"Hahahaha, defeat me? Just rely on you?? I admit that your speed is very fast and your swordsmanship is top-notch. Unfortunately, weapons are the ones that don't work against me!!" Yu Feilong laughed wildly, looking at Dugu Wulei with disdain , In his eyes, it seemed as if he didn't put Wulei in his eyes at all, and even from the very beginning when he shot, Yu Feilong believed that Wulei was not his opponent.

This kind of arrogant and arrogant blood has indeed become the inheritance of the Yu family.

"Since you said the weapon doesn't work, let's try it." The sword pointed at Yu Feilong. At this moment, Wu Lei's expression was awe-inspiring with a trace of killing intent, and his expression became more dignified than before. Compared with Yu Feilong's arrogance However, at this moment Wulei regarded Yu Feilong as an opponent. Since he is an opponent, he must go all out!

The battle started again, and the people around were already unable to extricate themselves from the shock. After only a few rounds of confrontation, the confrontation between the two aroused everyone's desire to watch. Can the superb swordsmanship defeat the awakened one?

Wulei has already begun to exert his strength as a sword demon at this moment.

"Sword Demon Nine Styles!"

Wu Lei walks freely, and silently recites the nine moves of the sword demon in his heart. However, facing an enemy who has no sword or sword and only fights with two fists, Wu Teai frowns deeply, as if he is thinking about how to fight.

"Is this guy an awakened person or an ability in the game? If that's the case, let's use the broken palm pose to find out!" Thinking, Wulei concentrated on his dantian, and the magic sword in his hand slowly swung out. With a fright, he suddenly releases the instant feet!


The people around exclaimed, the knight's blinking foot is a skill that all the strong people hate, because they come and go without a trace, killing people invisible, sometimes, a super knight can even use the blinking foot to the fullest. To the point where even the thieves are amazed by it, the most terrifying method of assassination in the world is nothing more than blinking feet + nine cuts!

Nine slashes, a powerful skill learned by a knight after the seventh rank, nine consecutive slashes, extremely powerful, if the person who is hit does not have the ability of invincible self-defense, or the ability to see first, he will surely die.

But now, Wulei's purpose of launching Shunzu again seems to be very obvious. If there is no accident, Wulei will launch Nine Slashes, seeking a fatal blow!

However, this is just the thinking of ordinary people, because many players do not understand the true identity and strength of Yufeilong who is fighting against Wutear. If the opponent is an awakened person, then the skills in the game may not be able to cause fatal damage!

But even so, it is beyond the control of others. "Hmph, it's this trick again. Apart from this, don't you have any decent skills?" Seeing this, Yu Feilong snorted coldly, as if he was very disdainful of Wulei's attack.

"Nine Slashes!!" Wulei didn't pay attention to Yu Feilong's roar. When Shunzu flashed in front of his opponent, he launched the super skill Nine Slashes that all knights of rank seven would use. Absolutely, four flashes of life, nine flashes of death!


The continuous slash continued until the eighth time. When the ninth slash was about to land, people had already gotten carried away watching it, but at the moment of the last blow, Yu Feilong was furious: "Boring! Commander-in-Chief, that's all!!"

Yu Feilong suddenly jumped up and grabbed Wu Lei's arm in an instant. This time, he didn't throw it away immediately, but jumped with both feet. With a strong kick, both feet hit the tearless chest!


Tears-free eyes closed, knowing that it was too late, he could only resist with a sword, but unfortunately, that powerful force still made his abdomen churn, a stream of hot blood spewed out of his mouth, and his body flew a hundred meters away again Besides, the whole person fell heavily to the ground.

"Brother Wulei!!" Falling to the ground for the second time, this time, no one could bear it anymore, even Xiao Tian, ​​Xiao Ting and others who came to ask questions gradually appeared here. He didn't care much about the ground, and blocked all of them in front of Wulei, looking at Yu Feilong vigilantly.

A playful look flashed in Yufeilong's eyes, looking at the dream players in front of him, glanced at the logos on their chests, and jokingly said, "Oh, the high-level dream? Why, are you planning to go together?"

Xiaotian's expression froze, and he took a deep breath: "It's just you? You're not worthy!!"

Hearing this, Yu Feilong's face changed, and then he sneered: "You dream, you only have a good mouth, look at that person, this is the end of your arrogance, hmph, dreamers are really vulnerable!!"

"What did you say!!" Hearing this, Xiao Ting's eyes flashed a murderous intent. At this moment, as long as he lightly moves his hands, countless members of the Killing Society will kill Yu Feilong in an instant.

