dream redemption

Chapter 9 Chapter Return, Private Space Permissions

(For collection!!!)

At the end of a corridor, in a hall of hundreds of square meters, a group of heavily armed rebels met Murong Xiao unexpectedly.

With the tip of the needle facing the wheat awn, as the rebel army commander shouted, the unequal battle started instantly.

The battle was about to break out, Murong Xiao licked his lips cruelly, and two pistols were drawn out of his cuffs instantly.

"Tu Tu Tu!"

Compared with Murong Xiao, this 12-member team seemed a little panicked.

Murong Xiao turned around calmly, quickly avoided several bullets, and appeared among the group of people.

In order to avoid accidentally injuring their teammates, the rebels threw their arms around their hands and feet, and did not continue to shoot for a while.

"Damn, fire!"

"Bang bang bang!"

Brilliant flames spewed out from the cold muzzle, and the sharp bullets ruthlessly harvested life. This gun martial art specially created for multiplayer melees showed its ferocious minions in front of the world.

Murong Xiaofu went to his heart, caught the flashing light in his mind, and entered a strange state.

The beautiful flame is the faint smile of the god of death, and the cold bullet is its ruthless sickle. Murong Xiao's figure is like a butterfly flying among the flowers, dancing with the god of death with brisk steps.

Surrounded by densely flying bullets, Murong Xiao didn't shoot Pa Xi'an, but his heart was surprisingly calm, dodging the bullets was like eating and drinking, handy.

The closing ceremony, the dance is over.Murong Xiao stood quietly, experiencing the wonderful feeling of the flash of inspiration just now, twelve rebels rushed to the street at the same time.

"It's a pity that this state doesn't come just by saying it. But this gun fighting technique is really gorgeous, and it was the highest level just now."

Murong Xiao shook his head in disappointment, regretting that he could not control that state.After this battle, his potential has been fully stimulated, and his ability to fight with guns [will be called that from now on, too lazy to type four words. 】The use of it is also handy, which made his mind undergo a small transformation, and fell in love with this feeling of dancing with death.

After all, the rebel army was not as deep as Zheng Fu's. Under the continuous armed attack and internal harassment by Murong Xiao, they lost control of the balance.

"Well done, Priest."

The vice chairman of the parliament personally met Murong Xiao and presented him with a medal.

Facing the big lunch box in this movie, Murong Xiao really felt a little pressured, and left immediately after being commended.

In the following month, Murong Xiao received the task of suppressing the rebel army almost every day, one of which was even carried out with the protagonist of the movie, Poker Man, which really put a lot of pressure on him.

As the main force of the rebel army gradually surfaced, Murong Xiao speculated that the protagonist should have joined the rebel army, usually to create momentum for him to assassinate the priest.

As the score increases, the number of rebels Murong Xiao encounters increases, the weapons become more sophisticated, and the danger becomes greater.This is probably the law of fantasy space, the more you get, the greater the danger.

The last time Murong Xiao's subordinates were all dead, and he himself was surrounded by dozens of people, and he chose to complete the task before he escaped.

"Emotional inhibitors have reached [-], the task is completed, do you want to return immediately?"


A white rainbow across the sky swept across the sky, and took away Murong Xiao who was trapped in the dilapidated stone house.

"The task is completed, and you will get a thousand dream powers."

"Complete the hidden task of killing hundreds of people, and get an additional [-] dream powers."

"Complete the hidden task of killing thousands of people, and get an extra thousand dream powers."

"It was detected that the invitee brought out 29 emotional inhibitors and two modified pistols. Is it possible to exchange them for 120 nine points of Oneiroi power?"

A translucent box floated above Murong Xiao's private space, and lines of dreamy words listed all his acquisitions during this mission.


Murong Xiao tightly covered the penetrating wound on her shoulder with her hands, and said to Lucifer with a pale face: "Does Dream Space provide treatment services?"

