(Fifth watch, please ask for flowers!) After the end of the Yaoxia's flash, the aftermath spread across the entire land. At the end of the smoky valley, people held their breaths and stared at the location of the ancient sword soul.

Even an ordinary player can feel the power of Bailong Wuji's last blow. Moreover, after opening the strange stripes around the body, Bailong Wuji's power can be said to be even stronger. For the ancient sword soul , Many people know that he was once the number one expert in the Yanhuang dark camp, but his actual strength is rarely known.

It was the first time to show his skills in front of everyone. At the beginning, he was really awesome, but in a blink of an eye, he was beaten into his current appearance by Bai Long Wuji's fierce attack. What happened to the ancient sword soul?

This point is still unknown.

The power of Bailong Wuji's bloodline gradually faded, but there was no joy on his face, because the aura of that guy, Gu Jianhun, was still there, and it didn't weaken at all, that is to say, his attack was blocked No one can be happy anymore.

"President, how is President..." Everyone couldn't imagine what it would be like after the defeat of Ancient Sword Soul. The blood alliance is not united like a solid iron plate. On the contrary, there are many internal problems. Everyone has brought great benefits and given them hope. I am afraid that the blood alliance has been disintegrated long ago.

"Sure enough, are you still unable to fight against them?" Ren Xiaoyao was also a little frustrated. Although he said that he respected the ancient sword soul very much, Yu Wuchen and the others had long been famous, and they were very, very powerful, and they had already stood at the top. In fact, it is understandable that the ancient sword soul failed, but why, everyone is very unwilling, even Bailong Wuji can't defeat, let alone there is a Shura, and a godkiller.

"Gu Jian Hun... Get out if you're not dead, don't play these little tricks." Yaoxia's perception clearly told Bai Long Wuji that Gu Jian Hun is not dead.

"Little trick? Ah... I almost died, but it seems that my luck is good, are you right? President Bailong." The ancient sword soul's yin and yang voice came from the smoke-filled dust.. .

"Ah, your luck is indeed good, you didn't die from the attack just now, but this time, I won't give you any chance." After speaking, white runes appeared on Bailong Wuji's body again, This is a symbol of the activation of the blood of the bright monster.

The figure of the ancient sword soul appeared in front of everyone again, and the faces of the players of the blood alliance were full of heat. Unexpectedly, the ancient sword soul could survive such a terrifying attack.

Gu Jianhun looked at Bailong Wuji who had once again unleashed his powerful power, and said with a smile: "I should be the one who said this, right? You don't have the good luck just now, you can hurt me."

"Big words!!" Bai Long Wuji's expression turned serious, and he disappeared in an instant, the surroundings seemed strange and silent.

"Hmph, didn't I say that? There won't be a second time for such a thing, the Devil's Fury Slash!" The terrifying black energy slash was released, and that powerful slash was actually the same as Yuchen's Raging Slash , terrifying and violent.

As soon as the void slashed, everyone thought that Gu Jianhun was crazy, but in the next second, the figure of the white dragon appeared at the place where the slash fell.

"Holy Light Defense!"

The light appeared and covered Bailong Wuji's whole body. Bailong thought that he could completely resist the opponent's attack, but when the slash hit his defense, his body actually retreated a few steps.

"It's so strong...power!" Bai Long Wuji was shocked, he didn't dare to carry on, his steps suddenly changed, he deviated from the original trajectory, and the slash directly rushed into the forest from in front of him , leaving a long trace on the entire ground.

The figure of Bailong appeared on the right side where the ancient sword soul was originally. Just as Bailong looked at the ancient sword soul again, he was horrified to find that the guy had disappeared.

"Where are you looking?" A cold voice echoed behind Bailong Wuji, and the ancient sword soul had already come behind Bailong without knowing when.

Hearing this, Bai Long's eyes trembled suddenly, and the blood-colored pupils of the ancient sword soul and the sharp black sword were reflected in his pupils.

"Block in an instant!" Bai Long Wuji immediately set up a block. The three-second slowness made him feel lingering fear. Seeing that the attack failed, Gu Jianhun calmed down. The black sword suddenly spun, and Gu Jianhun took a step forward. , the black sword dragged, the two weapons collided fiercely, and the figure flashed past.

Time, as if once again stood still with the end of the attack of the two, people fell silent...

"Hahahahaha, hahahahaha!!!" Suddenly, Gu Jianhun laughed, and he laughed out loud, blood was still on the corner of his mouth, but even so, he still laughed.

He suddenly changed his eyes, looked at Bai Long Wuji behind him and said coldly: "I told you, I told you a long time ago, you are not my opponent, now your strength proves everything!!"

Gu Jianhun was injured, but this was the case, but at this moment, there was a ferocious bloodstain on Bailong Wuji's pure white chest. Bailong Wuji was wounded by Gu Jianhun.

"Is this guy so strong?" Yuchen, Jian Chen, and Mo Lishang had such a question in their hearts at the same time. Could it be that Gu Jianhun had such strength from the very beginning.

"Anyway, this guy is also from Tianwu. Although he was disabled by Yuchen in reality, his foundation has been perfectly preserved in this game. Speaking of which, the history of the Gu family is longer than that of the Bai family... .” Jian Chen murmured.

"Bailong's strength should be more than that, right?" Mo Lishang thought for a while and said, the man standing in the same position as Yuchen and the others, how could his strength be nothing more than that?

Jian Chen smiled: "If Bailong's strength is only like this, then he is not worthy of being on the same level as me." Back then, Bailong was called the emperor by people, but in the end, all the people who were in the scenery were regarded by Yu. Chen's god-killing light shrouded.

"So that's it... It seems that I should let you see my true strength!" The wound on Bailong Wuji's chest healed almost instantly.

"Hehe, super-speed regeneration is still as powerful as ever, Bai Long, but let's change people. Suddenly, I am very interested in this guy." At the moment when Bai Long Wuji's expression was dignified and angry, Yu Chen Walked out and patted him on the shoulder.

Bai Long Wuji glanced at Yuchen's smiling face, and finally fell silent: "Hehe, if you're interested, I'll leave it to you..."

Yu Chen squinted his eyes slightly and looked at Gu Jianhun: "Come on, show your strength, let me open, how strong is the number one master of the Yanhuang dark camp..." Yuchen's words , This moment is lingering in everyone's heart, lingering, he will start the second duel with the ancient sword soul in the game!

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