"You three, be careful later. When we enter the formation, the guardian beast will appear. At that time, there will inevitably be a hard fight. Lao Mo, there is something wrong with leaving magic marks on the three of us. Pull us back immediately." Yu Chen heard from Yao Liantian that the Xuanhu, the guardian beast of light and darkness sealed under the altar, is indeed terrifying.

However, it is not so invincible, because what is guarding here is only the avatars of the two guardian beasts. It is only because they can seal such fierce beasts as Chaos, and naturally because they still have the power of the gods. Moreover, the seal has weakened recently. Chaos is also constantly impacting.

When Yuchen comes down at this time, he may create infinite opportunities for Chaos.

Mo Lishang nodded heavily. Yuchen had tried before that he could use the power of space, so it was wise to bring Mo Lishang down. If he couldn't beat them, Yuchen and the others would have to run away at any time, but the guardian beasts couldn't leave the altar. In this battle, as long as the Guardian Beast doesn't have the power to kill them instantly, there is absolutely no possibility of Yuchen and the others dying.

Yuchen, Jin Ge, and Chen Yong walked carefully under the feet of the huge chaotic beast. With a body of hundreds of feet, you can only feel how majestic it is when you look closely. There was quite a shock in my heart.

As time slowly flowed, Yuchen's steps seemed to become heavier, one step, two steps, and finally Yuchen and the others walked into the center of the guardian formation.

"Be careful, they are coming!" Although he was dissatisfied with Yuchen, the Chaos Beast seemed to be very concerned about the safety of the new generation of monster king Yuchen. In the middle, a black and a white light suddenly flashed.

Seeing this, the three of Yuchen immediately back to back: "Get ready to fight!"

"Trespassing and dying!" Appearing in front of Yuchen and the others was a black and white unicorn, but it didn't look like a unicorn, and it was somewhat similar to Chaos. The black one must be the guardian beast of darkness, and the other is the light Guardian beast.

The two great beasts appeared in front of Yuchen and the others, and the terrifying aura spread instantly. Yuchen and Chen Yong opened their demon pupils almost at the same time to see how strong the entanglement of the guardian beasts is!

[Dark Guardian Beast]: God Level: 350 Life: 350 billion (Dark Goddess sits down as a pet, dark camp guards the totem) [Light Guardian Beast]: God Level: [-] Life: [-] billion (Light Goddess sits down as a pet, light Faction Guardian Totem!"

After reading the introduction, Yuchen and the others took a deep breath, but then let out a long sigh of relief. Their eyes were a little surprised and relieved. They were so surprised that their lives were as high as 350 billion. The expression of relief was that at level [-], they still have The ability to break defenses.

At least, there will be no embarrassing situation, that is to say, Yuchen and the four of the two great beasts in front of them are enough to deal with it.

"I knew it earlier, I would have called a few more people." Chen Yong said helplessly.

"Hehe, it's just a little more effort." Yu Chen also smiled, and looked at Jin Ge at the same time: "Old Jin, how? Can you handle it?"

"No problem, my old Jin's belief is the great Beastmaster God, not those two girls!" There are different beliefs in the world, but there are many believers in the Goddess of Light and Darkness.

"Then, fight!"

With Yuchen shouting loudly, the blade tilted, and the three of them immediately fought against the two guardian beasts.

"Stubborn human beings, seek death!" The two great beasts of darkness and light killed Yuchen and the three of them together. Jin Ge and Chen Yong followed Yuchen's instructions to deal with the guardian beast of darkness, while Yuchen singled out Guardian of light.

"Damn human, I smell the smell of Yao Liantian in your body, and the blood of the Yao King still exists in the human world!!" The light guardian beast looked at Yu Chen with a ferocious face.

Every time I think of the terrifying bloodline of the monster clan that rose suddenly thousands of years ago that threatened the entire era of the God Realm, it makes the guardian beast of light shudder. Back then, the two goddesses of light and darkness teamed up with the gods to kill the demon king Yao Liantian. After all, they are hostile to all monsters. Of course, the blood of the demon king is even more of a threat, so the God Realm has been chasing and killing monsters with the blood of the demon king.

However, because of the birth of the demon god, this matter had to be let go. Unexpectedly, after a thousand years, the demon king with the blood of the demon king appeared again.

"Let the deity kill you here to avoid future troubles!" The guardian beast let out a murderous look.

Yuchen's expression froze, and he couldn't help laughing: "A mere beast dares to call himself the deity. Today, this is your cemetery!"

"Looking for death!" The guardian beast of light was furious, and suddenly launched an attack. Its powerful body suddenly jumped towards Yuchen. Seeing this, Yuchen immediately used the ghostly phantom step!

Countless phantoms appeared in front of the guardian beast of light.

The huge eyes of the guardian beast kept turning, as if looking for which one was the locality, but how could Yuchen be captured so easily?When the phantom step flashed, Yuchen had already activated the Tai Chi sword technique!

