The world of online games is invincible

1193 - The Beginning of the War

"You lunatic, Sin City has gathered players from all major guilds in Huaxia District. If you do this, it is like launching a war against the super unions in the entire Huaxia District!" A ruthless curse came from the air, almost spreading throughout the entire Sin City. city.

"Hahaha, so what? My Ancient Sword Soul, I am going to make an enemy of the world today!!" There was another shocking voice in the air. Ancient Sword Soul, the leader of the blood alliance, after several months of silence, Is war finally waged?

"Listen, brothers of Sin City, defend Sin City, brothers of dreams, get ready to fight!" There was a ruthless shout from the city channel. At this time, in the bustling streets and densely populated cities, Only then did people's exclamations come, and some people just woke up like a dream, and realized that the war has already begun!

The Lord's Mansion of the City of Sin!

"All soldiers obey orders, stick to the city gate, and fight against the enemy together with the adventurers!" The lord of Sin City naturally cannot stay away from the enemy. Sin City is something left to him by his ancestors, how can he discard it?

No matter how powerful the enemy is, Sin City has never given up lightly. When the war begins, it is about to start. 300 million troops immediately defend the gates of the city. The players in Sin City are also people who have experienced killing, organized and orderly. And under the call of the envoys of other major guilds stationed in Sin City, countless strong men boarded the city gate.

When everyone was fighting on the city gate, they discovered that the entire area around the city of sin was surrounded by demon soldiers, and it was impossible to escape. People were shocked, knowing that the war was inevitable. Without the slightest timidity, on the contrary extremely excited!

"Damn, damn demon monsters, let you go today and never return, brothers, let these bastards see how powerful our Sin City players are!" Sin City is a place to kill, so in The players here are all experienced in many battles. Although they are no match for the strong demons who have increased all attributes, they are still a formidable force when added together.

"Tsk tsk tsk, the war has begun!"

"The magic soldiers obey the orders, attack the city with all your strength, and slaughter the city!!" Following Ren Xiaoyao's order, the unprecedented mighty force of 500 million magic soldiers launched the first tens of millions of siege battles in history. Great, but with the help of the evil star, the demon soldiers and the demon clan are extremely terrifying. Millions of demon soldiers began to attack, and with the roar resounding through the sky, the prelude to the troubled times finally kicked off.

On the city wall, millions of players and troops launched an attack. These magic soldiers are extremely powerful, and the first wave of attacks is launched!

"Archers and magicians, prepare for long-range occupations, we must not let them capture the city~" On the walls of the city of sin, players organized themselves to fight against the magic soldiers. Countless magic arrows and sword-type long-range occupation players, All ready to fight.

"Brothers of the giant clan, defend the city!" Similarly, the warriors of the giant clan jumped off the city directly and activated the ability to become gigantic. In front of each city gate, there were thousands of giant clan waving The weapons in their hands blocked the advance of the demon soldiers.

How spectacular is the confrontation of nearly 2000 million people?The four major city gates are full of flames of war, the sound of shouts, drums, and killings is gathered together, deafening, resounding through the sky, and the grand siege scene is even more thrilling to watch!

"Brothers, kill!" Dongmen, Leng Zhuifeng and Xuenv organized the players to release attacks continuously, and the npc army did not stop for a moment. Below, announced the brief end.

"These bastards, come here if you can!" The giant orc players patted their chests, as if they hadn't enjoyed it yet, but in front of their eyes, the flames of war were already condensed, and the dust filled the sky.

The dust dispersed faintly, and people could clearly see the traces left after the first wave of battles. Countless arrows pierced the ground, and the ground was even more potholed. These were traces caused by magic, and there were also traces of countless sword cuts. Also clearly visible.

And in this wave of attacks, at least a million demon soldiers died, and none of the players defending the city were lost!

The first wave of battles was won, and everyone couldn't help screaming, which greatly boosted the morale of the players. However, when the people were extremely excited, those heads were pierced, their arms were blown to pieces, and only half of their bodies remained The magic soldiers were ready to move, and finally stood up!

"Hoo hoo hoo hoo!"

The magic soldiers who looked up to the sky and shouted, bathed in the luster of the evil star, their bodies began to recover, and their strength was expanding, and their bodies began to grow.

"These bloody bastards! Keep attacking!"

The second batch of magic bows and arrows was launched again, but this time it was not as simple as the last time. The magic soldier rushed to the city gate as if he had gone crazy, and kept crashing into the city gate with his body that was smashed in the flames of war. , The battle in front of the entire city gate was extremely fierce, but no one stopped. Everyone knew that this was a life-and-death battle. To be soft and kind is to be cruel to yourself!

