The world of online games is invincible

Chapter 205 - God Level Tailor - Yan Ran

After a big battle, all the members of the dream union, except Yuchen and a few crushes, started fighting monsters and leveling up, brushing dungeons, doing tasks, accepting all guild tasks, and started a busy day.

Because Yuchen's attribute is weak, there is no need to stay, so he resolutely went offline, and when he went online at night, Yihan and Ruoxue also went offline with him, and they were still ridiculed by everyone at that time.

In the hall, the silent silence made the atmosphere a little weird. Yuchen was sitting on the sofa, and two stunning beauties opposite him were looking at Yuchen with angry and questioning eyes, which made Yuda Qinshou feel uncomfortable.

"What's the matter? What's the matter?" Looking at Yihan's resentful eyes, Yuchen always felt uncomfortable, like a cat stealing fish, psychologically guilty.No, it's not right, I have nothing to do with Yihan?

Thinking of this, Yuchen puffed out his chest and asked...

"You bt!" Yihan pouted, and said viciously, Yuchen was startled, thinking what's wrong with me?

"Hehe..." Ruoxue on the side showed a smile, the plump Xuefeng was about to come out, Yuchen looked at it for a while, and his eyes couldn't leave the fascinating place!

"What are you looking at, to see your npc girlfriend? She is also very big there, oh... is it because someone likes big ones, so they are with an npc?" Yihan made a sudden realization look..

"..." This little girl is still very concerned about this matter?Yuchen's heart is depressed... I didn't expect Yihan to care about Yanran so much. Although Yanran is an NPC, Yuchen's heart is hard to let go. Thinking of that soft and beautiful girl, Yuchen has a layer of faintness. smile.

"Look at you, you're smiling so shamelessly, you must be thinking something wrong!" Yihan pointed at Yuchen, because it was winter, the two beauties were tightly wrapped, and they didn't give Yuchen any peeps at all. Therefore, Yuchen had no choice but to fall into YY.


"Okay, it's time, it's time for class~" Ruoxue looked at the time, it was almost afternoon, Ruoxue got up, the beauty Yihan also glanced at Yuchen angrily, the two beauties twisted the round body Little ass, coquettish left..

Yuchen, who left behind a wry smile, naturally understands Yihan's thoughts?

But?Can I really do it myself?The bored Yuchen opened his notebook, logged on to QQ, and there was an endless stream of Didi messages. There were a few messages from strangers, but Yuchen didn't pay attention at all..

At this time, the class group with the red mark rang out, opened QQ, and there were all kinds of bragging in it. Yuchen smiled lightly at this, another year?I don't know how are the brothers in my hometown?

After wandering around on QQ for a long time, I checked the time?The state of weakness seemed to be over, Yuchen disconnected from the internet, and when the phone was turned off, the stranger's message came to mind again!

"Are you here? Why don't you talk?" But Yuchen, who had already turned off his phone, didn't care too much. Now his heart is full of things about the game world!

Entering the game, the huge breasts appeared in front of Yuchen's eyes, and Yuchen slapped him fiercely. Yuchen quickly returned to the headquarters of the Dream Union in Phoenix City. He still has a lot to do!

First open the guild management!

Dream Union: Level 18 Members: 15000/13 Online: [-] I took a look, Xuaner beauty, Yihan and Ruoxue are already cold. These four beauties are not online, and the rest of them are frantically upgrading and doing tasks. In the thousand-square-meter mansion, there is only one person...

That is Yan Ran, no, now there is Yu Chen!

Thinking of that soft and beautiful girl, the most important thing is that Yan Ran has real material despite her young age, that plump and round Xuefeng is definitely taller and straighter than that young woman in Xuan Er, youth is the capital.

Quack, Yuchen said that he is evil. This guy is bare-chested, and his lower body is a big piece of broken steps. The handsome and gentle white clothes in the past are now rotten!

"Damn Chen Yong!" Yuchen yelled, this is the clothes Yanran gave him, and it contains a lot of love. While Yuchen was talking, he didn't know that Chen Yong had died for four days. This time, I went back to Xinshu Village.

There is a separate room in the silent trade union hall, Xiyuan. For the residence of the sixth-level trade union, Yuchen has to pay a rent of [-] a month. When will the resident be refreshed.

However, at that time, a bloody battle was inevitable.

In front of the garden in Xiyuan, flowers are blooming one after another. Here, a beautiful girl is taking care of these flowers and plants. Under the tight white clothes, she is exquisite and beautiful, and her bulging figure is perfectly outlined, especially that one For the gigantic Xuefeng, at least it is full of e.

Looking at the blooming flowers in front of me, Yan Ran carefully waters and fertilizes them. In this world, the so-called NPCs in the eyes of the players also have their own lives. They have their own ideas, their own race, and their own history. .

The empty garden seemed a bit lonely. For such a beauty, the watery eyes were still full of longing. She couldn't help raising her head and looked at the empty hall. The loss that could not be concealed appeared in her beautiful eyes. On a beautiful face.

