In the noisy Yanhuang Continent, in the bustling imperial city, in the streets and alleys, players of all colors can be seen everywhere. In the quiet corners, there are intimate and tender couples. In the hot restaurants, there are also people drinking and eating. Meat mercenaries.

Unknowingly, the game of rewriting life has gradually become people's second world, and even some people have given up their real jobs and become a member of the game. Sometimes, they even It is not clear which is real and which is illusion.

Of course, there are also many players who understand that it is impossible for them to play the game for a lifetime. After all, not everyone can succeed like Yuchen and the others, and can occasionally make a small fortune in the game. This is what ordinary people think .

After participating in the meeting, characters like Yuchen who could shock the game world by stomping their feet actually gathered in a tavern. There were not many people in the tavern, but players who drink here will meet Yuchen, Jian Chen , the news of Bailong Wuji and these stars in the game world spread, and soon, this small tavern was overcrowded.

The boss is a player, not so rigid, and immediately set up a wine table outside the door. As a result, the small tavern can be described as overcrowded, and everyone is scrambling to see Yuchen, Jian Chen and others true colors.

Among them, there are more women than men.

Yuchen Jianchen, Bailong Wuji and the others didn't take it seriously, after all, they didn't have the right to stop others, and they didn't mind, it was more lively with more people, drinking wine, eating meat, and even drinking wine from time to time. The high-drinking players raised their glasses to drink with Yuchen and the others, and then it became their bragging talk.

"President Wuchen, President Jianchen, President Bailong, you guys are the ones I admire the most, the World Martial Arts Association, and our blood boils even more, especially the final battle of Boss Wuchen. We are worried, hehe, I will serve this glass of wine first as a respect!" These people's respect for Yuchen and the others comes from the bottom of their hearts.

Yu Chen, Jian Chen, Bai Long and the others were not delicate people, they raised their wine glasses and drank, and Jian Chen said with pride that everything tonight is his. His business was booming, even after that, the tavern was full of people every day, making the owner of the tavern very happy from ear to ear.

Of course, they won't know that, in fact, the facade industry here belongs to Jian Chen, and it will still drip back into Jian Chen's pocket after turning around...

"Jian Chen, do you feel that after the end of the World Martial Arts Association, there seems to be no movement in the system update?" According to Yuchen's deduction, after the end of the Martial Arts Association, there will inevitably be a national war, but this system update, It didn't show up for a long time.

Jian Chen took a sip of his wine, stared at the restaurant full of people and said, "It's indeed a bit slow, well, but there is also a buffer period, right? It's also a good choice for all countries to prepare for war."

"Maybe, Yanhuang and Xuanyuan have been a little too calm recently, and always feel that something is going on." Yuchen said with a frown, Yuchen has never been so idle since the game.

"Hahahaha, I said President Wuchen, you must be in a panic, you finally calmed down a little bit, you actually feel too calm..." Bai Long Wuji couldn't help laughing, the game world also Games, you can't fight every day, it's too boring to play games like that.

"Yeah, Yuchen, are you overthinking? It should be said that it's rare to be calm, you guy, can't you wait for something to happen?" Jian Chen joked. In fact, he and Yuchen are the same kind of people, so they can't stay idle... ..

Moreover, for them, the game world this month has been very peaceful, there is not even a little fight, there are only small frictions between players, this makes Yuchen and the others panic.

"Is that really the case?" Yuchen thought for a while, could it be that he was really overthinking?In other words, what flows in my body is the blood of war...

"I think, among us, you are the only one who can't stay idle. People like Quiet and Uncle Yanyu have a lot of passion in engaging with Jido." Jian Chen said with a smile.

"I haven't seen that guy for a long time, and I don't know what he's doing." Yuchen smiled lightly.

"Ah cut!" Jing Jing, who was far away in Xuanyuan Continent, suddenly sneezed, looked at the distant sky, lowered his head and murmured: "Which bastard scolded me behind my back?"

"In other words, I really envy you kid, you can even handle Feng Wu, and you can make them get along well, isn't your life too good?" Jian Chen's eyes were full of envy and hatred towards Yuchen. .

Yuchen smiled slowly: "You can also try..."

"Don't... I don't have this kind of life." Just being a woman would give me a headache, Jian Chen didn't intend to provoke a woman, and only a sentimental type like Yuchen would be merciful.

"Then don't look at me with envious eyes~" Yuchen looked at Jian Chen with contempt.

