The last hall of the haunted castle! !

At this moment, a fierce battle is taking place. The Demon King, one of the top ten bosses under the Demon God, is known as the Demon General, but at this moment, he has fallen into the second huge crisis in his life.

The Demon God General who has just awakened has not yet fully recovered his strength, but it is a pity that the unlucky Demon King was discovered by the players in advance, causing him to fall into a bitter battle now.

For the ghost king, it is very aggrieved. Of course, the players are the happiest. In the past, they would stop the ghost king, because no super masters joined the battle before.

And now, the hunting team composed of elites with the strength of the first-class super union in China has brought them infinite hope. Although it is very likely that the items that the ghost king exploded have nothing to do with them, but the joy of pushing the boss in his heart , still unspeakable.

The battle continued magnificently, but with tens of thousands of players, most of the players became the most loyal spectators in the hall, and there were only eight people left performing to their heart's content!


The head of the Dream Killing Society, the number one killer, people only know that he is extremely powerful in assassination, but they didn't expect that killing the boss is even more unambiguous, and the earth-shattering skill of breaking the boss's spellcasting is even more amazed by the people watching.

Calm, witty, violent, and killing, these are people's evaluations of Shadow.

In the huge palace of the demon king, huge dragon knights are constantly attacking. Long Teng holds a spear in his hand and a shield in the other. His whole body is like Mount Tai, motionless. magic arrows.

Beside him is the sorcerer of the demon god, and the two joined forces, and the demon king was miserable.

Their cooperation is incomparably precise, and their tacit understanding is even amazing.

"Dragon Explosion Abyss!!"

Xiao Xiaofeng, the dragon knight in the air, is attacking crazily. Time and time again, he is the main force of the entire hunting team's attack. Long Teng is responsible for fighting monsters. When necessary, the archer of God's Domain will serve as the mt.

The battle is in full swing, and the life of the ghost king is also continuously decreasing, from [-]% to [-]% now, but it happened within an hour and a half. With the continuous loss of the boss' life, the expressions of everyone present Full of excitement, but at the same time, there is also a little more caution!

"Pay attention to the life of the boss!" Shadow's voice came from the team, and everyone nodded in unison. Boss is an indispensable thing in every game. When the life value reaches a certain level, there will be a possibility of mutation or madness.

So there is no room for shadows to take them lightly.

"Long Teng, Xiaoxiao back down, A Fei, you come to fly the kite, everyone prepares for great skills!" The ghost king's life stopped at 5.00%, the shadow and everyone suddenly stopped, A Fei released the arrow of concentration, holding the boss hatred.

The rest of the people drew back, and the whole body of the weapon lit up with a huge light, which instantly illuminated the originally gloomy and gloomy magic hall. Seeing this, the surrounding players knew that these people were about to release their big moves, and they couldn't help but retreat dozens of times. Mi, I'm afraid I'll be involved in the energy vortex. It's a good thing to watch the excitement, but it will be troublesome if I lose my life.

"This guy is about to mutate, get ready!" A Fei drew his bow and shot an arrow, shouted loudly, and the arrow in his hand began to condense a terrifying and bright blue light. Sure enough, after his words fell, the ghost king raised his head to the sky and screamed.

"You damn human beings, let you see the true power of this king!!" The demon king was so angry that he looked at them with extremely resentful eyes. If these despicable humans hadn't come to fight one after another, his own The strength is almost restored.

Although he was angry, he had no choice but to forcibly increase his strength when his life was at a critical moment.

The ghost king's body began to change, his ferocious flesh wings stretched out, a layer of pitch-black battle armor condensed all over his body, and a terrifying black flame directly surrounded him.

The pitch-black sickle-like weapon in his hand suddenly condensed a powerful black arrogance, and the aura of the whole person changed dramatically at that moment. Perhaps it was the ghost king who was full of power and revealed his body again, waving his huge palm. The sickle-shaped weapon couldn't help roaring: "Hahahaha, power, this is my power, I will tear you all apart!!"

"Now, do it!!" Shadow yelled loudly, and the whole space seemed to vibrate. For them, the words of the boss seemed to be the fatal point of the ghost king. Of course, the ghost king didn't expect it, because he said too much In a word, what he suffered was a catastrophe!

"Shadow Mysteries!!"

"Burning Hell!"

"Dragon Slaying Profound Truth!"

"Dragon's Punishment!!"

"Bow God Profound Truth!"

"Elemental explosion!"

The sky's super-skill brilliance illuminated the entire demon hall, and the terrifying attack rushed out at the moment the ghost king mutated, and directly killed the ghost king. Looking at the oncoming sea of ​​skills, even as a The ghost king of the top ten gods and generals of the demon gods couldn't help but gasp!

