The world of online games is invincible

Chapter 1008 – Before the Storm

The final match of the World Martial Arts Association Team Tournament, this moment has finally arrived. The hundred strongest contestants in Huaxia District are ready. They are in the Imperial City, and the final battle will not start so soon, but will enter the holy city first , the competition rules will be announced in the Holy City, and after that, the team competition will begin!

"Before the start of the game, I have to say some things. Don't think I'm long-winded, because this is what the higher-ups asked me to tell you." Jun Moli's solemn eyes told everyone the importance of this battle.

Surprisingly, even Yuchen didn't say much.

Jun Moli took a deep breath: "In this battle, we can only win and not lose!"

A simple sentence is enough to show the importance of the country's third team competition. It can also be seen that Yuchen and the others are under a lot of pressure in this battle. Although there are 100 players participating, there is really pressure The top [-] are the strongest, because of Yuchen's words, they are on the verge of attacking now. If they don't get the top three, even if Huaxia District takes the first place in this battle, it is equivalent to losing!

"Win, is there any benefit for us?" Yuchen asked appropriately, Yuchen will not suffer from such things for nothing...

Everyone looked at Yuchen helplessly, fighting for honor for the country and dignity for himself, this guy was so shameless that he actually wanted benefits, but it wasn't just Yuchen who thought this way, Xiang Tianwen, Jian Chen, Quiet , Long Xiang they are all so.

"Hehe, I don't need to explain this, right? As long as everyone can win, there will be benefits." Jun Moli didn't say it clearly, but gave everyone a chance to imagine.

Yuchen couldn't help scolding his mother, after the end, who would dare to ask the country for benefits?

"Has the content of the competition been decided?" Yuchen asked.

Jun Moli shook his head: "In order to maintain fairness and justice in the third martial arts meeting, all the hosts were handed over to the mastermind of the game. None of the countries participated in the schedule and had no right to interfere, so we can't provide you with too much information. Information, but with everyone's strength, there shouldn't be much problem in winning the top three."

Everyone gave Jun Moli a speechless look. This guy won't hurt his back when he stands and talks...

"Okay, if there are no problems, let's start the teleportation." The teleportation array was right behind Jun Moli, and the huge six-pointed star magic array was shining with blue, purple, black, and red rays of light.

Just as everyone was about to teleport, Xiang Tianwen stood in front of Yuchen.

"You guy, don't you want to have a game with me before the game?" Seeing this, Yuchen smiled, he didn't think that Xiang Tianwen's brain would be pumped at this time.

"Well, I'm naturally interested, but it's not right now, but before the start of the competition, I still want to ask the president of Shenshenyu Wuchen, the rest of the team has been arranged, and we have also arranged, but the only one The difference is that our team doesn't have a captain yet!!" Xiang Tianwen's words suddenly caught everyone's eyes bright.

Even Yuchen has forgotten about this matter. The most important thing for a team is not only to be strong, but also to have a qualified captain who can direct the overall situation. And this candidate, whether it is Yuchen or Jianchen, is quiet. , Longxiang, Asking the Sky, Silence, Misty Rain, White Dragon, Wuxin, and even Qingcheng are all enough to take on the role!

The second team, like Yuchen and the others, still hadn't selected a captain. The captain of the third team was the terrifying demon Feng Wu Scar, with Wuqing as the vice-captain, and the rest were superpowers who were famous in China.

"Captain?" Hearing this, Long Xiang Jiutian, who refused to admit defeat, also grinned. Obviously, this guy is also interested in the captain, which is also natural. Who wouldn't be interested?

The first team can be said to be the strongest team in the entire Huaxia District. Being able to be the captain of this team naturally indirectly shows that he is the strongest in the team.

However, none of the guys in this team is kind, so how could they be inferior to others?Even Jian Chen, Jing Jing, Misty Rain, Mo Mo who are close friends with Yu Chen will not stand with Yu Chen at this time, commanding such a super team, it will be exciting to think about it!

"Our second team has already discussed it in private. The captain is Swan, and the two vice-captains are Yong Jie and Shenzhi Nirvana." Swan, and Yongjie is a dream, and God's Nirvana is a demon god, so this result is the best.

In this way, without the captain, only Yuchen and his team are left...

Everyone's eyes also became playful, who is the captain of this team?Even they look forward to it...

Yuchen and his team had a very fierce dispute. Because it was too fierce, there was no result. The other nine teams consciously entered the teleportation and entered the holy city!

Holy City, a hidden world, this city is comparable to a continent, when they came to the center of the city, there were already hundreds of thousands of world top players gathered here, 224 countries around the world, 100 people from each country!

Moreover, these people are the strongest players in their own country!

There are quite a few people who are familiar with it, and almost all the strong players who emerged in the first round appeared here. However, when the nine teams from Huaxia District appeared in the Holy City, all the eyes of the surrounding people instantly turned to Huaxia District...

Moreover, except for a few who were not hostile, most of them looked at Huaxia District with varying degrees of hostility.

"What? Do you only have nine teams in Huaxia District?" First of all, Li Tianfeng was ironic. When the players in Huaxia District appeared, he was looking for Li Longxiang Jiutian and Yu Wuchen. However, he was disappointed that Huaxia District did not have any. their silhouette.

"This question, do you think it is necessary for us to answer you?" Swan squinted his eyes slightly and led the nine teams here. The sword soul was beside him, the scar was on the right, and after that came the ruthless, white ghost, and hate. Heaven, God's Nirvana and other superpowers.

"Huaxia District... This time we will definitely annihilate your entire army. Didn't the guy who uttered wild words back then be defeated by our strong Dongying District, hahahaha! The defeated general, this time, you will definitely suffer Shame on you!" The Huaxia District has just arrived, and the ten teams from the Dongying District have already started provoking.

"Let the entire army of Huaxia District be annihilated, just because you don't have the ability!" However, just as the voice of Dongying District fell, suddenly, a group of ten people appeared in the open space out of thin air. Yuchen's words echoed in everyone's ears side...

The final battle has finally arrived, and the peaceful holy city is like the eve of a storm!

(four more)

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