The world of online games is invincible

Chapter 208 – The Dream of the Prosperity

When Yuchen finished handling everything in the game world, it was already nightfall. Yanran's tailor shop will be opened next to the dream union. One of the residences where the major guilds randomly refreshed their residences, but Yuchen met the president of the chamber of commerce, and it was a matter of course.

Yan Ran, who became the proprietress, finally rejuvenated her original youthful vigor, her cute and innocent face was brimming with happiness, and she kissed Yu Chen hard, making this guy hold Yan Ran decisively and kiss her passionately...

In the end, Yanran was provoked into panting again and again, and this guy decided to go off the assembly line decisively. A burst of hot water washed away the evil fire in Yuchen's body for a long time, and when Yihan and Ruoxue came back, it was just What I saw was Yuchen's small towering tent..

And the person involved is naturally thick-skinned, and he even glanced at the two beauties proudly. At the dinner table, Yihan stared at Yuchen viciously, and the voices of jokes kept coming out. Finally, Yihan returned to her cute and playful appearance ..

It was night, a gust of evening wind was blowing on the balcony, wearing pajamas and a down jacket, Yuchen stood quietly under the night sky, the sky was full of stars, flashing neon lights, the bustling city night was even more charming.

"Can't sleep?"

Looking for the sound, Yuchen turned his face. On the balcony on the other side, Ruoxue gently fiddled with the reddish curly hair. The faint smile made this stunning beauty even more beautiful. At this moment, Ruoxue Wearing a light red down jacket, like Yuchen, it's pajamas inside.

A gust of wind blew by, and a girl's seductive fragrance came from Yuchen's nostrils. His eyes could not help but shift to Ruoxue's plump snow peak, and the 36d hot blood spurted Yuchen's evil fire during the day. With his forehead, the sperm molested his brain.

"Hey, that's right, I can't fall asleep because of what you think..." Yuchen shouted loudly because of the rapidity of his words.

But Ruoxue not only didn't get angry at all, but jokingly said, "Hehe, is that right? Me too~"

"Ah..." Yuchen was dumbfounded now, why is this girl Ruoxue as fierce as Yihan, she won't get pregnant if she teases me a bit, why does molestation turn into anti-molestation every time?Yuchen thought bitterly.

"There is lust but no courage, no wonder you and Yihan are still like this~" Ruoxue smiled, but in this cold winter, Yuchen's heart was warmed, as if bathed in the sun.

"Hey, come to my room if you have the guts to see if I have no guts!" In front of me, there is a peerless beauty, no matter how Yu Chen is a man, how can he show weakness?

"Would you like to come to our room? Oh, by the way, Yihan has a hobby, do you want to know?" Ruoxue pretended to be mysterious, and smiled winkingly, Yuchen was stunned.

"What is it?" Yuchen asked curiously with a raised expression.

"That's it..." As he spoke, he walked into the room, and then the two words came into Yuchen's ears. Suddenly, an unknown fire spread all over his body. The firm little Yuchen looked at his big hands again..

Could it be?Brother rely on this?

No, no, decisively flashing back to the room, that night, Yuchen completely suffered from insomnia, while in the room on the other side, Ruoxue fell asleep sweetly.

What did Ruoxue say?Only Yuchen knows...

In the early morning of the next day, the sun was shining brightly, but the cold wind was still piercing. That morning, Yuchen looked at Yihan, wishing that he could see through Yihan as if he had a supernatural power.

Under the curious and puzzled look of the little beauty, a group of people went online excitedly, because today will be the first day of the Dream Union's development!


A few white lights flashed. In the huge dream union headquarters, a total of 18 people, including the newly joined Feng Chuixue, were also extremely excited. The faces of the members were unabashedly excited and happy, "Brothers? Are you ready?" ?" Yuchen was a little excited, and even his little hands trembled a little. From a small person to the current president of a dream union, and now he has already become famous in the world. Although he has already realized it, a series of things happened. Chen's mentality is not mature enough.



"A group of wolves howling..." The beauties naturally followed behind the young woman Xuan'er, and had obviously become the eldest sister of this group of lovely and beautiful girls. trembling, this terrible goblin!

"Brother Wuchen, come on~" After leaving the door, the new store didn't have time to open, but Yanran was already taking care of everything, and she still said in a weak voice.

"Damn...can you open a shop here?" Wuxin and the others were surprised. You know that it is not allowed to open a shop here, but once it opens a shop, it will definitely be a hit, because this is a place where trade union personnel flow, and it is even more popular than the commercial street!

