After more than half a month, for a full 20 days, Yuchen has not been offline. The first time Yuchen opened his eyes, several pairs of charming eyes that were as bright as a bright moon appeared in front of Yuchen, one by one. The exquisite and peerless cheeks, the expectant and worried faces made Yuchen's heart warm.

"Hey." Yuchen smiled a little embarrassedly. These days, I am afraid that a few girls have worried a lot.

"Yuchen, you're finally awake." Yihan rushed forward with a happy face, while Ruoxue and Xuan'er also pursed their lips and smiled slightly behind them, with a little bit of worry in their eyes.

"Father, you're finally out." Yutian said in a childish voice, the kid's voice was completely out of proportion to what he said. For this little guy who awakened from birth, Yuchen took He can't help it either.

"Be good, Tian'er." Yu Chen touched Xiao Tian'er's black hair, looked at the girls and asked, "Are you okay in reality these days?" Yu Chen has never forgotten the affairs of Yu's family.

"Well, it's okay, but something big happened in the game." Yihan pouted, as if wanting to tell Yuchen everything, but the big beauty Yihan didn't know, Yuchen already knew.

"That's right, all the demon gods have appeared..." Ruoxue also blinked her beautiful eyes at Yuchen.

"Cough cough." Speaking of Demon God, Yu Chen coughed a few times. This guy may have a direct relationship with Yu Chen. If he hadn't pushed the ancient sword soul into a desperate situation, that guy would not have taken the risk and killed himself. Give it to the devil to control.

"I know everything, let's go, look at the updated content on the official website." Yuchen already knows everything about the game world, and what he wants to know more now is all the information about the demon god.

Turn on the computer and search for the latest information on Rewrite Life's official website. It can be said that all players and all human beings in the world are doing the same thing. The update of the Demon God is bound to bring news to the game world.

All players want to grasp the information as soon as possible.

However, to the disappointment of all the players, the official website of the game has no news other than the latest description about the Demon God. Moreover, this time the system update lasted for a week.

One week, such a long time, God knows what happened to the Demon God. At the end, Yuchen and the others were not sure, they had completely sealed the Demon God.

In the introduction on the game's official website, the demon god is a character thousands of years ago. When he appeared, it was the era when the goddess of light and darkness was opposed. After the powerful demon god appeared, he led hundreds of millions of demon soldiers and generals to plunge every continent in the world In the dire straits, the people are in dire straits.

Afterwards, the two goddesses of light and darkness had no choice but to invite the strongest men in the world to unite and seal the demon god. This period of history is probably after the history of the monster, because there is no mention of the history of the monster in the description.

After reading this chapter, Yuchen even doubted whether there will be a chapter of the era of monsters next, but after thinking about it carefully, he felt that something was wrong. directly ignored by the system.

At the end of the above, after the demon god was sealed, the two goddesses of light and darkness disappeared, and the former strong disappeared in the world. Since then, wars have continued on all continents, and the heroes have been separated, and there are empires of hundreds of races such as humans, beasts, giants, etc. Back then, the continent was also torn apart, and now there are countries all over the world.

The history of the game world is gradually becoming clear, but at the same time, it makes everyone more confused and puzzled. It can be said that they are getting deeper and deeper. Up to now, please look forward to the information in this article, that is to say, at least after the end of the era of demon gods, there will be a situation where the heroes will be separated and the country will be established as the emperor.

Founding a country as an emperor?What suddenly came to Yuchen's mind, a terrible idea appeared in his mind?

Could it be that players can also establish a country?Can also become the emperor?After thinking about it, Yuchen always felt that it was very possible, but the operation of the system was beyond Yuchen's control, so he didn't take this to heart, but focused on the updated content of the system.

In seven days, according to the explanation on the official website, the content of the system update will be available in three days. Without the game world, there will naturally be many empty and lonely people. However, the amount of population activity has also become huge due to the system update.

Because of the system update, many men and women in the game world have agreed to meet in reality. In this way, the economic development in reality has been promoted again, especially in the aspect of accommodation, which has made great achievements. And Yuchen is also watching this After the egg pain system was updated, I took a few girls to take a trip to the mountains and rivers in reality. That night, Yuchen called Feng Wu. That night, Feng Wu came to Yandu City, Sichuan Province. When she came to Yuchen's house once, Wen Qin's mother was all smiles.

