The world of online games is invincible

Chapter 210 – The Dream of the Prosperity


There was a loud bang from the trade union management office, and as Yuchen's instant killing of Longxiang Tianmo came to an end, people looked at the situation in front of them with dull eyes. This sudden scene made everyone horrified.

They didn't expect that Yuchen actually made a move, which was tantamount to declaring war on Long Xiang!


Not far away, Jing Jing showed a smile as expected: "Now you have the consciousness of being a strong man, looking forward to it, looking forward to the time when I will fight with you one day!"

"This kid can actually move at a high speed in an instant, and make a powerful attack the moment he leaves the union management office. It's not easy!" Thunder God said with approving eyes.

"Am I dazzled? He actually used his hands to attack?"

"No, to be precise, he has skills attached!" Ye said quietly and sharply, his eyes were full of hot light!

"Hehe, in this way, it seems that Long Xiang won't be so willing to let go, why? Are we going to show up?" At this moment, a man with a smile appeared in front of An Jing and the others, and he also followed behind him. A group of extraordinary masters.

"Of course we want to go! This is the process of the rise of the union!" Seeing the person coming, An Jing smiled lightly. In fact, he and Yan Yu had already made an appointment to come here, because they knew that someone would definitely come to make trouble today!

"That Longxiang Tianmo probably didn't expect that Wu Chen would be so sharp, he would do it as soon as he said it, he really has the demeanor of my brother back then!" Yan Yu said with a proud face, it seems that they have not misunderstood him!

"Come on! Let's go..." Jing Jing, Misty Rain, and the simultaneous appearance of the two major trade unions will naturally cause quite a stir!

However, the development of the matter was beyond the expectations of Panlong and Longxiang, even the dead Longxiang Tianmo never expected that Yu Wuchen would actually make a move, and that shocking shot instantly killed Longxiang Tianmo's The moment still echoes in people's minds!

"Grass mud horse, Yu Wuchen, you are looking for death!" When people came back to their senses, what they heard was Long Xiangxia's loud shout. More than 500 people came today, and Long Xiang was going to teach Yuchen and others a lesson , but did not expect Yuchen to be so powerful!

"Wrap up! Surround all the people who dream of the union, and don't leave a single one!" Longxiang Tianxia and Longxiang God of War were furious, and the two rushed into the union management office first, and then more than [-] people surrounded Yuchen and others. Surrounded!

"Kill! Avenge the head of Tianmo Branch!" Long Xiang Tianxia was filled with righteous indignation, but he wished that Long Xiang Tianma would die, he just found a chance to kill Yu Wuchen!

The 500 people killed without the slightest hesitation. However, at the moment when they did it, just halfway through the activation of their skills, a bright light suddenly shone on the entire venue!

"We must not cause trouble and seek revenge in the sacred place, otherwise don't blame the old man for being rude!" Still in that chilling scene, Makarov, who fell from the sky, felt that a big battle was about to happen in the union, and came out to stop him again. !

"You stupid old man, you don't care about the murder just now, you have to care about it before we do it! You are a mud horse!" Long Xiang God of War yelled, and when Long Xiang's members heard it, they became anxious!

Why is it okay for Yuchen to do it?The old man came out immediately after they did it?

"Kill me!" Regardless of Makarov's coercion, Long Xiangtianxia shouted, and even took the lead in killing Yuchen!


The members of the dream set up their weapons to defend, Yuchen signaled everyone not to act rashly, and looked at Makarov in the sky. His strength is beyond the comprehension of the players!

"Stubborn!" Makarov frowned in the sky, and his golden and white cassock fluttered in the wind. He stood in the air, "I'll give you three seconds to leave! Otherwise, don't blame me for killing me!"


"Kill!!" Long Xiangtianxia still killed Yuchen angrily. He wanted to take revenge for so many days and nights, and he never wanted to miss this opportunity!


"Closer!" Seeing Yuchen getting closer, Long Xiangtian couldn't help being excited and trembling, and the sharp sword in his hand suddenly shone with light: "Sword rain all over the sky!!!"

"1!" The moment he activated the skill, an extremely strong and old voice came from the sky. The veins on Makarov's forehead were exposed, and an extremely fierce golden light flashed all over his body!

"Union law!!"

Makarov was furious, and a golden energy ball condensed between his fingers. At the moment when the Longxiang Guild launched an attack, the golden light was like a shining small sun. The dazzling light made everyone close their eyes!

When the light dissipated and people opened their eyes, what they saw was the terrifying moment in front of them!

Under the shining of those golden rays of light, the members of the Longxiang Union began to be devoured, some disappeared from the feet, and some disappeared from the head, it was as terrifying as hell on earth!

"If you dare to fight here again, this is the end. I hope everyone will remember it!" Makarov's strong warning sound came from the sky. After a while, it seems that all plans will be changed in advance!

When the light in the sky completely dissipated, the trade union management office returned to calm, and the audience was a little silent. In the silence, one could hear the sound of wind formed by the beating of one's own heart and the surrounding air currents, and white ripples from the rolled up dust.


