In the depths of a dark dark forest, with the coming of the age of the demon gods, the players were shocked to find that all the maps belonging to the demon god forces had been refreshed except for the lowest-level demon soldiers. ....

And some demon general bosses are as high as the peak of rank 250 and seven ranks.

However, this did not attract people's attention. In a forest, a person staggered and fell into the sphere of influence of the demon god. The kind player wanted to stop him, but this person ignored him. Stumbling into the territory of the demon god, the people around him could only shake their heads helplessly.

"Damn it, damn it!!! You still don't give up!!" The man's mouth kept swearing, and he covered his chest with a very painful expression.

Going deeper and deeper, the strange thing is that the demon soldiers and generals around him ignored him, and even complimented him a little bit, and he, this pale man who looked very painful, turned out to be the ancient sword soul...

Yes, Ancient Sword Soul!

On the same day, under the attack of Xiang Tianwen's seal and Yuchen's attack, Gu Jianhun gradually gained control of his body, but the moment Xiang Tianwen and them were about to seal successfully, it was time for the system to go offline forcibly.

It was such a coincidence that Gu Jianhun's soul once again dominated his body, and this time, he actually started to devour the demon god's soul. In the past, the demon god resided in his body, and Gu Jianhun was a strong man at the beginning. As long as it is not resources, the demon god cannot obtain his body. After all, the ancient sword soul's willpower is surprisingly strong. From the battle at that time, it can be seen that he was able to wake up and compete with the demon god even though he was swallowed. Body.

However, the ancient sword soul thought that he had successfully devoured the demon god's soul, and when he was about to leave, he did not expect that the demon god's power was so powerful that he would not be reconciled to defeat, and once again used his remaining soul to fight against himself.

As a result, Gu Jianhun was in great pain. On the way to the Demon Palace, his face was pale all the way, and his whole body was wriggling, as if something would break through his body at any time.

"You exist like a weak ant, but you still want to devour my soul, Gu Jianhun, you really think highly of you, you still obediently be my fodder, I will fulfill all your vision and revenge, that I will avenge that fellow's revenge for you!" Because he resided in Gu Jianhun's body, the Demon God understood Gu Jianhun's dissatisfaction very well.

It is precisely because of this that the ancient sword soul who was defeated by Yuchen at that time chose to degenerate, but now, how can the ancient sword soul who has regained the sovereignty of his body be fooled?

"What you said is really good, and I really have this idea in my heart. Indeed, you can bestow stronger power!" Gu Jianhun said with a sneer.

"Then why are you still hesitating? Give your body to me, and I will realize all your ambitions and wishes. Even if it is a woman, I can snatch it from you!!" The demon god's hoarse roar echoed in the ancient world. In the mind of Sword Soul.

"Sounds really good, but I already have a better idea!" Gu Jianhun grinned with half of his face, his eyes were ferocious, like fangs.

"You have no other choice but me!!" the Demon God roared angrily.

"Ah, that's true. It is because of you that my plan can succeed. Anyway, you are the soul in Laozi's body, so you can be swallowed by me obediently and become Laozi's strength. Compared with you, I I prefer to take back everything I lost with my own hands!" Gu Jianhun roared ferociously.

"Damn it, even if you try to damage your soul, I want your soul to be wiped out!" Gu Jianhun's words seemed to have completely angered the Demon God, and the two souls began to fight. The dark purple aura enveloped Gu Jianhun's whole body , Soon, in the depths of the forest, the painful roar of the ancient sword soul came, echoing in the entire forest for a long time.

In the Era of Demon Gods, if you really want to talk about it, there is another thing worth paying attention to, and that is the blood alliance!

Since the Blood Alliance was defeated once, it seemed as if they had disappeared, and there was no news about them anymore, which made many unions feel that something was wrong.

In fact, the blood alliance did not disappear, but was silently underestimated. Tens of thousands of strong members of the blood alliance fell to the bottom. They returned to the former demon palace, and everyone's face was full of troubles.

"Brother Xiyang, what should we do now?" The brothers of the former Brilliant Cavalry have asked Lin Xiyang this way more than once. The blood alliance was finally established, and now everyone knows that the situation is critical.

Sunset didn't speak, and glanced at Gu Yue and Ren Xiaoyao, who were beside him, and remained silent.

"What should we do? Of course we should elect a new president to lead our blood alliance. Now that the boss of Sword Soul is no longer there, it is natural that Brother Xiaoyao will be the president and lead us!" Ren Xiaoyao's younger brother roared.

