"Boss, what do you think the boss is so eager to get us together?" The mysterious valley, the route here is complicated, if not someone who is familiar with this place, I am afraid that I will get lost after entering the valley.

The group of hundreds led by Hua Buluo, after returning from the Everlasting Forest to the deep valley, began to move forward cautiously. The reason why they were careful was not because they were unfamiliar with the route, but because they were very familiar with the route. However, they were very cautious. , the traces of the past will be wiped out, and I will look back from time to time.

This kind of behavior naturally attracted Yuchen's attention. In fact, when they mentioned the ancient sword soul, Yuchen and the others thought of something. Looking forward to it.

"You ask me, how do I know, but I'm afraid something big is about to happen!" Hua Buluo, a combat madman, grinned and gathered all the members. This was the first time for the blood alliance. I'm afraid there will be a big move.

"Here, there should be no problem. Quicken your pace." Seeing that she had entered the depths of the deep valley, Hua Buluo was not so cautious, so the whole team quickened their pace, and in a blink of an eye, the team went deep into the deep valley Within, disappeared.

Less than five seconds after Hua Buluo left, Yuchen and the others appeared in the valley. Seeing their leaving backs, they frowned, and the four nodded one after another. With a flash of their figures, they followed up again .

"These guys are very cautious, there must be something tricky here." Mo Lishang's voice came from the team.

"Anyway, let's follow up and have a look, maybe there may be unexpected gains." Bai Long Wuji smiled.

Yuchen and Jian Chen nodded, and they also followed.

In the depths of the valley, in fact, there is a bigger and unknown secret hidden here. The original devil cave, the underground abyss is coherent, which is also the reason why it can accommodate the devil soldiers. On this point, Yuchen and the others are fighting with the devil statues. I knew it during the battle. When they went down, it was clearly another cliff of Hei Wuya. Chen and the others had to admire the shit luck of this ancient sword soul.

To have such an adventure, but in this game world, it is understandable, everyone's situation is different, and the path they take is also different.

The deepest part of the valley is not the center of the forest, but the end of the valley. The end is surrounded by mountains, surrounded by terrifying black air all the year round, and the entire end of the valley also looks gloomy. However, the area here is incomparably vast and can accommodate at least hundreds of millions of people.

On this day, Yougu has never been so lively as it is today. Countless players flooded here, a total of 600 million, 600 million. For a union, it can be regarded as a first-class strength. Know the power of blood alliance.

However, Ancient Sword Soul did not rely on these 600 million to unify the Dark Alliance, but relied on tens of millions of demon soldiers!

"Hurry up, hurry up, we will gather soon, everyone, hurry up!" At the end of the valley, there were continuous sharp shouts, and the continuously assembled teams all appeared at the end of the valley in unison.

Excitement was written on everyone's face.

600 million, densely packed and densely packed, there is no end in sight. In Yougu, Gu Jianhun and others have arrived here ahead of time. He is not stupid, and naturally he will not reveal the location of the Demon Palace, so he and Ren Xiaoyao early, and the sun sets and waits. Some backbone members are waiting here.

After seeing the countless long queues arriving, Gu Jianhun stood on the cliff, at the highest point of the crowd.

"Brothers....The time for our revenge has come! The time has come to destroy the Alliance of Light and become the overlord of the entire China!!" Gu Jianhun was full of pride in his heart, and immediately detonated the audience as soon as he was born.

The bottom is full of discussions.

"I believe that all of you have seen the true strength of my blood alliance, so you don't need to doubt that we now have the strength to fight to the death with super unions such as Dream Dragon, Nine Heavens, Apocalyptic Floating Life Shura, Misty Rain Jiangnan Emperor, and the final victory Those who choose will be our blood alliance!!"

"Now, those who are willing to fight with me, raise the weapons in your hands!!" The ancient sword soul raised the black long sword, its luster flashed instantly, and the members of the blood alliance on the ground saw this, and picked up the weapons in their hands one after another!

"Blood alliance, blood alliance, blood alliance!!" The huge momentum echoed in the entire valley, and the surrounding monsters had already been frightened out of their wits and left this terrifying place.

"good very good!"

"Tomorrow morning, the battle will officially begin. All regiment leaders obey orders!" With a wave of Gu Jianhun's arm, the desired effect has been achieved, and the next step is the battle plan. Of course, Gu Jianhun will not be stupid enough to fight against the entire light camp at the same time , what he did was break down one by one.

"Each regiment, lead 50 demon soldiers, and wipe out all the ordinary trade unions in the entire light camp!" For these members who existed like thugs in the eyes of Gu Jianhun, he was not even interested in telling them the battle plan. There is only one thing to do, and that is to obey his orders and kill.

"Kill, kill, kill." There was another burst of shouting, and the deafening momentum was shocking.

Hidden in the deep valley, the four Yuchen and the others were horrified to see. They did not expect that the members of the blood alliance would hide so deeply, and they did not expect that the ancient sword soul would be so crazy that they would attack on a large scale Light camp.

"Yuchen, what should we do?" Several people looked at Yuchen involuntarily.

"This guy is already crazy. He has nothing in the first place. Now he probably wants to fight us to the death. However, he really thinks that he can defeat the entire camp of light with tens of thousands of magic soldiers?" Yuchen guessed I don't know, I don't know that Gu Jianhun is so confident that he can defeat the Alliance of Light. Of course, if Yuchen knows that this guy still has a murderous medicine in his hand, maybe he will change his perception.

"This guy, just said that he wants to destroy all the power below the super power guild?" Jian Chen frowned. If it was really done by the ancient sword soul, then the major guilds would be in crisis.

"What should we do? We are now..." Looking at the 600 million army, several people looked at each other suspiciously.

"Go back, the war is coming, we can't stay out of it!" Yuchen made up his mind, and several people nodded at the same time. The development of the situation has far exceeded their expectations.

"Hehehehe...Since you are here, are you planning to leave like this? President Wuchen...I really didn't expect you to come out of the devil's lair." Just when Yuchen and the others were about to leave, Gu The ghostly voice of Sword Soul suddenly rang in their ears.

The whereabouts of Yuchen and the others have been revealed?

(one more)

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