It has been midnight since the arrival of the evil star. When the light of the morning shone on the land again, the haze in people's hearts could not be dispelled. The new batch of players who came back at night, when they saw the bloody moon in the sky, Can't help but exclaim again and again.

After some questioning, I learned that the whole world has been in chaos overnight. The era of the demon gods has come, and the arrival of the evil star has increased the power of all creatures of all the demons to more than 10 times.

Players who have experienced the power of demon monsters still have lingering fears. In order to protect themselves, countless players have entered the union city where the player is located. In some small cities, except for the territory guarded by the player, there is almost no player. The figure, because the current demon monsters have begun to wreak havoc on the earth.

Of course, people don't think this is the end. Those monsters of the Demon Race are not organized, they are just killing, as if they are the pioneers of the Demon Race, the real killing comes after this!

"President Broken Soul, the boss of our family welcomes you!!"

In Duanhun Wushang's residence, a man who claimed to be the envoy of the Blood Alliance appeared in front of people. As the strongest man in the dark camp of Xuanyuan Continent, when he heard the ancient sword soul, a murderous intent flashed in his eyes. It was because of him, It caused the power of the entire dark camp to collapse, and his own status also plummeted.

"The ancient leader seems to be too irresponsible? He disappeared for so long, and if he doesn't give us an explanation now, the leaders of the various guild leaders have great opinions!" Duanhun Wushang said to the envoy of the blood alliance with a gloomy face.

The envoy of the blood alliance smiled: "Everyone will know at a glance when they arrive at the destination. You don't need to explain, and you will understand what to do."

"Hmph! Gu Jianhun better give us a reasonable explanation!" Duanhun Wushang and the others stood up waving their robes, with a trace of dissatisfaction in their words. Hun is an unfathomable person, Duan Hun Wushang and the others have already suffered a loss, so they did not act rashly.

Devil's Temple!

At the junction of Yanhuang Xuanyuan, it is only [-] kilometers away from the city of sin. This distance may take some time in reality, but in the game, it only takes a moment.

When Duanhunwushang and other dark camp powerhouses secretly entered the Demon Palace, no one noticed. However, when the presidents passed by the Sin City, they found that the guards in the Sin City were ten times larger than before. And the players are all within the city, and there are very few players who go out to level up.

From the looks of it, the arrival of the evil star gave people a huge shock, and the current game world is in a tense situation.

The depths of the demon palace seem peaceful, but who can imagine that there are thousands of demon soldiers and generals hidden under this earth?This is the real elite warrior of the demon race, and the hundreds of millions of demon soldiers scattered all over the world have already received the orders of the major demon gods and began to gather in twos and threes. People have not discovered it yet, and when they find it, I'm afraid these magic soldiers have formed a terrifying force and are starting to attack the city.

"You guys are here..."

"Go in." The person who received Duanhun Wushang was the honorary president of the blood alliance, the acting president Ren Xiaoyao. He didn't talk much, and directly led everyone into the Demon Palace. This was Duanhun Wushang's first visit. .

For the first time, I was attracted by the shocking and gorgeous building, and then I was also infected by the surrounding atmosphere. The eerie, haze-filled hall made people gasp and tense.

In the main hall, Duanhun Wushang and the others saw the ancient sword soul, the same as before, with black robes, black hair, and blood pupils, but this time, they clearly felt the subtle changes in the ancient sword soul. This change, they I can't say it, but I can feel that the ancient sword soul is no longer the original ancient sword soul.

"Master Gu, what's the reason for calling me so urgently?" Duan Hun Wushang is also the number one expert in the dark camp of Xuanyuan Continent, and his strength goes without saying, otherwise Gu Jianhun wouldn't value their power so much.

Gu Jianhun turned his head back slightly, and smiled: "Big deal, brother Duanhun, we smart people don't speak dark words, so I'll just say it straight, I know you are dissatisfied with me, but no matter how dissatisfied you are, at this strength You must obey me, of course, I will not be the kind of unreasonable person, the dark camp, still regard you as the overlord!"

"Conditions!" Seeing that Gu Jianhun spoke quickly, Duan Hun Wushang didn't say much. In fact, he was not too greedy for the overlord of the dark camp. He just really wanted to know what this Gu Jianhun wanted to do.

"Brother Broken Soul is a demon clan, right? I can feel that under the nourishment of the evil star, your strength has increased by five times. As for the conditions? Hahahaha, the entire demon clan bows to me, the overlord of the dark camp, Do you think I like it? What I want is the whole world. Let everyone come here today to witness this historic moment. I have decided to march south and destroy the entire camp of light." With a word from the ancient sword soul, in the crowd Set off a stormy sea.

