This is a well-equipped, and even the lowest is 150 six-turn gold set, gold equipment, although it is not as difficult to own as before, but the price of the set is still ranging from [-] to one million. How powerful a group of teams is.

Of course, the person walking in the front is particularly conspicuous. He is dressed in fashions worth hundreds of thousands of dollars, and under him is a white horse with a system of thousands of miles, worth hundreds of thousands of dollars, comparable to a real BMW.

In front of him, there is a sweet-looking woman, this is not important, the important thing is that the pair of plump shuangfeng in the tightly wrapped clothes are almost ready to be ripped out, this childish woman who speaks big*ru immediately attracts his attention The eyes of many people.

The men around were stunned for a moment...

And the arrival of this group of people also broke the peace under the acacia tree. Even Yuchen looked at the person in front of him in a daze. Fate, I saw him again...

"Brother Yan, look at that guy, he is staring at his chest obsessively." The woman's voice was extremely seductive, not so much seductive as coquettish. , even a very pale man.

The man was furious when he heard the words: "Boy, what are you looking at, look at it and dig out your eyeballs!"

Someone said that it was a coincidence that this guy turned out to be a wisp of smoke and sadness who had a feud with Yuchen. , it is obvious that this guy has been transformed into a combat profession, and the most coquettish knight is chosen.

In the current game world, the job change of knights is popular throughout China. The knights who change jobs to become cultivators are even more powerful. This wisp of smoke is not bad. Now it has reached the peak of rank six. Success seven turns.

And there is a trade union logo on his chest. There are about 500 people behind him, all of whom are powerful players who will be in the second and third tiers. It is a labor union that people dare not underestimate.

"I'm talking about you, still laughing, boy, hand over the lovebirds in your hand, or..." Although a wisp of smoke has undergone tremendous changes, its stinky fart and arrogance have not changed at all, and it is as rampant as ever .

Yuchen looked at the wisp of smoke with great interest, and smiled indifferently: "Oh? If you pay me, what else?"

Seeing that Yuchen dared to fight against each other with a wisp of smoke, everyone was slightly surprised, but after thinking of Yuchen's strength before, they were naturally willing to watch jokes here, so everyone didn't move, stood where they were, waiting for what would happen next fun.

"Otherwise, I guarantee that you won't be able to get out of this Taoyuan Village. I can say it and do it. If you don't believe me, you can try!!"

Hearing this, people around showed a trace of surprise, and even a lot of discussions followed.

"A wisp of smoke? A wisp of smoke from the richest man?"

"A wisp of smoke from the rich and powerful..."

"Damn it, it's that Yiliyan who specially harms beautiful girls!" Yiliyan's sadness, although this person's reputation is not as strong as Yuchen's, but he is famous for his love and money. have a reputation.

This guy, relying on his wealth, has done bad things in the game. He often flirts with beautiful women. There are countless big-breasted girls sitting in front of him.

However, although these notorieties spread far and wide, this wisp of smoke does not feel ashamed at all, but is proud of it. Even though many women know his nature, they still can't help but throw themselves into their arms. Who makes this guy rich? ?

"Hahahaha, okay, okay, I want to see how you can keep me from getting out of this Xinshou village. After so long, you are the first person to say that to me!" Yuchen laughed loudly. That's right, none of the enemies I've encountered so far told him that he couldn't get out of the village.

Even the rampant Longxiang trade union back then did not dare to say that it could keep him with all its strength when facing Yuchen. As long as Yuchen wanted to escape, it would not be easy. It's not a problem to have tens of thousands of roles.

A wisp of smoke was also stunned, he didn't expect that someone would remain calm after knowing his name, and instead said so to himself provocatively, not to mention that in front of this big-breasted girl, a wisp of smoke was eager to show that he didn't say anything Say, leap forward.

"Boy, don't eat a toast and eat fine wine. Let me see what skills you have. Go out from here and come and surround him! If you dare to drink Lao Tzu, the number one trade union in the world, to do the right thing, you are looking for death!!" This guy, Yan, has gradually fallen in love with fighting since he learned about the game, and he has established a union called Qingxiang, which has a lot of charm.

However, for this guy's character, the decisiveness of the guild is not suitable for him. The current development is all supported by this guy's money. Few mercenaries and unscrupulous masters who are short of money join in, which is why there are always a large number of people behind a wisp of smoke.