"What did you say? Didn't you hear clearly? What kind of bullshit sword demon Dugu, what kind of dreams, are all vulnerable. In front of our king, your dreams are nothing!!" Yu Feilong laughed arrogantly, and the person next to him The four also grinned sullenly.

People around were shocked when they heard the words. This sentence is undoubtedly the king's declaration of war on his dreams!

Xiao Ting's eyes instantly calmed down. The other party's purpose was already obvious. This incident was definitely not accidental, but the other party did it on purpose. This also means that the other party wanted to challenge his dream, no, or rather, the other party's purpose I'm afraid I want to destroy the whole dream.

However, no matter what the other party's purpose is, today, Xiao Ting will never allow them to retreat and leave here intact. Xiao Ting slowly raised his hand, which is an order to assassinate the members of the killing club.

"Xiao Ting...wait a minute!" Just as Xiao Ting was about to order that he must die, No Tears in Smoke and Dust climbed up again, and his weak voice reached everyone's ears.

"Yo, you haven't died yet? Are you really a cockroach that can't be killed?" Yu Feilong was slightly surprised when he saw that Wulei was still alive, but then he sarcastically said, and his words were full of teasing.

"Want me to die? Hehehe, you are too happy too early. Do you really think that you can defeat me with your level?" Dugu Wulei has long since grown up over the years. Little ghost, but the head of the army of millions of knights who dreamed of it.

"Wu Lei, are you alright?" Xiao Ting and Xiao Tian asked with concern.

Wulei grinned, walked to the opposite side of Yufeilong, and said to Yufeilong with a frightened expression: "I... what I hate the most is that someone insults Dream!! One blow, one blow, I will definitely take it You were cut by the sword!!"

Hearing this, Yu Feilong grinned: "Hahahahaha, one blow? A person who can't even hurt a single hair of mine dares to speak so boldly. I want to see, what ability do you have to kill me!!"

Wu Tear stopped talking, and put the sword on his waist. The sword was out of the sheath, and it was extremely sharp. There was a frightening chill on the black blade. In the entire canyon, people stopped moving, and there was no one quietly. people talk.

The dream brothers couldn't help swallowing, a gust of wind suddenly passed over everyone's heads, rolled up the pale yellow leaves in the sunset canyon, the leaves fluttered with the wind, and suddenly came between the two people's sights.

Almost at the same time, the two of them seemed to see an opportunity at the same time, and attacked them violently!

"This punch, I'm going to smash you to pieces!!" With Yu Feilong's roar, he charged towards Dugu Wulei, but Wulei was beyond everyone's expectations, staying In place, motionless.

Breathe evenly...mind and mind are united, the sword is not only a person, but also a person is a sword!

When Yufeilong's iron fist appeared in front of his eyes, Wulei finally moved: "Sword Demon Profound Truth!!"

"Man and sword unite!!"


"噗!" Accompanied by the tearless roar, a crisp weapon echoed in people's minds like the sound of a sword unsheathed, lingering in their hearts, lingering, and the entire field was even more silent and silent The silent weirdness made everyone feel as if there was a boulder pressing down on their hearts.

One second, two seconds, three seconds, five seconds passed!

In people's line of sight, the intertwined figures of the two finally moved. A gust of blood suddenly spurted from the chest and splashed into the air. At that moment, the expressions of everyone in the audience changed drastically!

The remaining four of the king frowned instantly, but after the silence, there was a roar of excited shouts from the brothers of Mengmeng. The person who was cut under the sword was indeed Yu Feilong!

That steel-like body, left a sword mark on Dugu Wulei on his chest... On the blood-stained chest, you can vaguely see the effect of his steeling at the moment of being cut, but even so , No tears or cut him under the sword!

"Successful, Brother Wulei successfully cut the steel!!"

"What bullshit king, dare to go against our dreams, seek death, and bring shame on yourself!!"

The dream brothers shouted excitedly, the victory without tears was just like their victory, they couldn't help cheering, as if they had a big resentment in their hearts.

"Wu Tear, good job!" Xiao Tian and Xiao Ting gave a thumbs up, cutting off the steel, Wu Tear's strength, at the moment of defeating Yu Feilong, meant that he became stronger.

"Is it really that happy to kill one of the lowest existences of our king?" But when the dream brothers were excited, a cold sentence echoed in their ears.

"Brother Fei, even the guy with the weakest ability is still our brother...Although this is a game, we can't just sit back and ignore him, can't we?" The four remaining kings , as if they were muttering to themselves, the sky was suddenly covered by dark clouds. On the gloomy cheeks of these four people, grinning showed bloodthirsty smiles and excited fighting spirit!

"The person who killed our king will also pay the price!!" Di Fei's cold voice echoed in the entire Sunset Canyon at this moment!

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