The world of online games is invincible

Chapter 1002 – The Werewolf Awakener

"Boy, you were the one who killed the members of my team A!"

Yuchen doesn't know whether it's luck or misfortune. Here, he actually met the two strongest awakeners in the base, Zach and Lina. One is charming and the other is like a wild beast. Beauty and the Beast.

"Squad A? Are you talking about them?" Yuchen pointed behind him. Zac looked at the corpse already lying in a pool of blood, his eyes turned crimson red, and his sharp teeth were revealed in his grin.

"I'm going to kill you!!" Words echoed throughout the tunnel, shocking everyone who listened.

But Yuchen was unmoved at all: "If you have the ability, you can try it!" Yuchen's English is also very fluent.

Zach was furious: "You are courting death!"

Lina looked at Yuchen charmingly from the side. The oriental young man in front of him had fair skin, and his handsome face was even more charming. He stood there quietly, and the two of them couldn't feel any energy fluctuations at all. If it wasn't for Yuchen was standing in front of them, as if he couldn't feel his presence at all.

"Handsome guy from the east, are you from Dongying?" Lina already had the answer in her heart, but she still couldn't help asking Yuchen, because, after so many years, someone dared to attack their territory with four people.

"Do you think I'm like that kind of inferior nation?" Yuchen was not angry, but grinned. This woman exudes all kinds of charm in every move, and Yuchen even doubts whether this woman is the incarnation of a vixen.

"Hehehehe, I really can't bear to kill such a handsome oriental man, can you tell me your purpose? Why are you against us?" The woman's coquettish smile echoed throughout the tunnel...

She seemed to have a special charm, Yuchen felt a wave of spiritual fluctuations, and couldn't help being amused, this woman could use the technique of charm, but is Yuchen an ordinary person?

For these rough foreign women, Yuchen prefers the jade-skinned beauties of China: "Hehe, big sister, don't use such little tricks, I have no interest in old women!"

"You... say... what!" One sentence completely irritated Lina. What she hated the most was that others said she was old. With her beautiful and sexy figure, a woman would not know how many people would love her. He died in his hands, but in the face of a young oriental man, not only did his spiritual charm fail, but he was also ridiculed by the other party, which is a great shame!

"I are an old woman!" Yuchen was not afraid of the two of them at all, no matter what he said, this woman would never let her go, so Yuchen would naturally not give them a good look.

"Zach, leave this man to me, and I will drink his blood and eat his flesh!" Lina was furious, her beautiful face instantly became ferocious, and a burst of violent energy burst out of her body.

"This guy killed my subordinate, I'm going to dismember him and feed it to the wolves!" Zac was not to be outdone, and the two rushed to kill Yuchen.

But when he heard that disgusting woman wanted to drink blood and eat flesh, Yuchen couldn't help being terrified, and when he thought of such a charming woman eating human flesh, he felt sick for a while.

"No, this person is mine!" Lina insisted.

Zach is not afraid of this woman, after all, he is the leader of this base: "He is mine!" While speaking, a violent force has emerged from Zach's body!

"Have you discussed it? Why don't you go together...I don't mind!" Yuchen stood on the spot and spoke provocative words in English. He also said to the two of them Beckoning, since Yuchen's seal was untied in reality, his body's energy has skyrocketed day by day. However, in China, his power has no place to use it. This time, facing a new understanding, the so-called awakening Yuchen was extremely excited.

Hearing this, Zach and Lina looked at the oriental man in front of them in disbelief. They didn't know why the young man in front of them was still so arrogant in front of them. In the end, they could only comfort themselves. Yuchen didn't know them. , not to mention their prestige.

"Boy, do you know who we are? You have to pay for what you said!" Zach's face changed drastically, and his blood-red pupils shone in the dark tunnel.

In the world of the awakened, although the two are not well-known powerhouses, their cruel and bloody methods have given Lina and Zach a certain reputation in the world of the awakened, but Yuchen dared to provoke them, How can this make the two of them not angry?

The more Zach thought about it, the more angry he became, wishing he could kill Yuchen immediately, but just as he was about to make a move, suddenly, Yuchen disappeared, and Yuchen who was in front of them disappeared in place!

"You talk too much nonsense!" When Yuchen appeared, he had already come in front of Zach, with a powerful aura, the domineering aura of the emperor was released instantly, and he punched Zach hard. There was a burst of atmospheric fluctuations between the fist and the abdomen in his abdomen!

Zach's eyes turned white suddenly, and a mouthful of blood spattered from his mouth. The whole person was thrown several meters away by Yuchen's punch, and collided heavily with the stone wall of the tunnel, as if the whole tunnel shook!

Yuchen looked at Zach coldly, and looked sideways at the stunned Yuchen. She looked at Yuchen in a daze: "Tele...Teleport..."

Teleportation, this kind of powerful power, even in their awakened world, few people can use it, but who can use teleportation is not the overlord?But the Eastern Huaxia man in front of him can actually control such power, who is he?

"I don't have the habit of hitting women. If you don't want to kill each other, get away!" Yuchen's domineering words echoed in Lina's ears. He didn't doubt the man's words. He took a deep breath, his chest heaving and falling, She really wanted to kill Yuchen, but she never had the courage to do it!


Just when Lina was hesitating, a terrifying howl of wolves suddenly came from the entire tunnel. The sound of howling wolves spread throughout the underground base like sound waves. When the militants heard it, they couldn't help but tremble. They knew , their leader and others have already used that special power!

Flying dust, broken walls, Yuchen can clearly feel a sense of oppression coming from there, and the shrill howling of wolves also comes from here, Yuchen heard the reputation and looked, only to see a huge figure slowly Appeared in front of Yuchen!

"Boy! I'm going to tear you apart!" When Zac appeared again, his body had turned into a wild beast, with brown and black hair, and the red pupils of a ferocious wolf. His body was much bigger than before. More than twice as high!

Looking at the huge monster, Yuchen's eyes were full of shock, but in just a moment, Yuchen's eyes became extremely hot, looking at the devil-like body, his eyes were full of fighting intent: "This is the animal's body." Awakened... a werewolf?"

(Third shift, brothers, Xiao Yu said that there will be five shifts in a month. Of course, this is not an outbreak, but a supplementary shift. But for the sake of Xiao Yu's willingness to work hard, let's vote for the mobile phone network pk.)

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