The world of online games is invincible

Chapter 1184 – Breaking the Seal

The city of the sky, the three thousand airspaces, the sky, in fact, there is not only the city of the sky, on the countless empty islands, there are many unimaginable urban races hidden, and they are the real masters of this world.

On this day, Sky City was as bustling and lively as ever. Since the two super unions of Tianyu and Shenyu moved into Sky City and successfully obtained the territory, almost all the players in the sky were divided by the two super power unions.

Of course, the two trade unions also get along harmoniously, and there are often pictures of the two trade unions cooperating. Forbidden place!

That is one of China's top ten forbidden places, the Temple of the Sky! !

The Lord of the Temple of the Sky is a super boss with a level exceeding 350. It can be said that he paid a lot of money to pass all the way, but with the cooperation of Swan, Unique and countless elites, the Lord finally left behind several artifacts And a large number of gold coins turned into remnant souls and died.

"Damn, I finally killed this guy." Swan couldn't help but cursed.

"Ah, I didn't expect that a 350-level god-level boss would be so terrifying. If it weren't for the blood of a monster, I would really be unable to resist it. However, the last thing this guy said..." He also said while taking a breath. There are many, and most of them are solemn eyes.

Hearing this, Swan also fell into deep thought: "I also care about the land of the gods? But, I don't care about it now, let's go, leave this ghost place, if you can't become a territory, just go." Looking at that Both of them felt a little pity about the magnificent and magnificent palace.

The boss battle of the Tianyu Shenyu guild, which lost thousands of elites, finally came to an end. The two top guild leaders in the country walked out of the Temple of the Sky with only a few hundred people left. Joy and heavy hearts filled their hearts. .

At the moment when they just stepped out of the temple, suddenly, chilling laughter resounded throughout the air.

"system hint?"

"how is this possible..."

"It's been a thousand years, a whole thousand years!! I can finally get out of this broken place, hahahahaha, hahahaha!!"


The almost crazy laughter echoed in everyone's ears, and spread to all living objects in the air almost instantly. Countless player npcs looked up at the sky, but they couldn't tell where the sound came from. .

The lord of the floating city, Fukong suddenly raised his head to the sky: "This voice... can't be wrong, has Chaos finally come out? Is it Wuchen?"

In the distance of the Sky City, the Mysterious Temple, 10 minutes ago.

"What's going on, what happened!!"

The temple, the entire huge temple, was shaking violently at this moment. Led by Tai Xu, he arrived at the altar.

The altar shook several times, and at this moment, the person in charge of the dream also led the players to appear here. The two armies gathered, and each other's eyes were full of horror.

"Hahahaha, hahaha, I can finally leave this ghostly place!!" Just as they looked at each other in bewilderment, terrifying laughter came from the abyss underground, shocking everyone present...

"That guy, have you broken the seal?" Elder Wu's deep eyes flashed a ray of fear.

"Successful? Or..." Hearing this, Taixu looked at Elder Wu, but he didn't dare to say the next sentence.

"Wait!" Mr. Wu's one word also showed his determination. Once Yuchen and the others fail, it means that a big battle is coming.

The silent altar... as the violent shaking stopped, there was an exclamation.

"The earthquake stopped?" People looked at each other in blank dismay, as if eager to know what was going on, and what would happen to their fate?That terrifying ferocious beast can still be so powerful in the seal, how can it be so powerful when it comes out?

At this moment, [-] meters deep underground...

Entrenched in front of Yuchen and the others is the terrifying giant Chaos. His fierce name was feared by all gods and demons thousands of years ago. At this moment, after thousands of years, he finally got the chance to see the sun again.

"Boy, this is the power of your inheritance, use it well!" The chaotic beast broke through the seal, but did not leave in a hurry, because he wanted to travel as promised at the beginning.

"You are too weak now, and my appearance must have shocked the world. You must improve your strength as soon as possible to protect yourself. Although the gods are sealed in the battlefield of gods, I can feel that the seals there are getting stronger and stronger. The weaker I am, and I have been sealed for thousands of years, I have a lot of aura in my body, and I need to rest in peace to recover to my former peak!" The series of words of the chaotic beast made it difficult for Yuchen to digest.

However, when the power of inheritance poured into his body, Yuchen felt as if his whole body was about to explode. He made a decisive decision, sat cross-legged in meditation, and closed his eyes to rest his mind. Yuchen couldn't wait to consume the last inheritance of the power of the demon king immediately.