"Did you see? The battle has already begun. My demon soldiers will bloodbath the entire city, including everything you want to protect. How about it? Now I will give you one last chance. Those who know the current affairs are the best." Gu Jianhun continued to say in a seductive tone.

"I'm sorry, my brothers, I will stick to the city of sin!!" With a burst of shouting, the Canhong Sword shines brightly, and a blood-red dragon surrounds Wuqing for a day. His fierce fighting spirit represents his heart , determined the ruthless answer.

"I don't know, then, let me see how many rounds the general of the dream side can go through in my hands?" Seeing the ruthless and ungrateful, Gu Jianhun's admiring gaze turned into a joke.

"Arrogant and conceited!" Wuqing snorted coldly, but he didn't dare to be careless. This person is very strong, with a trace of cold sweat oozing from his forehead, and the attack starts with the wind blowing!

"Dragon Slayer!"

"Dragon Yin flashes!"

The dragon groaned, the red divine dragon swung its tail, and ruthlessly charged at Gu Jianhun in a blink of an eye. Gu Jianhun stood there, unmoved: "Small tricks, why don't you show your real skills?"

Waving his hand, the wind fluttered, and the terrifying force directly sent the red dragon flying. The figure who had just attacked Ruthlessly retreated hundreds of meters away, his eyes were full of horror.

"Damn it, why are you so strong?" Although he knew that the person in front of him might be so strong that he couldn't fight against him, but he never thought that he was so strong that he didn't even have a chance to make a move.

His mind froze, he calmed down ruthlessly, the light of Canhong became more intense, he looked at Gu Jianhun and said coldly: "As you wish!"

"Can Hong.... Release your true power!!" Accompanied by a ruthless moan, Can Hong's sword body began to emit terrifying light, and the red dragon also began to soar into the sky, emitting a deafening dragon chant The sound, and then, the red dragon swooped down and rushed towards the body of the ruthless pair.

The red dragon has merged with Ruthless!

"This is the so-called Liberation of Artifact Spirits, right?" Seeing the ruthless soaring power and a brand-new posture appearing in front of him, Gu Jianhun smiled jokingly, not paying attention to it at all.

The brand-new Wuqing appeared in front of the ancient sword soul. Wuqing after the liberation of the weapon spirit, was dressed in a red fire armor, and a lifelike and vivid dragon was printed on the armor.

"Come on, let me see how far you can go if you liberate your spirit." Gu Jianhun smiled disdainfully.

In the ruthless red helmet, bloody eyes flashed suddenly, and in the next second, he appeared in front of the ancient sword soul.

"So fast!" Gu Jianhun couldn't help exclaiming in his mind, he couldn't see clearly at that moment just now.

"Dragon Fist!"

"Bang!" However, Wuqing is not a person who can pretend to be coercive. He immediately launched an attack without saying a word. The dragon fist struck out, and the terrifying golden dragon flew out of the air. With powerful force, it directly smashed the ancient sword. Soul's body was sent flying hundreds of meters away.


There were white ripples in the air, Gu Jianhun was knocked into the air, forced his body to stabilize, and the moment he raised his head, a layer of blood was superimposed in his blood-colored pupils, because Wuqing had already appeared in front of him.

"Dragon Beheading!!"

With the remnant rainbow in hand, you can slay the dragon!

The terrifying red slash fell a thousand feet, and cut down along the head of the ancient sword soul. In an instant, the world was dyed red by the blood-colored energy tide, and the earth seemed to vibrate violently at this moment.

"Attack with all your strength!!" Under the city wall, a large number of corpses of demon soldiers have been pushed. Although under the illumination of the evil star, their regenerative ability is very strong, but they are not invincible Xiaoqiang. Under it, nearly half of them were killed or injured.

Of course, after paying such a heavy price, all the giant players in front of them have been wiped out, and the four major city gates are already dilapidated. If this continues, it will only be a matter of time before the city gates are broken and captured.


At this time, a red light slanted down between the sky and the earth, covering the entire land, the dusty ground, the players at the east gate were still attacking, and in the slanting red light, suddenly a figure flew into the sky, He is the ancient sword soul!

Under such a terrifying attack, he was unscathed, and flew back to the original position. The ancient sword soul shook his neck, his bones creaked, and then looked at the shocked ruthless face, and sneered disdainfully: " Is it only this level? Come, give me a massage..."

Hearing this, Wuqing took a deep breath, of course he knew how powerful the dragon beheading just now was, but even so, he failed to cause the slightest harm to the man in front of him...

It is conceivable how terrifying the man in front of him is, but it is not a heartless character to admit defeat like this.

Taking a deep breath, Can Hong burst out with a fierce light, looking at the extremely powerful man in front of him, a trace of determination flashed in his ruthless eyes!

(Second update in the morning)

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