"Fart, what are you talking about, now we have to elect a stronger leader, don't you know the strength of our boss, it's our President Xiyang who wants to do it!" The soul is no longer. In fact, there has been a gap between the strengths of the two sides.

"That's enough, stop arguing. People in the Dark Alliance don't know what happened to my little brother. If they knew, our blood alliance would be the first to perish. You are still fighting among yourself!" Gu Yue shouted, unfortunately, she is a woman , the right to speak, did not seem to have any effect, on the contrary, it made the quarrel below more intense.

"We recommend Big Brother Sunset!"

"Fart, Xiaoyao Boss is right!!"

"Damn it, you are so stubborn, how many people are there? We used to have a total of 300 million people in the Brilliant Pavilion, and there are still many hidden occupations. Can you compare with us with your little staff who make up the number?"

"Boss, it's a big deal that we will break up with the blood alliance, and we will create a brilliant pavilion again!!" The more people talked, the more excited they became.

Hearing this, Gu Yue and Ren Xiaoyao frowned. Now that Gu Jianhun's whereabouts are unknown and he hasn't returned yet, God knows what happened.It is difficult for Gu Yue and Ren Xiaoyao to support the overall situation.

Gu Yue looked at Xi Yang with some pleading eyes: "Xi Yang, the sword soul is not here now, and Xiaoyao's qualifications are still inexperienced, why don't you lead everyone?" Ass go.

Gu Yue looked at Lin Xiyang, but found that Lin Xiyang's face was calm, as if he hadn't heard anything. Gu Yue thought that Lin Xiyang was dissatisfied, and her plump breasts rubbed up against Lin Xiyang's ear. Whispering something.

For this amorous woman, Lin Xiyang didn't like it. He said blankly: "The sword soul has not returned, and you have become like this. How decent are you? It's like a mess!"

"It's nonsense to choose a new president! We'll wait until Soul Sword returns. Before that, shut up all of you!!" Lin Xiyang shouted loudly, and the people around him didn't dare to speak anymore.

Both Gu Yue and Ren Xiaoyao looked at Lin Xiyang in surprise, they didn't expect him to make such a decision.

"Xiyang..." Gu Yue looked at Lin Xiyang with eyes full of spring, Xiyang smiled and did not speak.

"Hehehehe, Brother Xiyang, you will be proud of your decision today for the rest of your life, and I will bring you all endless glory and wealth!" Just after Lin Xiyang said these words, a A familiar voice rang in their ears.

Hearing this, the faces of the people around changed, because the voice clearly belonged to the ancient sword soul!

People followed the sound, and at some point, the ancient sword soul appeared in front of the gate of the demon hall, people around stood up quickly, and Ren Xiaoyao even ran over directly.

"President, are you okay?" There were concerned faces all around.

Lin Xiyang was startled at first, but then smiled: "It's good to be back, I knew it, you're fine."

"I made you worry, but this kind of thing won't happen from now on!" In fact, Gu Jianhun had just arrived, but unfortunately he happened to see the strength of the two sides scolding each other, so he didn't show up, and finally Lin Xiyang said Those words made Gu Jianhun completely relieved that Lin Xiyang was sincerely cooperating with him, so he appeared.

However, is this man who appeared in front of everyone really the ancient sword soul?

"Little brother, you seem to have changed somewhere..." Gu Yue glanced at Gu Jianhun in surprise, always felt that some kind of strange change had taken place in Gu Jianhun's body, but the time couldn't be told.

"Changed? No..." Gu Jianhun grinned. In fact, not only Gu Yue thought so, but everyone around him felt that Gu Jianhun felt different from before, but they just couldn't tell.

When Gu Jianhun came before Xiyang, Lin Xiyang couldn't help asking: "Are you Jianhun?"

Gu Jianhun was stunned, then smiled: "Don't worry, I'm still me, absolutely me, no matter what happens, I'm still Gu Jianhun!!"

Seemingly having got the answer she wanted, Lin Xiyang fell silent.

"Brothers, prepare well now. During this period of time, you can do whatever you want. I will notify you soon, and the previous actions will also be cancelled, because I have a better idea!!" Gu Jianhun came back Afterwards, he began to issue orders, and his expression didn't seem to change at all.

However, only Gu Jianhun knows who he really is...

"Hahahaha, Yu Wuchen, you must not be there, you have tried so hard to kill the guy, but now, I have been swallowed by me? And, now I have gained the power to compete with you, wait Come on, as long as the damaged soul recovers, I will destroy you all, all of you!!" The ancient sword soul stared at the dark depths of the demon hall, with a frightening chill in his eyes.

(four more)

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