"Hahaha, good boy, not bad!"

At this moment, two voices pulled people back from the shock, and they gathered themselves together. The players around them came back to their senses in horror, showing shocked expressions!

"misty rain!"

"The night is quiet! Are they coming too?"

"Could it be that the Dream Union is really an ally of Floating Life in the last days??" For a while, the whole union management office was full of ups and downs, and people's eyes were full of surprise and joy!

"It's just right for you to come!" Yuchen smiled. He naturally knew the intention of the two appearances, and the rest of the members finally showed rare smiles. Today is a happy day for them!

"The allies are expanding, why not come?" Quiet's words were deliberately loud, and everyone in the silent audience could hear them clearly!

"It's a great honor!" Yuchen and An Jing sincerely held hands together, watching Misty Rain next to him with a chill: "Do you young people like basic love so much these days?" Quiet contempt.

"Today, I am mainly announcing one thing. Starting today, Yanyu Jiangnan will become an ally with Mengmeng. Whoever dares to disrespect is dissatisfied with me, Yanyu Jiangnan!" Within Phoenix City, Yanyu Jiangnan has such abilities Say so!

For a moment, the audience was in an uproar, and the players who were still hesitating just showed firm eyes, that is to join the dream union!

Seeing this, Yuchen waited until the time was right: "Okay, everyone can continue, don't disturb our mood because of the barking of one or two dogs!"

"Now, the recruiting starts, and those who are willing to join are still saying that!" Yuchen waved his hand, and then the crowd rushed into the union management office like a stream, where there were no tears, no heart, silence, cold, screaming Tian, ​​Yihan, Ruoxue, Xuan'er and others are so busy!

The most shocking thing is that the beauty of Xuan'er gathered more than half of the people present. There was no other reason. After taking off the thin veil, the beautiful lava was clearly presented in front of people's eyes. At that moment Countless men were crazy about it, rushing toward Xuan'er continuously.

"Hmph, Sister Xuan'er is really despicable~" The little girl Yihan revealed dissatisfied eyes, and then lifted the veil, which shocked countless people. There are so many beauties in the Dream Union?

However, in the end, after Ruoxue took over the veil, the audience was shocked and in an uproar. Joining the trend of dreams was even more terrifying, and all this made Shen Mo, Xiao Tian, ​​Wu Xin and others dumbfounded...

The power of Nima beauty is really great!

There are only a handful of people queuing in front of their eyes...even the most are girls, which made Long Xiaotian very happy, but Yudie appeared beside him like a ghost. Xiaotian on the girl's little hand suddenly withered!

"Miss Moon Flower, may I join the dream?" A row of people, several cuties asked a lot of tricky and weird questions, although there were a lot of people who joined, no one succeeded.

"Hey, it's you!" There was a blush on Ruoxue's beautiful face, this man was obviously the man who helped them out, the sun was setting!

"Hehe, it's so rare if... well, Miss Yuehua still remembers me, I'm so honored!" The sun was setting, talking and laughing happily, her handsome face can definitely make countless women fall in love with her, Ruoxue nodded excitedly: "Well, Yuchen will definitely Will agree."

The little beauty Ruoxue thought happily in her heart, so Yuchen has another expert to help, right?The joyous Ruoxue didn't notice the admiring gaze she was looking at her as the sun set...

Seeing the crowds swarming in, the beauties were extremely hot. Soon, Yuchen's trade union members rose from 18 to 3000, and the peripheral members reached 2!This terrifying speed is still growing continuously!

"How is it? Doesn't it feel good?" An Jing patted Yuchen's shoulder and said with a smile.

"It's so-so!" Yuchen said vaguely, but this feeling made his blood boil.

"The mission of the Chamber of Commerce in two days...?" Misty Rain said calmly from the side.

"Huh? How did Brother Yanyu know?" The smart Yuchen thought about it, showing a somewhat surprised expression: "No way? You also accepted the mission?"

"Hehe, to be more precise, we have accepted another mission!" Jing Jing smiled lightly, and Yu Chen immediately became more cautious: "I just said why you are so kind, there is something wrong with your relationship!"

"Your is really helping you!" An Jing glanced at Yu Chen with contempt!

"Yes, yes, sincerely!" Misty Rain also echoed.

"What's the matter?" Yuchen's expression was raised, Yan Yu and Jing Jing appeared at the same time, and he was added?It seems that this matter is not small!

Ye Jingjing said something in Yuchen's ear, and then Yuchen's expression became wonderful, first shocked, then relieved, and finally the three of them smiled knowingly, what did they say?

"In that case, I have no objection, I'm short of money!" Yuchen smiled smugly, this plan was too timely for him!

"Ok! See you at the Chamber of Commerce in two days!"

"See you in business!"

What exactly are Yuchen, Yanyu, and Jingjing plotting?What do their sinister smiles mean?I'm afraid someone will suffer...

(Flowers, my God, I want to die, there are only 20 flowers a day, how can you make me feel so embarrassed!)

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