"Yeah!" Yuchen nodded.

"Hmph!" Yihan stomped her feet in dissatisfaction, and walked to the front, and everyone followed, already caught in excitement.

"Wu Lei, do you think there will be girls joining?" Long Xiaotian said expectantly.

"Huh? Xiaotian? What did you say?" Yudie Meimei appeared beside Xiaotian like a ghost, Xiaotian smiled innocently: "Ah... I remembered, wife, last time I bought a purple gold necklace , I forgot to put it there, I finally remembered, I’ll give it to you when I get offline.”

"Wow, really?" Yudie put her jade hand on Xiaotian's waist, Xiaotian was so miserable, so hard to tell... he could only nod his head.

"Hahaha." The crowd burst into laughter, and soon Yuchen followed. From behind, Yanran stared at Yuchen's departure, feeling very reluctant in her heart. She wished so much that she could be by Yuchen's side like Yihan and the others. Even if she can only watch silently, it is so happy for Yanran.

In the early morning, the scorching sun shone on the earth. This day was an uneasy day, because the recruitment information of the dream union had been advanced from three days to today. Countless masters, elites and rookies who had not joined the union all poured into the union management office...

A sea of ​​people, it is shocking to see.

Players who don't know why, and new rookies even saw the place where Yulia, the master of enhanced weapons, lined up from the union management office, spreading to the direction of the beautiful woman in the warehouse manager. At a glance, the number is not less At [-] to [-], there are even more players pouring in here.

For only one purpose, that is to join the dream union!

Today, the dream of the sixth-level trade union can have [-] elite members, [-] peripheral members, and [-] core members. The peripheral members are not included in the trade union. Eligible to enter..

Even Chen Yong's trade union had peripheral members who stepped forward, but now his trade union has been disbanded.

In this unprecedented prosperity, everything is because of dreams!

"What the hell...what are you doing? Is there any traffic jam? Where is the city manager? Don't care about it!" A player wearing a novice sword and wearing a novice suit yelled, in the game, it is not allowed to wear people, so, He was blocked by a crowd of players.

"Cut, Shabi!"

"2 Ah!"

People looked down on him, the rookie looked aggrieved, and couldn't help asking curiously: "Brother, what's the matter? Is there an event on the official website? Why are there so many people!" The depressed little rookie said with a puzzled expression. .

At this time, the players around became interested one by one, and said proudly: "You don't know, today is the first day of recruiting for the Dream Union, the first time!"

"Dream?" The little rookie said that he had never heard of it: "You can get beauties if you join? You can get money? Why are you so crazy?" Seeing that there are hundreds of thousands of players still emerging, this little rookie is shocked !

"Nothing!" The players said sonorously, but instead of being depressed at all, they were very excited, as if it was a great honor to be a part of the dream!

"A bunch of idiots!" The little rookie said dissatisfied!

"Grass mud horse, brothers, fuck him!" It's a pity that this little rookie hasn't changed his job yet, pk, of course he can't!He patted his butt proudly and glanced at the players in line with contempt. The little rookie said dissatisfiedly: "A group of 2bs who have nothing and rush to join? Is this world crazy?"

"Oh.. Forget it. By the way, the old lady is also in the game? Where will she be?" The little rookie shook his head, glanced at the queue full of people, glanced at it with contempt, shook his head decisively, and lost his way again. .

However... in the near future, this little rookie despised himself severely, because he would join this big family of dreams without hesitation in the future, a generation of warriors, and here he despised the union that will be regarded as a glory in the future!

When Yuchen and the others came here, they were already blinded by the scene in front of them. The popularity far exceeded their expectations. At a glance, there were 10,000+ players densely packed in a long line. When the members of the dream union saw this situation, they couldn't help trembling, but then they showed extremely excited expressions!

"Wow.. so many people!" Yihan blinked her lively eyes, showing a look of great anticipation.

"Damn, there are really girls!" Wu Lei and the others were also dumbfounded. Aren't those sexy and charming people in the distance women?

"Hehe, let's go!" Seeing Yuchen who was a little dazed, Silence was much calmer, and reminded him lightly.

Yuchen smiled awkwardly. He really didn't expect such a situation. Long and Long Xiang make trouble!

The dream union has ushered in the first moment of recruiting members. The rise of dream is bound to cause chaos in Phoenix City.

(Recommend a new book: Sword Emperor of Online Games)

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