dream redemption

Chapter 90 Beiming Divine Art!

(Crazy for recommendation and collection! Long Tai, your seven update tickets have made me feel a lot of pressure, so I still keep the current update schedule, sorry.)

The skills of both of them are as good as the peak, and the timing of their shots is extremely accurate. One is to strike first, and the other is to strike first, and Chu Xuan is slightly better.

Although Murong Xiao's internal energy is only small, but after all, it came from a high-level plane and came from his own hard work. In terms of quality and effect, it is not inferior to Chu Xuan's true energy boosted by the silkworm gloves!

However, the amount of Murong Xiao's inner strength could not compare with his all-connected true qi, so he fell into a disadvantage.


In the dazzling sparks, the Weeping Sword was blown away by a huge force, inserted into a tree trunk and buzzed!

A streak of blood ran down the corner of Murong Xiao's mouth, and then was frozen by the cold air carried by Chu Xuan's energy!

The light in Chu Xuan's eyes flickered, and the shadow of his right finger flickered, and he instantly grabbed several acupoints on Murong Xiao's left hand.

Immediately, a strong suction came from his fingers, and Murong Xiao's inner strength, which he cultivated through hard work, immediately flowed into Chu Xuan's body like a trickle!

"What a pure internal force! The quality is exactly the same as that of my Beiming Zhenqi, and it was cultivated bit by bit by yourself!"

Chu Xuan's face showed an intoxicated expression, like an alcoholic who met a peerless wine, or like an addict who got the drug of his dreams!

Beiming Divine Art!

Absorbing other people's true energy into the used Beiming Divine Art!

Murong Xiao's body was like being hit by a body-holding spell, she couldn't move for a moment, and could only watch helplessly as her inner strength of self-cultivation was stripped away bit by bit.

The knife-like pain in his meridians was unbearable for him, but the pressure he was under mentally was even more crushing. Even hope, along with the internal force, was pulled out bit by bit!

However, Murong Xiao is a person with a firm mind, so naturally he will not lose his position because of this, but instead think of various solutions.

The inner force turned wildly and violently, and continuously violently shook in the way of nine blows, but Chu Xuan's fingers seemed to be connected with Murong Xiao as one, no matter how they shook, they did not loosen at all!

"Struggle! Despair! Fear! I will be your eternal nightmare!"

Chu Xuan regained his original composure, and a cruel smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"No, maybe you don't even have the chance to dream. I will let you die in torture, and then feed your corpse to the zombie dogs. Even the bones will not be left behind."

"Of course, if you are willing to kneel down, serve me as master, and sign this master-servant contract, I don't mind having an extra watchdog."

Seeing that Murong Xiao was still resisting, Chu Xuan kept dismantling his fighting spirit with words, trying to make him surrender and accept his fate.

"Okay, since you like to devour internal energy, you can! Then I will give you all!"

Murong Xiao suddenly laughed out loud, and the tearful sword intent was suddenly cultivated into his inner strength, and rushed towards Chu Xuan's body along the meridians of his arm!


A soundless light sound suddenly exploded at the junction of the meridians of the two, endowed with the internal force of the Weeping Sword's invincible will, and its fierce characteristics were exerted to the limit, directly shaking Chu Xuan's five finger bones Smash, an extremely fierce force rushed along Chu Xuan's right hand!



Back off!


The extraordinary keen fighting awareness immediately made Chu Xuan give up the act of continuing to absorb Murong Xiao's internal energy, and withdrew his right hand at an unparalleled speed to vent this force.

"Impossible! How could you be so fierce..."

An incomparably astonished look flashed across Chu Xuan's calm eyes, and the inner force containing the sword intent was filled with a destructive aura, destroying several meridians in his right hand almost instantly!

The difference in fighting consciousness between the two was revealed at this moment. Chu Xuan couldn't help being astonished and afraid, while Murong Xiao had no distractions. At the moment when Chu Xuan's figure retreated violently, he stepped forward without hesitation. Stepping out, his body quickly caught up with Chu Xuan's retreating figure.

Chu Xuan was now completely useless, and was at an absolute disadvantage, retreating quickly.

However, he retreated fast, Murong Xiao's speed was even faster, the distance between the two was approaching quickly visible to the naked eye!