"Damn!" Jian Chen fiercely raised his middle finger and couldn't help but sneer.

When Yuchen and the others chatted happily, Yuchen felt a little uneasy in his heart, but he couldn't tell for a while, so he could only drink and enjoy this game life.

Of course, something unexpected will happen soon.

The Yanhuang Continent, the dark camp, and the legendary reappearance of the Demon Realm Imperial City!

"How is it is it possible!!! What the hell are these!!!" The black shadows floating in the sky, the spears of countless magic soldiers, and the irresistible powerful force, all these make the players of the legendary reappearance union despair.

Dot and Yichen stared at the earth, with a trace of despair in his eyes. He underestimated the strength of the enemy, and also misjudged the strength of the opponent. Unexpectedly, in just a moment, the legend reappeared with millions of elites, and was defeated by the terrifying magic soldier. Destroyed in an instant!

"Who the hell are you!!!" Diandi Yichen glared at the shadow in the sky, and shouted furiously.

"Go to the underworld and slowly recall who I am, hahahaha, you don't have to be angry, soon, they will come to accompany you one by one, whether it is Shura or the emperor, or Invincible, or even Xuanyuan's dream, the end of the world Fusheng, all the unions, I will bury you one by one in my hands!!!" Gu Jianhun's blood-red eyes revealed hatred and killing intent.

"What kind of look is this..." The other party's roar, that ferocious tone, and those eyes full of hatred for everything, what has this guy experienced?Dian Di Yichen recalled carefully, but found that there was no such a person in his memory, so, who is he in front of him?

"Thunder means, terrifying power, ruthless, such a character, I haven't discovered it before!!" Dian Yichen knew that his legendary reappearance today is already a disaster, but, it is precisely this, he wants to find out, Who is the man in black in front of him?

Those terrifying demon soldiers that are so powerful that players can't resist, how did this guy get it?

As for who these mysterious people are, there are too many doubts, too many questions that I want to know urgently.

Staring at the sky, Dian Yichen watched the companions around him disappear one by one. In this city, the absolute defense became their funeral, and the magic soldiers at the resurrection point were killing them continuously until, killing Back to level 9, forced to return to Novice Village.

The bustling city in the past has now become a mass grave. The place where my companions lived in the past has now become their final cemetery, and every drop of Yichen's heart is bleeding.

He slowly pulled out the Excalibur, at least, at the last moment, he had to know who the enemy was!

"It's useless, give up, you are not my opponent, ah, it should be said, you are not my opponent now!!!" The ancient sword soul in the sky grinned ferociously, as if he was not afraid of every drop of dust.

"Even if this is the case, I will tear off your mask!" With a whoosh, the moment the voice reverberated, the figure of Dot and Yichen appeared on the opposite side of the ancient sword soul.

"Did you resist? Look at everything in front of you. It's over. It's only 5 minutes. Even if you rescue, it's too late, hahaha!!" Yichen, he used to be afraid of these existences, but now, for him, they are not so high and invincible, because he has obtained the power of demons.

"Wait until you defeat me, you're saying these words!" Uncle Diandi's expression froze, and the sword in his hand suddenly slashed at the opponent. , Uncle Diandi's figure unexpectedly came behind Gu Jianhun.

"Hmph, small tricks!" The ancient sword soul snorted coldly, and a demonic sword appeared in his hand. The hilt was as ferocious as the horns of a demon king. The body of the sword was black, and there was blood essence surging in the center of the sword.

Gu Jianhun turned around to resist, the two weapons collided, and flames burst into the air.

"I don't have time to play with you, and I won't foolishly wait for your reinforcements to arrive!!" Gu Jianhun had no intention of competing with Diandi Yichen. After he finished speaking, he suddenly went to Throwing something in his mouth, after that, his aura began to surge violently.

"This... how is this possible!!" The aura of the ancient sword soul surged tenfold in an instant, and the uncle who was in shock, before he recovered, the magic sword of the ancient sword soul had already pierced through his body!

"Go to the resurrection point, enjoy it, every drop of dust..." Gu Jianhun towered high in the sky, looked at the wide-eyed drop of dust that fell to the ground, and said indifferently.

Immediately, watching the flames filled the air and the legend of gunpowder reappeared in the lord, the flames of war had already spread to the entire land. Seeing the scene of destruction, the ancient sword soul showed a gloomy smile: "Soon, it will be your turn soon! !!!”

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