The dark camp in the Yanhuang Continent has powerful monsters and demonic energy within a million miles. The dark camp in the Yanhuang Continent is already the territory of the ancient sword soul. No matter what you do, the entire game world is surprisingly silent.

And the light camp is also in the tense preparations, and everyone knows that an unimaginable war is about to break out.

And Yuchen and the others, who are the protagonists, are also carefully looking for the demon god that Taixu said. Of course, the distance of a million miles is undoubtedly a needle in a haystack. To the fate of the mainland.

In the pitch-black Hessen, countless monsters showed their ferocious fangs. They stopped the group of three people from advancing. Unfortunately, these monsters were undoubtedly looking for death. Three people flashed swords, lights and swords, and the corpses of countless monsters fell on the ground. It fell to the ground and turned into dust in the wind.

This is not the first time. While Yuchen and the others are looking for it, they are also continuing to fight and upgrade their level. Of course, even if they don't want to fight, there is nothing they can do. These monsters are actively attacking. When Yuchen and the others step into each other's territory At that time, they will encounter crazy siege, but in the end, those powerful monsters will become corpses unwillingly.

"Yuchen, we are under a lot of pressure to search blindly like this." Jian Chen reminded, and Bai Long on the side also nodded, deeply convinced.

Yuchen also knew that it would be even more difficult to search for the three of them alone. Even though the three of them had very strong perception, there was no way to know. Most importantly, they didn't know how to start.

Yuchen thought for a while and said, "Wait for me for a while." Saying this, Yuchen closed his eyes and entered his own spiritual world.

"Grandpa Taixu, are you there?" Yuchen appeared in the spiritual world and called a few times. Behind him, there was the figure of an angry ghost...

"Boy, what's the matter with you?" Taixu's impatient voice sounded, and his figure gradually appeared in front of Yuchen.

"Grandpa Taixu, you asked me to find the Demon God, but I don't know how to do it at all... The distance of a million miles is really too big." Yuchen said with some annoyance.

Taixu immediately blew his beard and stared: "This kind of trivial matter also troubles me. If I know, I will go directly. I still need you. I will rest if I have nothing to do. My strength has not recovered yet."

Saying that, Taixu disappeared, leaving Yuchen with an embarrassed face: "This..."

In the jungle, Jian Chen and Bai Long guarded Yu Chen's body. Not long after, Yu Chen opened his eyes. The two asked eagerly, and Yu Chen shook his head helplessly...

"What should we do now?" Jian Chen and Bai Long both looked at Yu Chen.

Yuchen didn't know, so he simply thought about it: "Let's take one step at a time. I'll expand the perception of Yinlongjue a little. As long as I can feel the breath similar to the demon statue, I think there should be no problem."

The two had no choice but to agree, Yuchen and the others would never forget the breath of the demon statue in this life.

So, in this vast dark camp, Yuchen and the others continued their search journey.

Hua Buluo has been very speechless recently. As a leader of the blood alliance, these days, he can only practice leveling. For a warlike madman like him, it is undoubtedly suffering.

Every time he faces boring leveling, he can always think of the scene of Pinch killing on the battlefield of the light camp not long ago. Whenever he thinks of these, his mind is full of longing.

However, for some reason recently, their leader actually ordered the troops to stand still temporarily, which made the militants under him extremely aggrieved. Originally they wanted to go to the dark camp to make trouble, but they were afraid of the hunting squad.

No, the hard-working group of hundreds of people came out to level up.


As a cadre of the blood alliance, Hua Buluo was originally from the ancient family, so he also had a special hatred for Dream. Now the boss in front of him seemed to be a member of Dream, and he kept attacking like crazy.

Under the sharp attack of the group of hundreds, the dark rhino soon lay on the ground, bursting out tens of thousands of gold coins and several pieces of advanced equipment.

"It's really boring! Let's go and find the boss!" After killing a big boss of level 200, Hua Buluo was still dissatisfied and continued to lead the team further.

"Head Hua, this is the Everlasting Forest..." The deputy head glanced at the map where he was, fearing that if he was not careful, they would all be wiped out, and it would take several months to recover a level.

"I'm here? What are you afraid of!" Hua Buluo waved his big hand, the war hammer in his hand exuded a strong light, and the people around did not dare to refute, because Hua Buluo was a core cadre and only belonged to the president of the blood alliance.

Thus, this group of blood alliance players who did not know how to live or die entered the endless forest of Yanhuang's top ten forbidden areas.

"Endless forest? Top ten realms? The demonic energy here is very strong, go, go in~" Compared with the group of blood alliance players who don't know how to live or die, Yuchen rushed in without saying a word at the entrance of the endless forest on the other side .

Countless monsters hidden in the darkness suddenly exploded at that moment, and in the blink of an eye, thousands of monsters with levels as high as 260 and above surrounded Yuchen, Jian Chen, and Bailong.

"It seems that we have to clean up the garbage again..." Seeing this, the three of Yuchen immediately drew their swords.

But just when the battle was about to start, Yuchen and the others suddenly looked terrified, and looked to the side not far away, only to see that the space there began to distort, and soon after, a door of space appeared in front of their eyes.

"It's Lao Mo!" Yu Chen quickly stopped his shot, and sure enough, Mo Lishang appeared from the gate of space.

"Boss, pfft, it's a good thing as soon as we come." Mo Lishang just wanted to speak, but in the blink of an eye, he saw n many monsters surrounded him, but Mo Lishang still calmly appeared in front of Yuchen.

"How? What happened recently?" All three were more anxious.

Mo Lishang was also unambiguous, and told Yuchen and the others what had happened verbatim. After hearing this, Yuchen and the others looked extremely solemn. Unexpectedly, the ancient sword soul caused such a big shock.

"Really... This guy has already declared war, but he thinks too much of himself!" Yuchen smiled slightly.

"I don't know how to live or die." Jian Chen also said.

"This guy's strength is immature, why would he dare to make such a big deal?" Bai Long said the key point.

"If I'm not wrong, I'm afraid this guy still has a trump card. There is not much time left. We must collect information about the blood alliance!" Yuchen made up his mind. threat.

"Get out!!" Looking at the thousands of monsters, Yuchen's body trembled, and he released his domineering power. The terrifying power made the surrounding monsters flee like panicked birds.

"Let's go!" Yu Chen's expression changed, and Jian Chen and the others followed Yu Chen into the depths of the forest. At the same time, the team led by Hua Bu Luo successfully broke through the monster's first line of defense!

(three more)

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