In the game world, the king rose like a rainbow, but after that, the life of the king was also very difficult. It seemed that he was attacked by an unknown force and suffered heavy losses. Players who joined the king were also killed and returned to Novice Village.

Of course, these flames of war are burning in secret, and there is no open fighting.

And what caused all this was naturally the hunting squad that had only been activated once to kill the king. This was the second time that the major guilds had activated the hunting squad.

In order to break the deadlock, the kings also sent people to fight back. The major guilds did not dare to push the king into a hurry, and the king was fighting too hastily with the major forces. In this way, the Huaxia District fell into a deadlock.

Since then, Yuchen seems to have never appeared in Huaxia again, and disappeared mysteriously. On that day, the presidents of the major trade unions seemed to retreat, and even the king did not make much movement .

However, such a peaceful game world naturally gives many people reasons, just like the pain of salted duck eggs. While the king is recruiting players, he is also constantly expanding his strength and army. With the tacit approval of Emperor Xuanyuan, Soon, this guy won the territory and became the tenth most powerful territory in Xuanyuan Continent.

Afterwards, the king also struggled to obtain a territory. In this battle, the king suffered huge losses and his vitality was greatly injured, because when fighting for the territory, he encountered the leader led by Dream, Longxiang, Qingcheng, Floating Life in the End Times, Misty Rain Jiangnan, Demon God , Shenyu, Tianyu led the union to suppress.

However, in the end, the pain of the salted duck egg reached out in time to help the king to the end, and during the whole process, no one saw the face of the president of the king.

The above are the recent developments in Huaxia District. Compared with Huaxia, Yanhuang Continent is more peaceful. The Legendary Reappearance Union resumed as scheduled. After this catastrophe, it can be said to be reborn from the ashes.

On this day, the sun was shining brightly, the morning light was shining brightly, and the white clouds in the blue sky were of various shapes. The pleasant scenery made people linger and forget to return. And on this day, a mysterious strong man finally appeared on this continent.

"Please name..."

"Choose a name? Stars..." The man's lazy voice reached the system elf's ears.

"Ding dong, the naming is successful, what career do you choose?"

"Occupation?" In front of the man appeared the major occupations that rewrite his life. When he saw the knight, his eyes lit up: "I don't like to fight and kill, let's be a knight..."

In the latter sentence, Xingchen didn't say that he likes to be a hero...

The elf beauty continued to operate, there was no difference from usual, so Xingchen just entered the game, but when his figure disappeared, the elf mm said suspiciously: "Oops, I forgot to choose the place of birth with him! ..."

Of course, the stars couldn't hear these words, he descended, descended in a desolate desert with yellow sand, the sky was full of yellow sand flying, and his eyes were full of desolation.

"It's very realistic." This was the first sentence of Xingchen, and the words were still so lazy.

Xingchen began to get familiar with this game, so he started his adventure journey, moving forward, constantly moving forward, in this desolate desert, he continued to walk aimlessly alone.

Suddenly, he felt something, and his eyes froze suddenly. At that moment, the stars flew away, and above his ground, a terrifying sharp blade suddenly surged out.

Killing poisonous scorpion, level 200!

Of course, these stars cannot be seen.

"What a big monster, this world is really troublesome." Xing Chen glanced at the huge poisonous scorpion on the ground, its body was extremely huge, but Xing Chen still had that decadent look on his face, "It's been a long time since I tasted the deliciousness of human beings! "Speaking, the poisonous scorpion actually spoke, a trace of surprise flashed in Xingchen's eyes, in his pupils, the poisonous scorpion launched an attack, and the terrifying pincers killed the stars in the air.

"Xingchenyueyue!" Suddenly, a terrifying murderous intent erupted from that decadent gaze, and following the man's yell, a terrifying power was released from his hand, like a beam of bright stars that impacted, A hole was directly opened in the face of the poisonous scorpion.

"Ding Ding Ding Ding"

Countless golden lights spread across Xingchen's entire body, and he jumped from level 0 to level [-]!

"This feeling, as if the whole body is full of power." Glancing at the fallen poisonous scorpion, Xing Chen smiled and continued walking, even though he didn't know what was here, and he didn't even know what the golden light was just now. I can't stop Xingchen's adventurous mood.

Moving on, I don't know how long it took, as if there was no sky, even Xingchen himself didn't know where he had gone, but under that thin body, his face was extremely calm.

Looking up at the sky: "It's been three days, it's really a broken place."

There seemed to be no dissatisfaction or unhappiness in those lazy words, his mood was as calm as his face, this perseverance, as well as boredom, seemed hard for ordinary people to bear.

"Hey, there seems to be something there?" Xing Chen walked forward, as if he had discovered something, and walked forward quickly, his calm face still remained unchanged.

Sure enough, after Xing Chen took a quick walk, a black shadow like a town appeared in front of him. At this moment, Xing Chen finally had a gleam of joy on his face: "I thought it would be deserted, but the sky full of stars told me that this is a living place." place."

Xingchen walked into the city, and there was no one around, as if there was no life at all, but unfortunately Xingchen didn't care, he walked in here as if he was familiar with the road, and in a certain corner, he saw a skinny old man.

"You're still alive, right, old man." Xing Chen walked up to the old man and smiled lightly. For the old man, Xing Chen seemed to respect the old man from the bottom of his heart.

The old man raised his face like a mummy, and looked at the energetic young man in front of him with empty eyes: "Human breath, why did you come here? No one should come here."

"I don't know how I came here, maybe it's God's will, isn't it?" Xingchen smiled, and he smiled very charmingly.

"God's will... Maybe, in this Paradise Lost of God, you can come in and out, so you can stay here forever...Young man." The long voice of the old man echoed in the stars and the others. ear.

Xing Chen heard the words, but his expression didn't change at all, instead he sat down: "Everyone is here, stay as long as you stay, there will always be a way to get out, isn't there?" Xing Chen smiled, closed his eyes, and fell asleep stand up.

Seeing the mysterious young man in front of him appear here, the old man's empty eyes seemed to be deep in thought...

(Third watch, ask for flowers)

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