"Of course there is, just spend a hundred Dream God Power to upgrade the private space to a level-[-] authority."

Lucifer quickly applied to Murong Xiao to increase the authority of the private space. After agreeing, the atmosphere of the entire private space changed and became real.

Although the previous private space was extremely huge, there was only an endless white space, which gave people a vague feeling like a dream. After being promoted to the first-level authority, the whole space became clear to Murong Xiao.

This is a strange feeling that cannot be described, like a myopic patient wearing a pair of glasses suddenly, and the world in his eyes becomes clear.

"Treatment, full recovery."

Lucifer canceled the skeuomorphic state and changed back to the appearance of a pocket angel, constantly hovering above Murong Xiao's head, and as her voice fell, wisps of white light rose from the entire space.Like a hundred rivers returning to the sea, like a thousand birds returning to the forest, countless spots of light poured into Murong Xiao's body one after another.

Warm and incredibly comfortable.

Murong Xiao felt an incomparable itching from the shoulder that was pierced by the sniper bullet, and the torn muscle squirmed under the action of inexplicable force, quickly closed, and completely healed in less than three seconds.

After healed Murong Xiao's shoulder, the light spots in the private space did not stop, and continued to gather in his body.A warm current flows quickly through the whole body along the blood, penetrating into every cell in the body.

This warm current is like a trickle, like a breeze, moistening things silently, Murong Xiao is like being in a medicine spring, warm and very comfortable.

As this strange energy gradually disappeared, Murong Xiao felt that every cell in his body was cheering. The hidden injuries caused by the practice of killing swordsmanship, the vitality consumed by the stimulation of drugs, and even the hidden dangers to health that existed before entering the dream space were completely gone. Rehabilitation, the whole person is like a new life.

"It feels...indescribably wonderful."

Murong Xiao's physical condition was at its peak, she clenched her powerful fists, and her eyes were shining brightly.

"Lucifer, what is the authority of this private space?"

Murong Xiao waved his hand, motioning for Lucifer to stop on his shoulder.

"Hey, master, this is another hidden attribute. Invitees without a guide need to perform three compulsory tasks to open it."

Lucifer shook his head triumphantly, almost writing the words "I'm the best" on his face.

"Knowing that you are powerful, does this authority have other functions besides healing?"

Regarding Lucifer's childishness, Murong Xiao could only cover his forehead, worshiped verbally, and asked the question in his heart.

"This, let me think about it." Lucifer held his pink cheeks in his small hands, pondered for a while, and said, "As far as I know, there are seven levels of authority in private space."

"Enabling the first-level authority can enable the dream space to open up the universal healing function."

"Level [-] authority, you can bring some items in the dream space that do not affect the balance back to the main world. For example: the owner's transformation of the Desert Eagle, gold and luxury items exchanged in the exchange hall."

"Third-level authority, you can spend a certain amount of Oneiroi power to open the time flow control, and the ability in the fantasy space can affect the main world, but it is limited to the limit of human beings, and can only reach twice the limit of ordinary people. For example: master you The body strengthening, gun fighting skills, fantasy magic can only make a fireball to light a cigarette, make ice water and so on."

"Above Level 20.00 permissions are prepared for invitees who have surpassed the limits of human beings. Depending on the level of permissions, the strength of the ability that can be brought into the main world is also different. Level 50.00 permissions can use 70.00% of five abilities in the main world. , [-]% for level five, [-]% for level six, five for level seven, and [-]% for level seven."

"It can be said that after the authority of the private space reaches the seventh level, everything in the dream space can be brought into reality."

"The items exchanged in the fantasy space can also bring out fantasy items of various evaluations according to the level of authority."

After listening to Lucifer's narration, Murong Xiao frowned deeply. He saw a huge crisis behind the huge benefits.

In this way, sooner or later these fantasy things will appear in the main world, so how should the invitees get along with ordinary people in the main world?


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