Murong Xiao bent his hands slightly, his internal energy turned rapidly, his figure swept out like the light of a sword, his hands gathered strong internal energy with a special technique.

"Splitting wood!"

"Stone Cracking Strike!"

"City Splitting Strike!"


The Nine Strikes that came from stealing the air was hit by Murong Xiao with both hands for the first time, showing his sharpness!

"Boom boom boom boom boom boom!"

This time, Murong Xiao's mental will was fully integrated into these nine techniques, and the flowing charm of the nine strikes of splitting the air was brought into full play to the limit!

Nine strikes in the air, nine strikes in a row, interlocking and intertwined, one blow is stronger than one blow!

"Bang bang bang!"

With three consecutive strikes, Chu Xuan only had time to cross his arms across his chest, and Murong Xiao's inner strength rushed to him!

The superimposed powerful power contained in the first three poses of the Nine Strikes to Split the Air immediately shattered Chu Xuan's arms, and blasted his body into the air, with no center of gravity.

Immediately afterwards, Murong Xiao didn't stagnate at all, the remaining six blows instantly gathered the power dispersed by the first three blows, and they blasted blatantly!

With a series of nine strikes, the power of one body poured onto Chu Xuan's body without reservation, smashing the spiritual shield that he had barely set up in one fell swoop, and the remaining power smashed all the bones in his body. , Shattered to pieces!

Chu Xuan fell to the ground limply like a puddle of mud, his brown pupils were full of fear of death.

Especially when he saw Murong Xiao approaching with the sword, this fear was magnified to the limit and swept every cell in his body in an instant!

"No...don't, don't kill me..."

Chu Xuan was "squirming" with difficulty, making the last effort for his own life, using all kinds of threats and lures.

"You can't kill me! As long as you let me go, I can give you anything, money? Beauty? Or power in reality? With my father's energy, it's no problem for you to become a senior official at the deputy ministerial level .”

"Also, I have many treasures in the fantasy space, I can give them all to you, as long as you let me go..."

Murong Xiao stepped on Chu Xuan's chest, her eyes did not fluctuate in the slightest: "The money, power, and beauties you mentioned are not attractive to me at all, even if they are treasures, after I kill you, I will not Is it all mine too?"

Seemingly feeling the unshakable killing intent in Murong Xiao's heart, Chu Xuan was completely panicked: "You can't kill me! No matter how powerful you are in the fantasy space, you have to return to reality. I have left behind. As long as I If you are dead, no matter in the real world or in the fantasy space, you will be hunted down endlessly!"

"Sense of vision, kneel down for me now, maybe I will show mercy and spare your dog's life..."

Chu Xuan suddenly went mad, and under the huge pressure of death, his spirit fell into chaos.

Murong Xiao's blood energy was exhausted again at this moment, a feeling of extreme thirst swept through his brain, and violent emotions emerged from the bottom of his heart.

Chu Xuan, who was chattering and clamoring at his feet, amplified these violent emotions even more.


Murong Xiao lifted Chu Xuan's muddy body, and two sharp fangs appeared in his mouth again.

When the blood full of spiritual energy and true qi was swallowed into the abdomen, every cell in Murong Xiao's body cheered and groaned, the swallowed internal strength quickly recovered and became stronger and stronger with the replenishment of true qi , soon surpassed the original peak!

The original fifty meridians are gradually filled and expanded, and it is inevitable to open up new meridians!

Murong Xiao immediately operated the exercise route in the Guangming Shenjue, attacking the blocked meridians.


Everything seems to be a matter of course. With the support of Chu Xuan's profound foundation of integrating and penetrating true energy, there are a total of fifty meridians that Murong Xiao washed away with an incomparably stable water grinding method!

The amount of internal energy has not only returned to its peak, but even surpassed its peak, accumulatively increasing to twice that of its peak!

In fact, with Murong Xiao's current level of internal strength, after practicing the Sword Intent Sacrifice to it, relying on its fierce characteristics, it is not impossible to break through 360 meridians in one fell swoop and achieve true energy!

However, considering that the sudden doubling of true qi has already shown some signs of instability, it may not be the right time to force a breakthrough again, and it will not be too late to try to break through after it is completely stable and adapted to the current internal force.

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