"Reverse the universe!"


As soon as the overwhelming slashes fell, they went straight to the guardian beast, and the entire altar was filled with dust!

Watching Jin Ge and Chen Yong!

Although it wasn't the first time the two met.But it was the first time to fight together. However, the tacit understanding between the two was surprisingly perfect. The Dark Guardian Beast was also repelled by the joint efforts of the two!

"Eat my old gold punch!" Jin Ge, the strongest person among the younger generation in Sanctuary, is many times stronger than the guy who provoked Yuchen back then.

After inheriting the great power law of the Beastmaster, it is even more terrifying. Although he has not perfectly controlled the power law, it should not be underestimated. Since he changed his job to become a spirit clan monster, Chen Yong's strength has also skyrocketed day by day.

The spirit sword in his hand was extremely fierce, and the cooperation of the two actually caused the guardian beast to be defeated steadily.

Mo Lishang on top of the deep pit has been silent for a while, his nerves are more tense than those of the fighters. Although he is a little self-deprecating, he is also a super magician after all, but he has become an auxiliary profession in the field, but For support, Mo Lishang is particularly keen, there is nothing more proud than taking back the lives of his companions from the enemy.

At the beginning of the battle, the two guardian beasts did not show anything unusual, but Yuchen and the others did not dare to underestimate them at all.

The Chaos Beast grinned at the side, but didn't say a word, and looked at the battlefield without moving. He observed the behavior of the Guardian Beast and remained silent.

"Demon Spirit Evil Light Slash!"

"Demon spirit lore slash!"

"Crazy punch!"

Accompanied by the shouting of the three of them, the battle continued to erupt. Each blow of Yuchen could take away about tens of thousands of lives from the guardian beast, which is enough to see how bt the guardian beast's defense is. Yuchen's instant kill.

It would take a long time for Yuchen to kill hundreds of billions of lives standing up.

"Hoo hoo hoo hoo!!"

The pitch-black body was stained with blood, and the snow-white hair was dyed red. The two great beasts seemed to be aroused fiercely by Yuchen and the others.

"Quick dodge, these guys are going to use energy impact, attack without range, dodge!" Just as the two divine beasts raised their heads to the sky and roared to condense the energy impact, Chaos suddenly shouted.

Hearing this, Mo Lishang on the high platform suddenly flickered his staff, and in the entire altar, countless energies suddenly surged!

A terrifying explosion sounded with Mo Lishang's staff waving, and in a blink of an eye, an energy storm swept the entire altar!

But at this moment, Yuchen and the others had already returned to the high platform, looking at the destroyed land under their feet with lingering fear.

"It's such a terrifying power, it attacks indiscriminately!" Looking at the altar that has been completely submerged in the energy explosion, Chen Yong and the others couldn't help but take a deep breath. But it was a big loss.

"It's still a forbidden technique that explodes instantly!" Mo Lishang said in shock.

"As expected of the two great beasts in the world, they gave me such a big gift without saying a word!" Jin Ge said, looking at the original altar with cold sweat.

"Energy shock? Pay attention to the release time and interval!" Yuchen said to everyone.

"Damn, the lives of these bastards have recovered!" After the energy shock passed, Yuchen and the others entered the altar again, but to their surprise, the lives of the two great beasts had recovered, and the previous injuries Also heals quickly.

"Damn it, regenerate!" Compared with the recovery of life and mana of ordinary bosses, regeneration is obviously much more difficult.

"There is a 5-minute interval between the energy impacts of these two guys, but it only takes ten seconds for them to recover and regenerate. You should give up, there is no chance of winning!" Chaos said coldly.

"You bastard, we are here to save you, what are you talking about!" Jin Ge couldn't help but roared, even though what was in front of him was a peerless beast.

"This king doesn't need you who are so weak to come to rescue!" Chaos roared.

Yuchen ignored Chaos, the interval of 5 minutes, that is to say, if Yuchen and the others wanted to kill the two great beasts, must they complete it within 5 minutes?A hundred billion lives, that's 1000 billion...

Feeling the enormous difficulty, even Yuchen was silent.

"Is there no way to break their regeneration?" Yuchen looked at the Chaos Beast, as if looking for a solution. If not, wouldn't they be in a stalemate?

"A solution?" The Chaos Beast didn't say a word. Because Yuchen and the others didn't penetrate into the center of the seal, the two great beasts didn't take the initiative to attack.

"It's not impossible, but there are also huge risks!" Chaos Beast said coldly.

Hearing this, Yuchen and the others were overjoyed: "Yes, it's better than nothing, tell us how to do it!! You don't want to stay here forever, do you?"

Hearing this, a trace of longing and anticipation flashed in the eyes of the Chaos Beast. He has not been back to the world of loess, green trees and green mountains for a thousand years...

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