The world of online games is invincible

Chapter 1115 – Demon Palace

Your eyes have changed so much that even I didn't recognize you.

After Gu Jianhun revealed his identity, Xixia was puzzled and said something, although he had already guessed the identity of the person who came, but the other party's eyes still made Xixia very surprised.

"People always change, don't they?" Gu Jianhun was unmoved. For the current Gu Jianhun, he only had revenge and hatred in his heart, and his hatred for Yuchen had already penetrated deep into his bone marrow.

"So, what are your plans? With the current you and me, it seems impossible to subvert your dreams." Even though it has been a long time since the sun has set and doesn't care about everything in the game world, it is inevitable that you will learn from the mouths of mercenary players. Knowing everything outside, whether it is the current dream or Yuchen, they are invincible.Therefore, the setting sun is very curious, why the ancient sword soul can say something that subverts the dream.

"Hahaha..." Facing Sunset's questioning, the ancient sword soul actually burst out laughing.

"Young Master Lin, if it wasn't for Yu Wuchen, the two of us would have unified the dark camp and the light camp long ago, but now, look at me. Look at you? Which one is not downcast? Since that guy's identity was exposed, I What has become of the Gu family! What has become of your Brilliant Pavilion, your Lin family?" Gu Jianhun ignored Sunset's questioning, and instead revealed the pain points of the year, the Gu family was destroyed, and he almost All of this was done by Yuchen, Gu Jianhun's hatred for Yuchen is probably deeper than the setting sun.

"What's the use of saying these things? What happened will never change." When mentioning everything back then, Sunset seemed very indifferent, as if, as he said, he no longer hated Yuchen, and had already forgotten the past. .

"Come with me, I will tell you that everything I said is true." Gu Jianhun smiled mysteriously, turned and left.

Before leaving, he turned his head and glanced at Lin Xiyang and said, "If you want to get everything back, come with me and let us overturn the whole world. Now, the right time, place and people are all ready, and we are only one chance away." Ancient Sword Soul Said with great excitement.

Looking at the leaving figure, Sunset took a deep breath, hesitated for a moment and followed, before taking a look at Twilight City, which had been there for more than a year, and said: "Goodbye."

With that said, the figures of Lin Xiyang and Gu Jianhun disappeared in the huge Twilight City, leaving local players with endless suspense.

When Gu Jianhun finally found Lin Xiyang with all his efforts, our Yuda beast didn't know the crisis hidden in the dark.

What's more, this crisis has directly affected the entire Huaxia District.

Yuchen has been very busy since accepting the couple task, and even spends little time with other women, even in reality.

Since the addition of Ruoxue and Tian'er in the house, the whole family has become very warm. Ruoxue who returned to China is very well-behaved and rarely bothers Yuchen. Most of them accompany Tian'er and Yuma , of course the well-behaved Tian'er and Xuan'er's Hui Yu also get along!It's very harmonious, and Yuchen doesn't have to worry about the fire in the backyard, and can concentrate on doing couple tasks.

On this day, the wind was sunny, the sun was shining brightly, and the soft sunlight shone on the whole earth. Since accepting the hidden mission that day, Yuchen and Yihan have been busy and often see no one.

"Yuchen, what's going on, I have no clue at all, I have tried everything. I can't find it at all, and the time is getting less and less." Yihan said angrily, she had already occupied Yuchen during this time. Chen has been there for a long time, and maybe Yuchen will go to Feng's house in a few days, so Yihan naturally hopes to complete the task of finding fate during this time.

But after so many days, I have no clue at all, and Yihan is so angry that he endured it.

"Hey, it's okay, there is still time, Yihan, be good." Yuchen comforted Yihan like a child, but in fact he was also very impatient.Yuchen was fed up with no clue and aimless searching.

"But, the time is already..." Thinking that Yuchen was going to Feng's house, Yihan felt uncomfortable, at least he had to complete this task.

"Okay, dear, why don't we go back and ask Xiaobao?" Yuchen said.

Yihan nodded aggrievedly.

Yuchen tore apart the space, a golden light flashed, and the two quickly returned to the dream capital from a far away place.

After receiving the news from Yuchen, Bao Inquiring, who is known as a ghost, naturally returned to his dream non-stop. After hearing the news about Yuchen's inquiry, Xiaobao frowned for the first time.

"Xiaobao, what's the matter? Is there a problem?" Yuchen asked with a dignified expression.

Bao inquired for a moment and said, "I don't know if the boss has heard of Luowang?"

Hearing this, Yuchen was taken aback, "Is this related to them?" The well-known intelligence organization in the dark camp, its reputation is no less than that of Tianyan.