Even Yu's father teased Yuchen for snatching Feng's family over. Yufan was naturally aware of what Yuchen had done in Feng's family, but he didn't say a word. He simply acquiesced in Yuchen's arrogance.

Of course, the Long family was not reconciled, but Long Er, a man of the highest celestial being, did not say anything about taking action against a junior, but even took it by force. The Long family had many voices of opposition.

Long Er didn't dare to seek revenge from Yuchen, after all, Yuchen is stronger than him now, not to mention, behind Yuchen there is a huge Yu family.

For seven days, for seven full days, Yuchen could be said to have spent his life in a state of luxury and desolation. Almost all the peerless beauties were by his side, and Yuchen could be said to be enjoying a beautiful life.

Of course, for the system update on the third day, on this day, players all over the world sat in front of the computer quietly, checking the news about the Era of Demon Gods.

This time, people were not disappointed at all. After opening, in addition to the surprise, there was also a shock from the soul.

Era of Demon Gods! !

The demon god Leixiu, the fallen gods of ancient times, came to the world. Because he was dissatisfied with the main god, he cultivated demons against the sky and became a generation of demon gods. In the world ruled by the goddess of light and darkness, he caused a catastrophe. The world has brought great disaster.

Then, for countless years, legends about the demon god Leixiu spread in the world. The demon god revived, and within a hundred days, the world would inevitably become a purgatory on earth, with blood flowing like rivers, and every time this time, a savior would appear to save the world.

When the Demon God revives, its name is: The Era of the Great Demon God!

Divide the forces of demon gods.

Top Ten Demon God Generals in China Mainland!

The first demon general: Blood Shura: Mi Xiu.

The second demon general: Demon's Daughter: Ogula Yue.

Third Demon General: Demon King: Dingtian Fourth Demon General: Demon Sword Saint: Yaotian Fifth Demon General: Demon Dragon Knight: Gust Sixth Demon General: Blood Demon: Luo Tian Seventh Demon General: Dream Demon: Kane Eighth Demon General: Dark Lord: Lonely Ninth Demon General: Great Demon King: Thunder Tenth Demon General: Demon King: Under the Cloudy Demon God, the appearance of the top ten Demon Generals and legends immediately attracted countless players What's more, the most weird thing is that all the forces of the Demon God are in Huaxia!

It can be said that Huaxia suddenly fell into the cusp of the turmoil.

Under the Demon God General, there are still many demon kings and demon masters. The power of the Demon God is simply countless. At the same time, there are Demon God Altars in every continent and country.

The real body of the demon god turned out to be one of the ancient gods, but he was a fallen god.

The Era of the Great Demon God, because the update has gradually kicked off, and the main mission of the Era of the Demon God, the official website has also been unlocked. Players from cities in various countries can receive reward tasks on the notification board of the City Lord’s Mansion. The content of the task is to go from the level of the demon soldier to the level of the devil king, but there is no task for the demon general.

Most of the tasks are to destroy the demon altar, kill the demon soldiers and generals, etc. The update of the game can be said to directly attract all the players' attention to the demon god, and the rewards of the reward task are also very rich, not only gold coins but also With the equipment, the number of views and replies for the reward task instantly became the highest on the forum, even compared to Yuchen and his previous videos.

Similarly, many players on the forum are asking about the information about the Demon God on the official website. After the announcement of the top ten Demon God generals, the system does not seem to tell the players the current news about the Demon God. In addition, the last announcement in the game world, the current Demon God It has already possessed the player, which makes many players worry.

If it is an npc, maybe it is not so scary, but if the demon god possesses the player, it will be much more dangerous.

There is no explanation on this official website... players need to explore by themselves.

After the news of the era of demon gods ended, the news of the light and dark camps gradually revealed. According to the information, the one who can save the world is the inheritor of light and darkness. The warrior who inherited the two goddesses of light and darkness will appear to wipe out the evil forces.

The news about the national war also ushered in a blockbuster. If you want to open the national connection point, you must find the national border. It is reported that the first player or team to find the national border will have a generous reward. The news of the national border , it can be said that the players are once again crazy, and every system update will bring wireless passion to the players.

Then some other updates are the distribution and division of the demon god's forces. Many of them are new maps, and many maps are originally the demon god's forces.

The game world is once again turbulent. However, this time, I am afraid that it is not just the era of the Great Demon God, but the age of demons dancing wildly, and the era of chaos and chaos. Who is the master of this world? open!

(Second watch for flowers)

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