"Welcome, my old friends, welcome to the dark abyss of hell, hahahahaha!!"

The gloomy smile suddenly reverberated in Yuchen and the others' ears. Yuchen and the others, who were still shocked by the facts before them, also became dignified. After the magic soldier, there is a terrifying and huge golem.

The golem is ten meters tall, and its armor is lifelike. The expression on its face is even more lifelike. The golem has six arms, each holding a sword, gun, sword, shield and mace. However, the eyes of the golem seem to be full of vitality, just looking at each other One glance makes one shudder.

Of course, Yuchen and the others did not stare at the golem for too long, but instead focused on the shadows under the golems. There were about dozens of people in this line of shadows, all dressed in black.

There is no doubt that they are members of the Blood Alliance.

Among this group of people, there was one person who was particularly conspicuous, because he was sitting on the magic chair, and there were dozens of people standing behind him.

"Old friend?" Yuchen and the others were taken aback when they heard the words. The voice of the blood alliance man seemed very familiar, but for a while, Yuchen couldn't remember who it was.

"What? I'm confused, confused? Yu Wuchen.... I will never forget you in this life. Even if you are wiped out, my hatred for you will never be wiped out in this life!" the ancient sword soul said. The voice came again, but for some reason, this guy's tone and voice were too different from before.

Yuchen's face was gloomy: "Who the hell are you!!"

"Who is it? Don't you know if you come here? Aren't you the strongest in the world? Aren't you good at fighting? As long as you defeat the tens of thousands of demon soldiers in front of you, don't you know who I am? Don't worry , I am definitely not your opponent, the premise is that you can come to me!" Gu Jianhun said shamelessly.

Yuchen stared at the front, thousands of magic soldiers?I have long known that these things can't be killed, at least not here, how could Yuchen waste time, but the power of space can't be used, that is to say, it is difficult for Yuchen to get in front of the opponent. God, not to mention that the distance in front of you will change a lot, even if you want to see the other party clearly, you need the help of the demon pupil to see the hazy figure of the other party.

After all, the scale of tens of millions of magic soldiers is not a joke. Even if they are lined up like this, the distance is more than a little bit.

"Who is it?" While Yuchen was thinking, he was also guessing who the other party was, and who would have such hatred for Yuchen?

"Sunset?" Mo Lishang subconsciously whispered into Yuchen's ear.

Yuchen frowned, and his voice was too strange. If it was the setting sun, Yuchen would not think that for this sake, the setting sun would hide it. With the confidence of the setting sun in himself, he would definitely show his true colors To Yuchen.

If it wasn't for the sunset.....

Suddenly, a trace of surprise flashed in Yuchen's mind, not only Yuchen, Jian Chen, Bailong, Mo Lishang almost denied the sunset, but also thought of a person, that person's hatred for Yuchen, It can be said that he hates Yuchen to the bone, even if Yuchen is hacked into pieces, he will still hate Yuchen!

He is the ancient sword soul! !

Apart from him, Yuchen didn't think of anyone else who would hate himself so much.

"I didn't expect that you could still play games. At the beginning, you should have been labeled as a vegetable!" The identity of the mysterious man in black gradually became clear, and Yuchen looked at the ancient sword soul in the distance and said with a gloomy face.

Hearing this, Gu Jianhun, who was laughing wildly just now, suddenly became gloomy.

He suddenly waved his hand, and the demon soldiers who had hindered Yuchen scattered from all directions, and even gave way to Gu Jianhun. Gu Jianhun stood up from the magic chair and led dozens of people slowly towards the Where Yuchen and the others are located, the distance of ten miles is not too much for a master in the game.

"It's because you didn't kill me, so, Yu Wuchen, I will definitely make you regret!!" Gu Jianhun walked to Yuchen's side, and lifted the hood on his head, revealing that gloomy face.

However, compared with the previous image, the current Gu Jianhun's face is pale, but what attracts people's attention is his eyes, the blood-red pupils are full of resentment, this kind of eyes, even Lian Yu Chen also fell for it.

"It's really him!" Bai Long, Jian Chen, and Mo Lishang took a deep breath. Although they were mentally prepared, they were still full of shock. Gu Jianhun, who used to be the number one expert in the dark camp in the Yanhuang Continent, had heard about it a long time ago. It is said that there was no news after his union was disbanded. Unexpectedly, this guy actually established such a terrifying blood alliance without making a sound.

"It's me! That's right, it's me, hahahaha, didn't you expect it? Did you expect me to come back again? Yu Wuchen, you didn't expect much, look who this is!!" Gu Jianhun's gloomy face Suddenly he laughed ferociously, and he pointed to the man in black beside him, his expression on his face became even more smug.

