the continuous damage to Murong Xiao's spiritual world, obviously seriously challenged the majesty of this divine sword. Under Murong Xiao's control, the power of this sword The will condensed and produced the divine sword, bursting out a sharp edge that dominates the world, and slashed down.

For a moment, Murong Xiao's spiritual world was filled with wind and thunder, and the blazing light from the divine sword was like a mighty sun, illuminating the entire spiritual world.


Before the sword arrived, this kind of awe-inspiring light completely purified this evil dragon!Turning into a stream of pure spiritual power, blending into Murong Xiao's spiritual world, completely repairing it, moreover, it is more stable than before!

It sounds complicated, but how fast does the spiritual world work?

So many things have happened, in fact, only a second has passed!

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