After Yuchen and the others were trapped in the devil's lair, Gu Jianhun led his tens of thousands of demon soldiers and millions of strong players to launch a battle against the world without warning!

This can be said to be the largest war in the history of the game world!

A million demon soldiers are enough to destroy a large force, and the ancient sword soul has tens of millions. Without any preparations, the ancient sword soul's attack began!

Of course, Gu Jianhun is not a fool, he will not be defeated by all the trade unions before he grows up, although he said that he will turn the game world upside down, but the people of the blood alliance did not immediately start to attack the super power , They put the primary battlefield in the dark camp of the Yanhuang Continent!

Almost within that day, the magic soldiers swept away all the large and small forces in the dark camp. From that day on, the blood alliance became famous, and for a while, it became a powerful force, which was well known by people.

After unifying Yanhuang's dark camp, the blood alliance immediately attracted the attention of the powerful guilds. However, the blood alliance did not interfere with other unions, so the leaders of the major unions did not care too much.

While the blood alliance became famous, the disappearance of Yuchen, Jian Chen, Bailong, and Mo Lishang immediately attracted great attention. They disappeared for a day, but in reality, Yuchen and the others were obviously still there. In the game, everyone is not too worried. After all, Yuchen's power, in this game world, I am afraid that no player can keep him.

Therefore, everyone thought that Yuchen was going to do a hidden mission. At first, after listening quietly, they expressed envy and hatred.

However, a few days later, Yuchen and the others still did not move. Instead, another major event stunned the entire Xuanyuan Yanhuang players. The blood alliance swept the dark faction forces in the entire Xuanyuan Continent overnight!

The powerhouses of the dark camp, Duanhun Wushang, Meng Tianshang, a cup of yogurt and other strong super unions were wiped out, and all surrendered to the power of the blood alliance overnight. This news immediately aroused the panic of all players. shock!

The blood alliance, an unknown force, unexpectedly unified the Yanhuang dark camp overnight, and a few days later, it unified the Xuanyuan dark camp overnight. In just a few days, the blood alliance became the overlord of the dark camp !

Its power has even surpassed today's dreams, because the power of the entire dark camp is now unified by the blood alliance. It is said that players who disobey will directly kill back to level zero. The methods of the blood alliance are extremely cruel, making countless players succumb to their Yin *Under the authority!

Faced with the terrifying threat of the blood alliance, all the forces in the light camp felt the crisis. Those small trade unions who survived in their dreams, floating in the end of the world, misty and rainy Jiangnan, Longxiang, and Fengwu joined forces to ask for protection from the major guilds.

Naturally, Dream and other unions would not reject them and accepted them all, but even so, the players in the light camp still felt the crisis.

Therefore, for the matter of the blood alliance, all the leaders of the light camp players held a meeting!

On this day, the heads of trade unions of all forces in the light camp gathered in Dream.

Dream is now a super city. After crossing the 12th level, it has finally become a first-level city. Its scale is grand, prosperous, and far beyond imagination. Even if many people do not come to Dream for the first time, when they enter, they will still send out emotion.

On this day, all the cadres of Dream Headquarters went out to welcome the major guilds in person. The magnificent scenery of Dream on this day made the passing players around couldn't help but took a video and uploaded it on their photo album Weibo. The battle was even hotter than those popular stars.

"Look, it's Feng Wu..."

"Oh my god, Long Xiang..."

"Quiet, it's quiet, he's so handsome" On the street of dreams, countless men and women couldn't help exclaiming when they saw the obsessed figure. They are all well-known figures, and on this day, these famous and powerful men gathered in one place, which shows the courage of dreaming of the overlord!

However, what these boys and girls look forward to more is to see Yu Wuchen...

That god-like man in China.

After the major guilds entered one after another, countless strong unions strictly guarded the periphery of the dream headquarters. Here, even ants are not allowed to enter.

In the dream meeting room, there are more than one hundred thousand trade union forces in the Guangming camp in Huaxia District, but there are only a few hundred people from the top-notch and super-strength trade unions who are actually present. , Lord of a city!

However, when these leaders came to the dream headquarters, the first expressions showed surprise.

Because at this moment, the person who should be in the position of Yuchen is actually the second in command of the dream, no longer silent, this man in Huaxia District who has been called the god of death, his strength is beyond doubt.

"The presidents have come from a long way, and they didn't take good care of their dreams. Please forgive me. Because our president has something to delay and can't come back soon, I will chair this meeting. Please sit down." The silent and deep voice echoed among the presidents. ear.

"Vice President Silence is polite." Everyone said complimentingly.