Eliminate the light camp?

"You're crazy!" Duanhun Wushang snorted coldly, destroying the camp of light, Duanhun Wushang and the others never even thought about it. After all, darkness and light have been opposed for thousands of years, and the situation has not changed.

"Crazy? Hahahaha, the next world is the world of my demon clan. I hope everyone will think about it carefully. You should know the information about the demon god's system last time, right?" Gu Jianhun grinned, but didn't finish.

Hearing this, Duanhun Wushang, Meng Tianshang and other strong men from the dark camp changed their expressions and looked at Gu Jianhun. Duanhun Wushang even pointed to Gujianhun and said, "Is it true that the player possessed by the demon god ...."

Gu Jianhun smiled without saying a word, acquiescing to this fact.

"Whether it is the dark camp or the light camp, or the whole world, will be wiped out under the iron ride of my demon warriors. You don't have much time to think about it. If you stand by me, act according to my plan. Otherwise!" Gu Jianhun said here, with murderous aura all over his body, the faces of all the presidents present changed, that terrifying aura completely suppressed their power!

The presidents of the major guilds fell silent, and Gu Jianhun's implication was obvious, especially after they knew that the player possessed by the demon god was Gu Jianhun. Sword Soul possesses a power they cannot resist.

"Anyway, it's just a game. If you choose the dark camp, there will inevitably be a battle. Why not accompany you crazy?" From that moment on, everyone had already guessed that there would be a day when they would have an all-out battle with the light camp. Having said that, in fact, their battle with the light camp had been going on from the beginning.

Gu Jianhun grinned, relying on the power of the magic soldiers alone is far from enough, after all, this time Gu Jianhun is facing Xuanyuan and Yanhuang, that is, the entire Huaxia District, if the power of players from the dark camp is added, then it will be even more powerful , Only in this way can one have enough power to destroy dreams!

Even with such terrifying power, Gu Jianhun still has a little fear in his heart towards the shining overlord star in the east.

"Then, what should we do in the first step?" Duanhun Wushang had already stood on Gu Jianhun's side anyway, so he had no other thoughts in his mind, and his madness would leave his reputation forever.

"First step? Tsk tsk tsk, I think you guys should understand the place closest to here?" Gu Jianhun smiled darkly. He had already planned it. From here, the soldiers would divide into two groups and attack Yanhuang and Xuanyuan!

"Crimson Continent in the City of Sin? However, the City of Sin is controlled by Dream Wuqing and others, and there are more than 500 million floating players. They want to gnaw this bone..." Duanhun Wushang analyzed, but he didn't finish. , but was interrupted by Lin Xiyang.

"We already have 300 million demon soldiers lurking around the city of sin. The total number of players in the dark camp is 5000 million, of which 5000 million are from the union strength of the dark camp. There are more than 3 million players scattered. This time the evil star With the advent of the new era, 3000 million Demon Race players have chosen to stand on the united front with us. That is to say, the combat power on our side has reached hundreds of millions. Well, we will win this battle!" Lin Xiyang grinned.

"The power of the evil star is not limited to this!" Suddenly, Gu Jianhun's figure flickered, and a smear of blood splattered immediately, and the arm that was broken and unscarred instantly fell off.

Before the people had time to get angry, they were stopped by Duanhun Wushang, and then a shocking thing happened, Duanhun Wushang's severed arm was healing and recovering quickly.

"As long as it shines under the power of the evil star, both its strength and resilience will be multiplied several times. Moreover, at the critical moment, the people of the demon race can immediately activate the potential of the evil star. After taking the evil medicine, they will gain even more power." Terrifying power!" The ancient sword soul was originally going to fight against the light camp, but it was delayed because of the last incident.

But what even Gu Jianhun himself didn't expect was that a bigger opportunity was ushered in now, a huge opportunity to avenge his shame and revenge!

"In 10 minutes, we will march against the City of Sin. We will give China a huge surprise. First, let's start with the City of Sin!" The ancient sword soul looked at the map on the inside of the palace, and the future human purgatory will be ashamed. Scenes of the world kept appearing in his mind, impacting his desire to conquer the world!

The Great War has finally come!

Crimson Continent, Sin City, the blood-red sky filled the sky above Sin City, there were 500 million players in the city on this day, and as the person in charge of Sin City, Ruthless was among them.

He stared overhead, frowning as if something terrible was about to happen.

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