"And..." A wisp of smoke said that he is the number one guild in the world, which has attracted countless players to sigh. If Mengmeng, Longxiang, Shura, Doomsday Floating Life and other guilds hear about this, they might call this newly established guild The fragrance of love has been extinguished ten or twenty times.

Yuchen was also stunned. He didn't expect that this guy was arrogant, but he didn't expect, he didn't expect to be so heaven-defying, he simply put his dreams in his eyes!

Thinking about it, Yuchen felt a little more caressing in his heart. It seemed that he had to teach this guy a lesson on behalf of Yilianyan's parents, so as not to be arrogant in the future!

"The number one trade union in the world? Hahahaha, are you kidding me? How can you be so embarrassed with such trade unions as Dream, Longxiang, Floating Life in the End Times, Misty Rain Jiangnan, Shura, and Emperor?" Yuchen couldn't stop laughing, deliberately stimulating a wisp of smoke!

Hearing this, Yiwei Yan's expression changed. He has naturally heard of these guilds. After all, he didn't just know how to make money by picking up girls. Now he can be regarded as a first-class player among players. Of course, this is just what he thinks .

However, now that there are so many people and beautiful women in their arms, a wisp of smoky hormones rushes into their brains, and they say unabashedly domineering: "Hmph, one day, dreams, Long Xiang, etc. will all submit to my feet. This person, either don’t do it, or be the best and strongest! My union will definitely become the number one in the world!”

"Hahahaha, interesting, interesting, becoming the number one in the world, do you think my dream doesn't exist?" After Yuchen laughed wildly, his eyes were extremely sharp, and his aura burst out suddenly, and the expressions of the people around him changed drastically.

Especially when they heard the word "dream" mentioned by Yuchen, each of them held their breath. The prestige of "Dream" is more deterrent than it was a year ago. It doesn't matter if you don't know Teacher Cang. If you don't know what a dream is, then you are in a bad mood!

"Dream?" The people around gasped. Although they had long guessed that Yuchen might be a master of the Grand Guild, or a strong individual, they still underestimated Yuchen. They didn't expect him to be the number one trade union in China, the overlord. Yu Wuchen's subordinates!

Of course, if they knew that it was Yu Wuchen in front of them, they would have admired each other for a long time, and even the lovebirds would give it up.

"Dream?" A wisp of smoke was also a little flustered. The more he got to know the game world, he realized that many things cannot be solved with money. Since Yi Wisp of smoke knew that Yu Wuchen was the person he offended at the beginning He is the president of Dream, the strongest man in the world, and the word Dream and the name Yu Wuchen have shadows.

"Boy, don't brag, you don't even have the logo of the dream union on your chest, I think you are a peripheral member, don't scare us here, how can dreamers come to do couple tasks, they are members You can buy a small gift bag for a month to get married!" Of course, there are still many smart players in the guild who think they are smart.

Hearing this, when everyone looked at it, there was no sign on Yuchen's chest, and their gazes towards Yuchen also became distrustful.

"Boy, dare to pretend to be Mengmeng. If Mengmeng finds out, you are looking for death. You should know that Dream's declaration, they will never allow anyone to use their fame to suppress players!~" A wisp of smoke is not stupid, and grabbed Take advantage of the loophole immediately!

"Is it a sign?" Yuchen hesitated for a moment. The sign of the president and lord is already a big golden dragon pattern, which is more shiny than the pale gold of the vice-chairman and vice-lord. Once he takes it out, his identity will be revealed.

But Yuchen was not worried, and smiled: "You want a sign, don't you?"

A ray of light suddenly appeared on Yuchen's chest, and in a blink of an eye, a blood-red dragon pattern line and a sign of clasped hands appeared in front of people, and the people around took a breath!

That is the symbol of dreams without a doubt, without a doubt, and the blood red represents that Yuchen is at least a member of the core cadre level, second only to the golden symbol!

This time, it was the turn of the people around to be shocked. Of course, those who fought with Yuchen before secretly rejoiced that there was no ghost in their hearts, and they attacked together, otherwise, the fate of offending Mengmeng can be imagined.

When the members of the Love Fragrance Union saw Yuchen's logo, they immediately became grandchildren who had been domineering just now. Except for a wisp of smoke and cold sweat, and dared not speak, the rest of the members were even more trembling, neither running nor walking. ..

Yuchen didn't expect that just a symbol of a dream could make a second- and third-tier trade union's forces so fearful.

This alone is enough to make anyone who is a dream feel proud and proud, and Yuchen has fully realized those promises back then. The name of his dream now can make people frightened and shake the world!

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