"The seal has been broken, and it's not too late. This deity is here to protect you!" As he said, the body of the chaotic beast became smaller and smaller, and finally turned into a human form, a burly middle-aged man.

Mo Lishang, Chen Yong, and Jin Ge were all surprised.

However, turning Chaos into an uncle was at least much better than that terrifying beast, but the murderous aura emanating from that thick human body still made them dare not let down their guard.

Chaos glanced at the three of them, and finally his eyes stayed on Chen Yong: "Spirit clan boy, he inherited all his power, and he still hasn't exploded and died?" A complete inheritance will self-destruct because it cannot withstand the powerful force.

But the monster in front of him actually compressed all the inheritance of the spirit race in his body, how could this not surprise Chaos.

"However, it is precisely because of this that the power of the spirit clan monster can't be fully exerted. You kid, you are really reckless!" Chaos scolded Chen Yong as soon as he came out. , After being told in one word, Chen Yong was not angry, but said with some heartache: "The spirit race was extinct. When I met the master, there was only one breath left, which was forced into my body, and it took several months. , Master exhausted his strength to protect me, so that I can keep it."

"Old man Ling is dead? These damned gods!!" After saying this, a trace of murderous intent flashed in Chaos' eyes.

"Boy, calm down, I will inject the blood of Chaos God into your body, activate your blood, and protect the law for you! You are the inheritance of the God of Space, right? Unexpectedly, they can come together and open the space barrier , Isolate here, don’t worry, I will lend you if I don’t have enough power!” After Chaos appeared, he began to issue a series of orders.

Finally, he looked at Jin Ge: "As for you..."

"Senior Chaos, please don't hurt Jin Ge." Yuchen sent a divine thought into Chaos' heart.

Chaos said nothing, stared at Jin Ge, and finally said: "The blood of the god-level beast king is not bad, not bad, it's not bad to be a guard here."

"Boys, listen up. Now that I have broken the seal, jihad will come to the earth again. During your retreat, I will tell you all the doubts in your hearts. Just listen!" Chaos fierce The sound of the beast came to Yuchen and Chen Yong's ears. Mo Lishang and Jin Ge could only nod blankly. Mo Lishang also wanted to know the inside story of this game world.

"Now, start to retreat!" Chaos blood was forcibly poured into Chen Yong's body.

Chen Yong's eyes turned moon-white, and his whole body suddenly let out a miserable howl of pain. Seeing Chen Yong's distorted face, Mo Lishang couldn't help breaking into a cold sweat.

"Chaos**, reverse the universe!!"

"seal up!"

A golden barrier completely surrounded Chen Yong, but Chen Yong's pain still did not decrease, and at this moment, Yuchen's body gradually emitted a black aura, obviously entering the process of absorption.

"Listen well, the mission of the Yaoxia lineage is to protect the whole world, so you will encounter unavoidable battles. The gods invaded our home thousands of years ago, and the demon king led us to fight hard. These despicable gods The gods finally teamed up to use tricks to severely injure the demon king, and the blood of demon heroes is already scarce, so our territory is gradually eroded by these gods."

Speaking of this, Chaos grinned: "However, we didn't make it easy for them. More than 300 monsters, all over the sky, monsters, and monsters have killed more than a million gods in the Millennium Jihad!!"

If Yuchen and the others could speak at this moment, they would have been speechless in shock.

At this moment, Mo Lishang and Jin Ge had such expressions, surprised faces, as if they had heard the most terrifying thing in the world.

Three hundred monsters, fighting against the sky full of gods and demons, beheading millions of gods and demons?

What kind of terrifying race is this?

"Unfortunately, it failed in the end. Those despicable gods sealed us in the forbidden area of ​​the human world, making us never see the world. Hehe, do you know what happened in the end?" Chaos asked with a grin.

Mo Lishang Jin Ge shook his head!

"The price of the hard work, the three hundred monsters, half of them fell, destroyed the entire Godslaying Continent, and let the gods of the sky be buried with them, and, in the end, they were marked with death by the demon king!"

"I heard that later, a demon god broke into the land of the gods, but found that he could no longer leave the land of the gods. In the battle of gods and demons, it seems that he was severely injured, and all the demon gods and gods disappeared!"

"However, it will be a matter of time before they appear. Now, you must increase your strength as soon as possible. Even if you don't want to take revenge, they will come for you!" The voice of Chaos echoed in their ears, and the past history would be like this The shock!

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