After the silence, in fact, Qingcheng Mingyue, Fengwu Qingcheng, Bailong Wushuang and others were all worried. After all, Yuchen and the others had disappeared for a week, and there was no news until now. It would be a lie if they said they were not worried. of.

"Is there any news yet?" Seeing the silent expression, she muttered to herself quietly.

"Don't worry, that kid Yuchen alone is scary enough, plus that kid Jian Chen, the four of them will be fine in any danger." Uncle Misty Rain said with a smile.

"Are you all here?" Shen Mo glanced at everyone present, and Bao Daqu beside him was the person in charge of the liquidation. He frowned and walked to Shen Mo's side, and said in a moderate voice: "The king is not No one came."

Hearing this, the presidents of the major guilds present couldn't hold back their faces. This king is a rising power in the later period. It stands to reason that they are not qualified to participate in this meeting. It was because they dreamed that the other party was strong, so they took special care of them, but they didn't expect Oh, the king's union is so disrespectful, they sent invitations in person, but they didn't send anyone!

"This king's guild is ignorant of flattery!" After hearing the words, many guild leaders below felt that the king was a bit ignorant of flattery, and cursed angrily.

Jian Chen, Misty Rain, Feng Wu, Destiny, Long Xiang, Tie Muzheng, Chu Bawang, Mo Mo and others also had some unsightly expressions. This behavior of the King's Guild is completely disrespectful to Dream, and it is done in front of all the guilds. face, gave the dream a slap in the face.

But what a silent mind, naturally he doesn't care about these things, even if he cares about it, that's later.

"Since the other party is unwilling to come, we will not force it, but if anything happens, we will be responsible for it. Everyone, let's start the next meeting. The information collected by the Sky Eye organization has been placed on your table. At the same time, we also We need everyone to share the information about the blood alliance that you know." Shen Mo said quietly, in fact, he has information, and the information collected by Tianyan is definitely more complete than that of any trade union.

Soon, when the major guilds looked at the information in front of them, they all showed shocked expressions, and each other's eyes were full of shock. The dream information was much more than what they worked hard to collect.

"These monsters, I also know...the combat power is super strong, and it should be the same one that destroys Uncle Dian Dian!" After reading the information, An Jing was also quite shocked. Bao inquired really good at collecting such a complete set of information .

"Uncle has too many things to do, so I don't bother him." Shen Mo said with a smile, the uncle has already told Mengmeng and other trade unions everything he knows, so for this kind of meeting, the vice president sent by Uncle Dian will come to attend.

"Recently, the blood alliance has been too arrogant. After occupying the dark camp, it has extended its tentacles to our light alliance. Many resource areas have been plundered by him, and the most hateful thing is that their people can freely enter and leave the light camp!" President They are already very dissatisfied with what the Blood Alliance has done today.

"Yeah! The most hateful thing is that we are powerless!!" In this regard, some presidents did not hide it. After all, if it can't be done, it can't be done.

The entire conference room was full of indignant voices, but none of the leaders of the superpowers spoke, they closed their eyes and meditated, and seemed to be guessing the next move of the blood alliance.

"The opponent is very cunning, and possesses mysterious and powerful forces. Most importantly, we don't even know the opponent's cadre-level power, but judging from the opponent's current deployment and city government, the opponent has a very good-minded military division People." The blood alliance began to fall into the ears of the major presidents more than a month ago, but in just one month, the blood alliance has grown so rapidly, it depends not only on strength, but also on brains. Under my own circumstances, I can still grow rapidly, which shows that it is not ordinary!

Quietly opened his mouth, causing everyone to calm down immediately, and the heads of the major guild leaders also looked at Jingjing, Jingjing glanced at everyone, and then said: "However, the blood alliance has indeed become more and more rampant recently, how dare you come to Xuanyuan blatantly?" Looting resources with the Yanhuang Guangming camp!"

"These guys, no matter how you look at it, it's intentional... If you want to fight, we Long Xiang are enough!" Long Xiang Jiutian's expression turned serious, and his sharp eyes swept everyone.

Jing Jing ignored Long Xiang's words, and looked at Shen Mo: "And right now, the whereabouts of Yuchen, Jian Chen, and the president of the Bailong family are unknown..." In the end, Jing Jing was still worried about what happened to Yu Chen and Jian Chen. No matter what, even if it is a difficult task, with Mo Lishang around, he can leave at any time, and even if he can't leave, at least he will bring back news.

Hearing Jing Jing's words, most of the guild leaders became silent. Now, what should they do in response to the blood alliance's constant provocation?

At this time, a group of uninvited guests also ushered in outside the dream headquarters...they, all in black...

(The first one!)

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