This distance, this terrifying skill, made it impossible for him to resist, because in exchange for his own strength, the price he paid was life and defense.

In the deep red pupils of the ghost king, staring at the overwhelming super skills, a trace of despair flashed, and he said helplessly: "Master Demon God... Yin Tian is ashamed of you..."

"Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom!!!"

A huge explosion spread across the entire land, and the terrifying languor even caused the surrounding players to take a few steps back again. Even if they were not fighting, they could clearly feel the horror of the battlefield.

"The battle is over?" The player of the leader of ten thousand people looked at the battlefield that was already full of smoke, showing excitement and excitement. He was the first person to discover the ghost king, and he was killed several times. This time, so unwillingly, he spread the news, just to get rid of the ghost king.

The dusty demon temple, the impact of the energy tide, and the loud explosion still seem to linger in people's hearts.

"Did it succeed?" Everyone's eyes turned to Shadow.

Shadow was silent.... Youtong stared, suddenly his pupils trembled and exclaimed: "That is... what!!"

At this moment, in the direction of the ghost king, there is a terrifying black sphere, like a barrier of absolute defense. I can't see what's going on inside. Does this guy have such a terrifying defense?

The answer was soon presented before their eyes, and the black barrier gradually disappeared...

A group of mysterious men in black stood in front of the ghost king at this moment, and the man in the front withdrew his outstretched hand: "Demon god barrier, loose!"

"They are..." Xiaoxiaofeng and the others stared at the group of men in black. Their appearance immediately broke the peace here. These people are actually protecting the ghost king. , Shadow stared at the group of mysterious men in black, a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes and said coldly: "Blood alliance!"

His words were not loud, but in the silent demon hall, he clearly conveyed to everyone present, the word "Blood Alliance", which immediately caused a lot of discussions around him.

"Do you still dare to appear in Xuanyuan Continent?" Shadow said coldly, his left hand was already behind his back.

"There's nothing wrong with it... Come and leave as you want." The men in black from the Blood Alliance said coldly.

"Since you're here, save your life!" Shadow suddenly launched an attack, appearing directly in front of this group of mysterious men in black like an afterimage, and the dagger instantly killed the leader!

Shadow remembers, it is the barrier he released!

The people in black were startled, but the leader did not panic. He stretched out a hand, and the moment the dagger pierced it, it stopped moving in the palm of his hand. Seeing this, there were exclamations from around.

However, the shadow's attack did not end. With his left hand put behind his back, he suddenly pulled out another dagger, and stabbed the opponent's head suddenly.

"A two-handed dagger? It's really time to use it, but it's a pity, Shadow, your opponent is me!" The man finally spoke, and Shadow's eyes trembled suddenly. Just as he was about to say something, his body flew out uncontrollably. In front of the man in black, he was knocked back a hundred meters!


Long traces were left on the ground, and the corner of Shadow's mouth showed blood red. He suddenly raised his head and looked at the man in black in horror and said, "Ancient Sword Soul!!"

"What, he's the ancient sword soul!" The word ancient sword soul immediately alarmed the surrounding people, Long Teng, Xiao Xiaofeng, Yu Fei and the others also looked at the members of the blood alliance with serious expressions. What is their purpose for coming here?

Grab the boss?No, it's not that simple. If it's about grabbing the boss, the ghost king is already dead.

"What? Was it a surprise? Don't you think that our blood alliance has disappeared?" Gu Jianhun's words reminded everyone that although the blood alliance has retreated, it is a pity that they still exist, and they are still as terrifying as before. No, even Even scarier.

"It's really surprising. I didn't expect that you, an old tortoise who was huddled in the dark camp, would actually go out in person. It's rare!" Shadow said coldly.

Hearing this, Gu Jianhun's expression didn't change at all, instead he sneered and said, "Well, you have to move your tibia occasionally, don't you? However, you don't seem worthy together."

"Damn it, what are you talking about!" He cursed directly, raising his weapon, as if he was about to go up and kill Gu Jianhun.

However, they were stopped by Ying Ying, and after only a moment of fighting, Ying Ying understood one thing, they and Gu Jianhun were no longer at the same level, no matter how many people there were, they were courting death!

"What are you trying to do?" Shadow asked coldly, looking at Gu Jianhun who was protecting the ghost king behind him.

"This, it doesn't seem to be your business, right? A group of ants feel dirty even if they kill you, go back and tell your president that I will be back, especially Yu Wuchen!!" After finishing speaking, Gu Jianhun and his party With the demon king, he disappeared without a trace...

In the entire magic hall, people with shocked faces were left behind! !

(First update in the morning)

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