"This information came from their organization. Luowang, Tianluowang, is no worse than Tianyan." Even Bao Diaoqu, the founder of Tianyan, commented on Luowang like this.

"How much do you know?" Now Yuchen naturally wants to know more about the marriage stone.

"I know a little, not much." Bao inquired and frowned.

"Oh? Do you know how to do it?" Yuchen and Yihan's faces were full of eagerness.

Bao inquired and shook his head, Yuchen and Yihan's faces were full of disappointment.

"Okay, go get busy." Yuchen said a little disappointed.

"Ahem, Boss, although I don't know how to complete the task, but someone knows." Xiao Bao deliberately drawn out his tone.

Hearing this, Yihan and Yuchen's faces were full of hope.

"Xiaobao, tell me quickly." Yihan Shuiling's eyes were full of anticipation.

"This person is naturally the end of the world." Xiao Bao said immediately.

"If you say that, you must know the location of the other party?" Yuchen looked at Bao and asked with a smile.

"Naturally, otherwise the funds invested in Tianyan would not be wasted?" Xiao Bao said proudly.

"Okay, less shit, tell me quickly, where is the end of the world?" Yu Chen kicked over.

Xiaobao coquettishly dodges, "Boss, lighten up. If you step down, you will die. This guy should be in the dark camp of Yanhuang Continent, Demon City."

"Demon Realm?" Yuchen murmured.

"Yuchen..." Yihan looked at Yuchen expectantly.

"But boss, I suggest that you and sister Yihan wait for the information from our Tianyan first, before we leave, this guy's whereabouts are uncertain, and it will take some effort to find it," Xiaobao said confidently.

Yuchen looked at Yihan, who could only nod helplessly when he heard the words.

Just when Yuchen decided to choose a day to bring Yihan back to the Demon Realm of the Yanhuang Continent, a group of uninvited guests ushered in a forbidden area at the entrance of the Demon Realm City.

"This should be the forbidden area of ​​Demon City, right? What did you bring me here for?" A group of men from Heizi came here.

One of the black men said puzzledly.

"Hehe, don't worry, come with me, this is a secret I discovered a long time ago, a secret that is enough to fulfill our ambition." Gu Jianhun said mysteriously.

"Oh?" Sunset cast a puzzled glance at the emptiness in front of him, and followed Gu Jianhun and his group into it.

This is a mysterious forest, surrounded by eerie skeletons, these bones are piled up like a mountain, and everyone who sees them is shocked.

When the sun set and the ancient sword soul came here, the surrounding wind was even more terrifying than before.

"After using full invisibility, the surrounding monsters will not have any influence on us, and soon you will see that mysterious place..." Gu Jianhun said mysteriously, which aroused Lin Xiyang's endless expectations.

After the group of them walked for a full hour, the state of total concealment disappeared, and their figures appeared in this strange land.

When people stared at the picture in front of them, they all looked at Gu Jian Hun dumbfounded.

Gu Jianhun smiled slightly, walked to the empty land, saw him doing a few strange actions, suddenly, bursts of black and purple light appeared in the dark land.

These dazzling rays of light formed a huge magic circle in front of people. Before people could recover from the shock, suddenly, there was a black wind in front of them, and everyone disappeared on the ground in front of them strangely.

"Where is this place?" When people came back to their senses again, their positions had changed dramatically.

The first thing that came into view was a pitch-black palace. Just when people were panicking, the roaring flames roiled and instantly illuminated the entire palace.

The palace is incomparably huge, but what attracted them the first time was not the magnificence, magnificence and evil here.

Instead, there are more than a dozen terrifying stone statues in the center of the palace.

The dark wind in the middle is still blowing frantically.

"What is this?" Lin Xiyang was so shocked by the scene in front of her that she couldn't speak. She couldn't imagine that there was such a terrifying existence hidden in such a land.

"This is the existence that can turn the world upside down. I hesitated when I discovered this secret, but now, nothing can stop my madness. I want to use all these things as the beginning of my revenge. Wuwuchen, you wait for me.

"What the hell is this place, and why are these things here?" Sunset still said in shock.

"This is the Demon Palace, this is the beginning of our new life... Hahahahaha!!" Gu Jianhun's maniacal laughter echoed at the Demon Palace at this moment, making everyone tremble with fear.

In these demon temples, in the deep ravine under the golem, what did they see?

At the same time, Tianyan also heard about the relationship between Tianya Haijiao, but at this moment, Qingcheng brought an unexpected news to Yuchen.

In the dangerous game world, there are still many things waiting for Yuchen.

Brothers, I'm sorry, there's a power outage, this is all from a mobile phone.

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