At the moment when Yanran felt a little lonely, suddenly a strong arm hugged her body, feeling the hot body temperature, Yanran trembled, turned her head suddenly, but saw a familiar but unfamiliar face, With a smirk on her face, Yan Ran lowered her head shyly..

"Wife, how is it?" Yuchen said softly, smelling the fragrance from the girl's body without hesitation, the naked upper body, and the strong body, which made Yanran's heartbeat keep ringing, The little face was even more crimson.

"You're here." Yanran said softly. Although she had a lot of considerations in her heart, being hugged by Yuchen like this made her feel sweet in her heart. She couldn't help but think of the happy time when Yuchen accompanied her in the countryside, and she really wanted to go back to that time. when.

"Well, by the way, wife, look at my clothes..." Yuchen said weakly, leaning against Yanran's ear warmly, and said lightly, but his weak breath made the little beauty tremble, A tingling sensation flooded my body..

"It's okay, I can sew it up." Yan Ran turned around and raised her somewhat shy face, crystal clear skin, innocent eyes, and silky hair. At this distance, Yuchen couldn't help turning her gaze to Moving down a bit, there are a pair of plump snow peaks and that fascinating ravine.

For a burst of fragrance, looking at the beauty in front of him, Yuchen couldn't help but feel an evil fire rise in his body. Soon, his little Yuchen pressed against the girl's delicate body recklessly, feeling Yuchen's hot eyes And the body's reaction, the little beauty's beautiful face was blushing, her head lowered...

"Uh, this..." Yuchen smiled awkwardly, he is so hard-working now, his clothes and pants underneath were completely destroyed, at this moment, that huge small tent is shocking.

"Yeah." Yanran didn't speak, and responded softly. From Yanran's point of view, she has long been Yuchen's person. After getting married, the little beauty Yanran's heart was in turmoil, and her heart was touched inexplicably.

"Yanran, you are so beautiful." Yuchen couldn't help hooking the little beauty's chin, letting that delicate face appear in front of his eyes, looking down, there was a gully mountain, and Yuchen's blood boiled while looking at it, Yan Ran's face was already red to the fair neck.

Unable to control his emotions, Yuchen lowered his head and reached out to Yanran's light red lips. The touch between the two lips made Yuchen become a little crazy. He knew that Yanran was an NPC, but in his eyes, Yanran But a girl with flesh and blood, who has life like him...

His palms moved restlessly, and even penetrated into the girl's clothes, kneading constantly, the huge snow peak was deformed because of this, Yan Ran was already flushed, feeling Yuchen's strength, she couldn't help gently He replied: "Brother Wuchen...don't..."

Yanran's coquettishness made Yuchen's body tremble, and he quickly parted his lips, and quickly retracted his palm, seeing the tears contained in Yanran's beautiful eyes, Yuchen quickly hugged her in his arms: "Yanran, I like it." You, no matter your identity, so don't mind your identity, okay?"

Since learning the Yinlong Jue, Yuchen's perception has become strange. Yuchen has already guessed Yanran's thoughts and considerations. He doesn't want to wait until something happens before making a decision, so Yuchen will let him Yanran knows!

He, Yuchen, loves her!

Looking at Yuchen's firm gaze, Yanran suddenly started to cry. Yes, when she came to this beautiful and bustling city, looking at the beauties around Yuchen, Yanran's tears had already fallen quietly. I know that I am just an npc in the eyes of Yuchen and the others, and the girl who can spend a lifetime with Yuchen will never be her.

Therefore, there is a knot in Yanran's heart, and Yuchen, who has already noticed it, will naturally not let Yanran suffer any grievances, so even when Yihan is jealous, Yuchen's heart is not shaken in the slightest.

From the time he brought Yanran back from Xinshu Village, Yuchen had already made up his mind that as long as this game still existed, he would take care of Yanran for the rest of his life, until the end of time!

Crying in Yuchen's arms, letting the tears wet Yuchen's chest, after a long time, the sobbing gradually stopped, Yanran mustered up the courage to tap Yuchen's lips lightly: "Brother Wuchen... Yanran can't leave you."

"Well..." Yuchen said softly, leaning the girl in his arms, warm and sweet...

"Oh, that's right~" Yan Ran, who opened her heart, exclaimed for a while, and Yu Chen wondered, "What's wrong?"

"Hee hee, Brother Wu Chen, let me mend your clothes for you~" Yan Ran put her arms behind her back, blinked mischievously, her bright eyes were naturally charming, and Yu Chen was stunned for a while..

"Huh?" Yuchen responded, and walked into the room with Yanran..

"By the way, Yanran, what kind of tailor are you? Uh, what level is it?" Yuchen thought for a while, and asked in the most direct way.

Yanran blinked her big beautiful eyes and smiled, Yuchen was stunned when she saw it, Yanran smiled, so beautiful...

"Hee hee, I'm a god-level tailor~"

Yanran enters the door....

In the garden, the fragrance kept coming, leaving Yuchen with a dull and surprised face, Yan Ran turned out to be a god-level tailor! ! !

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