All eyes turned to the man in black beside him.

The man in black seemed to have sensed the gazes of everyone, and the corner of his mouth under the hat smiled slightly. He took off the hat, his eyes were very peaceful, and his tone was very calm, looking at Yuchen and smiling slightly: "President Wuchen, it's been a long time gone..."

The moment they saw the face of the man in black, Yuchen Molishang, Jianchen Bailong and others were startled. The man who once subverted an era and created an era disappeared for more than a year. Unexpectedly, now Actually met them in this way.

"Xiyang..." Yuchen's heart was instantly turmoiled. He never thought that the ancient sword soul would be with Lin Xiyang. If there was only one ancient sword soul, Yuchen would not be afraid, but Lin Xiyang, As a result, Yuchen became more worried psychologically.

"Why?" Yuchen asked coldly. For Lin Xiyang, Yuchen didn't have any resentment in his heart. Yuchen confirmed one thing, Lin Xiyang's eyes did not hate him at all...

Because of this, Yuchen wondered why Lin Xiyang was with Gu Jianhun?

"Where did President Wu Chen say this? Why, what are you referring to? If you want to say why you walked with Sword Soul? It's actually very simple..." Sunset suddenly hugged The slender waist of the man in black.

After the hat was lifted off, a delicate cheek was revealed, and who was it if it wasn't Gu Yue with the obsequious look on this woman's face?

"If you think it's not enough, then I'll add another reason. Sword Soul can let me have everything I used to. Is this reason enough?" Lin Xiyang smiled lightly, with a natural expression, without the slightest affectation, even Yuchen couldn't see clearly what this guy was thinking.

"Is it just like that?" Yuchen chuckled, yes, if Lin Xiyang wants to fight against himself, then any reason is a reason.

"Isn't that enough?" Lin Xiyang also smiled lightly.

"Enough, Yu Wuchen, don't say these things are useless, since you already know the secret here, then you will be buried here forever, and you, Yanying Jianchen, Bailong Wuji, speaking of it , We also have a debt that we haven't settled!" Gu Jianhun couldn't wait to destroy Yuchen Jianchen Bailong and the others.

"Hahahaha, joke, Gu Jianhun, you were not our opponent before, do you think you are our opponent now?" Jian Chen laughed, although these demon soldiers in front of him are very difficult, but defeating Gu Jianhun easy.

"Thief ha ha ha ha ha... If you are not absolutely sure, do you think I will let you come here and discover the secrets here? You are too naive!!" Gu Jianhun laughed sinisterly.

"Gu Jian Hun, you really don't think much of us!!" Bai Long Wuji sacrificed the spiritual weapon in his hand, even if there were only four of them, they would have nothing to fear when facing thousands of demon soldiers.

"I have thousands of demon soldiers, do you think I have a chance of winning?" Gu Jianhun smiled.

"It's very easy to kill you!" Yu Chen stretched out his hand, the blade flashed, the black sword ghost appeared in his hand, and Jian Chen's Qiushui also appeared immediately, the four looked stern, a big battle was inevitable.

"So, you are so naive!! Your opponent is not me, nor these tens of thousands of demon soldiers, but..." Gu Jianhun suddenly lowered his head, and then roared frantically: "It is, This great demon god!!"

"Boom boom boom!"

After Gu Jianhun finished speaking, the entire underground abyss was shaking. At that moment, the demon statue in the distance behind Gu Jianhun suddenly burst into flames, and the blood pupils shone brightly. After a while, all the stone carvings on his body It fell off, and the traces of cracks became bigger and bigger, until finally, the hands and feet of the demon statue began to move, and the entire demon statue was resurrected at this moment!

"What!" Yuchen and the others exclaimed when they saw this, they never thought that the demon statue was alive.

"This power...is what we felt up there!" After the demon statue was revived, his aura was so familiar, several people immediately thought that the demon statue was the existence of the evil power they had sensed at the beginning.

"Don't worry, I won't let you die like this, hahahaha, you stay here with the demon statue, after you die completely, there will be a bigger surprise for you, I forgot to tell you, My power has penetrated into darkness and light, I originally planned to start a war, but unexpectedly, you came here and gave me a big gift, hahaha, without your threat, dreams are nothing to be afraid of!!"

"Now, the war is about to begin..." Gu Jianhun's sinister laughter echoed around Yuchen and the others, and then he, Lin Xiyang and the others slowly disappeared into the cave, There are also those tens of millions of magic soldiers! !

The war begins! !

(Second update! More tonight~)

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